For the love of food....Za ljubav prema hrani....
Whenever I don't feel like myself, I always eat something and I feel better right away. I sometimes joke about that, but I don't think it is such a bad thing. We have started to see food as an enemy. Food is a part of life, so why not enjoy it? For me food is (apart from something to be enjoyed) is a way to express my creativity. I love trying out new recipes and inventing new dishes. Generally speaking, preparing food puts me in a good mood. Eating that food has the same effect- as I already explained. Today I'm sharing some cakes that I prepared in this month of love.
Love is a fascinating phenomenal isn't it? Often it takes all we got, but it makes us feel liberated and free. The right kind of love always enriches us. It gives us strength. Being bound to somebody actually sets our free. Why is that so? Perhaps because we're created to love. What do you think? I think that love never goes out of style. I believe that every month is a good month for love....every day is a good day to love....and every minute....and every second. You know me, I believe in fairy tales. Good food. Friends. Small pleasure. Precious moments. I believe in love.
Kad god nisam sva svoja, pojedem nešto i odmah se osjećam bolje. Često se šalim na račun toga, ali ne vidim to kao neku lošu stvar. Počeli smo gledati na hranu kao na neprijatelja. Hrana je dio života, pa žašto ne bismo uživali u njoj? Za mene je hrana (osim nečega u čemu treba uživati) također i način izražavanja kreativnosti. Volim isprobavati nove recepte i smišljati nova jela. U pravilu, pripremanje hrane me oraspoloži. Jesti tu hranu jednako tako, kao što sam već objasnila. Danas sam pripremila mali pregled kolača koje sam pripremila u ovom mjesecu ljubavi.
Ljubav je zanimljiv fenomen, zar ne? Često nam za nju treba sve što imamo, ali čini da se osjećamo oslobođenima i slobodnima. Prava ljubav nas uvijek obogaćuje. Daje nam snage. Biti vezan uz nekoga nas zapravo oslobođava. Zašto je tomu tako? Možda jer smo i stvoreni za ljubav. Što vi mislite? Ja mislim da ljubav nikada ne izlazi iz mode. Ja vjerujem da je svaki mjesec dobar mjesec za ljubav......i svaki dan....i svaka minita....i svaka sekunda. Znate mene...ja vjerujem u bajke..i dobru hranu. Prijatelje. Mala zadovoljstva. Dragocjene trenutke. Vjerujem u ljubav.

It's important to eat naturally but it's harmful to eat more.
ReplyDeleteyes, moderation is key.
Deleteit looks sweet and delicious:)
ReplyDeletethank you<3
DeleteLooks appealing and delicious, I wish I could try them all! What's the point of life if there is no love in it (including the love of food, hehe)?
ReplyDeletethank you Olga. I totally agree:):).
DeleteLooks so delicious) Thanks for sharing)
Deleteohh its so yummyliscious... wish could try..
ReplyDeletelets connect each other..
thank you Maisha.
DeleteI like this so much!
ReplyDelete** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!
Great post dear! ♥ I follow you
Delete'Ja vjerujem da je svaki mjesec dobar mjesec za ljubav......i svaki dan....i svaka minita....i svaka sekunda. Znate mene...ja vjerujem u bajke..i dobru hranu. Prijatelje. Mala zadovoljstva. Dragocjene trenutke. Vjerujem u ljubav.' - potpisujem svaku riječ, slažemo se u potpunosti bez prevelikog objašnjavanja :) I tako bi rado sad smazala jedan od ovih kolačića, baš bi mi dobro došlo kao desert nakon pizze! :)
ReplyDeletehvala ti draga:) da ga mogu nekako poslati, bi:)
DeleteYou inspire me.
DeleteEverything looks absolutely delicious! Thanks so much for sharing <3
ReplyDeleteXO Jessi,
thank you Jessi
DeleteIo sono veramente negata per la cucina ( ma sul serio: ogni volta che provo a cucinare quacosa prende fuoco o si rompe un'elettrodomestico, o una cose del genere...), ma per fortuna mia mamma è una cuoca eccellente che mi prepara spesso e volentieri quello che preferisco!
ReplyDeleteIo poi sono golosissima, e tutti questi dolci mi fanno venire l'acquolina in bocca solo a guardarli! :D
anch'io sono golosissima....e anche la mia mama e una cuoca eccellente...mi manca la sua cucina:)
DeleteChissà che buoni!!
Delicious! Kisses:)
Salivei nas fotos, amo fazer pratinhos especiais
DeleteLooks delicious!
ReplyDeleteDear, special friend. YOU ARE LOVE. <3 I'm so happy to have you in my life.. I'm so happy to know you, a heart full of colours, light, art and bless. You0re really my favourite artist.. and yes, I agree with you. When I'm blue (mmh, always in these weeks!!).. I eat something good too. And I feel better. So strange? No, maybe is the power of sweetness and love. Tutto quello che cucini è pieno di amore, lo si vede amica mia! Sei unica e speciale... e vorrei tanto essere li con te per mangiare una di queste delizie insieme! TI VOGLIO BENEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <3
ReplyDeletegrazie mia amica di coure:)!!!!
DeleteI'm with you and I also like to express my creativity through food. I rarely use recipes and I sometimes like to challenge myself to create new dishes with items I have in my refrigerator and pantry. It is enjoyable and also helps me to make sure that nothing goes to waste :) These cakes look delicious and beautifully presented!
ReplyDeleteyes, that's the perfect thing to do.
DeleteIn fact for the love of food. Well... i never had problems with food, i'm more the kind of person to eat, eat, eat and eat and never gain a gram. I love for and like you said it's part of life. I started with fruits salade what i intend to share on my blog. These deserts look awosome and the cliked pictures are awesome ! Nice post
ReplyDeleteXoX - Vettae
I love eating too!
DeletePerfect and delicious
ReplyDeleteEverything looks so yummy! You have to share the recipes, too!
ReplyDeletehahaha yes don't we just love such yummy treats but .... what about our hips? ;) . And love - yes - all we need is ... LOVE :). Have a great weekend - Margot :)
ReplyDeleteI ja verujem u ljubav, i u bajke, kao i u stvaranju svoje bajke na sve moguće načine. Ljubav je na kraju krajeva jedna od retkih pojava koje su zaista i bitne, a čine život lepšim i lakšim. Nekada nismo ni svesni koja je privilegija imati ljubav i živeti u ljubavi.
ReplyDeleteKolačići deluju izvrsno i rado bih probala od svega po malo :D Ja sam definitvno tip kojem se gasi apetit u kriznim situacijama, ali zato u normalnim okolnostima uživam maksimalno i volim da otkrivam nove ukuse, recepte i slično :)
I agree we need to enjoy our food, I think it is great that like cooking so much... I loved cooking when I was younger... I have been starting to cook a little more these days. You sound like you have a very creative side in so many ways xox
ReplyDeleteThose look delicious Ivana! I do the same thing. We must treat ourselves.
I ja isto tako! Mmmm, koje poslastice, pravo uzivanje za oci, a bogami i za nepca :-)