Anya and Her Wings / Anja i njena krila (book review and recommendation/ ogled knjige i preporuka)

A package from Amazon arrived at my door two days ago.  I was so happy when my husband brought the package in ( the postman didn't bother to ring the door, he just left it there), because I was extremely eager to read this book- and I knew what the package contained because it is the first thing I've ever ordered from Amazon.  Speaking of firsts, this is the first time I'm reviewing a book from a fellow blogger so that's an added bonus too. This book was written by Natalia Lianina and illustrated by her brother Andrei Lialin. I've been following Natalia's blog in the writer's closet for a while now. I find her blog to be very inspirational and creative space and I would certainly recommend everyone to visit it. Right now there is a fashion link up at her blog, so do check it out. Anyone is invited to join in. Perhaps some of you (those of you with a good memory) may even remember that I took part in Natalia's writing link up? A while back, I also did an illustration of her (here).

Paket s Amazona stigao mi je na vrata prije dva dana. Bila sam tako sretna kada mi ga je muž unio u kuću (naravno poštar ga je samo ostavio vani jer mu se nije dalo zvoniti), jer sam jedva čekala pročitati ovu knjigu- i znala sam da je knjiga u pitanju jer je to prva stvar koju sam naručila s Amazona. Kad smo već kod tebe prvih stvari, ovo je prva knjiga od blogokolegice koju ću recenzirati tako da je i to dodatni plus. Ovu knjigu je napisala Natalia Lianina , a ilustrirao ju je njen brat Andrei Lialin. Već duže pratim njen blog in the writer's closet (poveznica u engleskom dijelu teksta). Uvijek volim svratiti na njen blog jer je to jako nadahnjujuće i kreativno mjesto i svakome bi preporučila da ga posjeti. Trenutno je jedan modni link up u tijeku na koji je svatko pozvan, tako da se slobodno priključite. Oni od vas koji imaju bolje pamćenje sjetit će se da sam nekad sudjelovala i u njenim zajedničkim poveznicama (link ups) za pisce. Prije nekoga vremena, napravila sam i jednu njenu ilustraciju.

Let's back to the subject of this post and that would be this wonderful book. What kind of book is it? A very special bilingual book, written in English and Russian. It is a colouring and practice book.  Every page of this book contains a new illustration that is followed by a different activity and questions connected with the illustration that preceded them. What lovely illustrations they are! The illustrations are so beautiful and unique. Andrei has got such a special illustration style. 

The material of this book is of excellent quality. The sheets are very thick, so you can choose different media for colouring of these illustrations. You don't have to limit yourself to colouring pencils, you can choose markers, crayons and perhaps even acrylics. The way the book is designed also enables you to take individual pages out for framing or inspirational boards. I would say that it is a wonderful tool for development of creativity and imagination. This idea behind this colouring book is to enable its reader to find his/hers own answers to questions and activities presented in this book, so that makes it perfect for developing of imagination. Moreover, the book can be used as an additional tool for language learning. 

Vratimo se natrag na temu ove objave, a to bi bila ova divna knjiga. O kakvoj je knjizi riječ? O jako posebnoj dvojezičnoj knjizi, napisanoj na engleskom i rukom jeziku. To je bojanka i vježbanica. Svaka stranica ove knjige sadrži novu ilustraciju koju prati različita aktivnost i pitanja povezana s ilustracijom koja im je predhodila. A kako su divne ilustracije! Andrei ima jako poseban stil ilustriranja. 

Materijal ove knjige je odlične kvalitete. Listovi su jako debeli, tako da možete odabrati različite medije za bojenje ovih ilustracija. Ne morate se ograničiti na bojice, možete koristiti markere, bojice, a čak i akrilne boje. Način na koji je knjiga osmišljena omogućava vam da izvadite pojedine stranice za uokvirivanje ili ploče inspiracije. Rekla bi da je ovo odlična knjiga za razvoj kreativnosti i mašte. Ideja iza ove bojanke je omogućivanje svome čitatelju da sam pronađe svoje odgovore na pitanja i aktivnosti koje su u knjizi, tako da je to čini savršenom za razvoj mašte. Uz to, knjiga se može koristiti kao dodatan alat za učenje jezika. 


Anya and Her Wings vol.2  is a children's book, but naturally it can be used by adults as well. As you know, colouring books for adults have been very popular lately. They are supposed to be very good for helping us get rid of stress. You may use it that way if you want. That's an alternative way to use it and a good one, but I think that the most ideal way to use this kind of book is to turn it into a collaboration between children and their caretakers (parents or teachers). Nowadays, kids spend so much time behind screens. It is important for children that we (the adults)  encourage them to partake in activities that would help them develop hand coordination. I don't need to stress the importance of reading, do I? We need to get them away from screens ,at least occasionally, if we don't want their eyesight to suffer! Furthermore, we adults spend way to much time behind screens. Family dynamics are being changed by technology and not always in a positive way. Getting away from it all and taking a book in your hands can be the perfect way for you to create precious family memories.  Sure, the kids can use this book by themselves, but I would advise the parents to always take an active part in their kids' activities. Always show interest in their hobbies! Children grow up so fast, taking the time for creating family memories is so important. For that purpose, I do recommend this book!

Anja i njena krila dio drugi je dječja knjiga, ali naravno da je mogu koristiti i odrasli. Kao što znate, bojanke za odrasle su jako popularne u zadnje vrijeme. Kažu da su odlične za oslobođavanje od stresa. Možete ju i na ovaj način koristiti. To bi bila alternativna upotreba koja nije loša, ali ipak mislim da je najidealniji način za koristiti ovu knjigu je pretvaranje nje u suradnju između djecu i onih koji rade ili se brinu o njima, pa bilo to roditelji ili učitelji. Danas, djeca provode previše vremena ispred ekrana. Bitno je za djecu da im mi odrasli pružimo poticaj da se bave aktivnostima koje će im omogućiti bolju kordinaciju rukom. Ne moram ni spominjati koliko je čitanje bitno, zar ne? Moramo djecu maknuti od ekrana, barem povremeno, ako ne želimo da njihov vid pati. Štoviše, mi odrasli provodimo previše vremena iza ekrana. Obiteljsku dinamiku promijenila je tehnologija i ne nužno nabolje. Maknuti se od svega i uzeti knjigu može biti savršen način da se stvore dragocjene obiteljske uspomene. Svakako djeca se mogu ovom knjigom služiti i sama, ali ipak bi roditeljima preporučila da sudjeluju. Uvijek pokazujte zanimanje za aktivnosti i hobije djece! Djeca tako brzo odrastaju, stoga je uzimanje vremena za stvaranje obiteljskih uspomena je jako važno. U tu svrhu, svakako preporučujem ovu knjigu. 

    You can order this book on Amazon here. For other ways of purchasing this book, you can contact the author here

   Možete ovdje  naručiti ovu knjigu na Amazonu. Za druge načine kupovine, javite se autorici ovdje


  1. Piacerebbe tantissimo alla mia Rebecca questo libro!
    Buona domenica cara!
    Kisses, Paola.

  2. What a cute book, and wonderful illustrations. So nice of you to support a fellow blogger, I'll definitely check this book out. I regularly order from Amazon!

    1. thank you, there is also the full story version, available in both Russian and English. I'm sure that one is lovely too.

  3. Oh what a lovely book for her to create! Thanks for sharing it, although I don't speak any Russian I like that it has English in it too. Like you said, this looks like a really fun book to go through with a child and enjoy it together. When anyone asks what to get the boys as a present I always suggest books - I love reading to them and they love books. The toddler is a little too uncoordinated for books like these, he just has a big blank notepad we scribble and draw in together, but soon he will be doing activity books like this :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. It is so great that you read to them. I truly believe it does wonders for kids, and it is always nice when families spent quality time together.

  4. Dearest Ivana,
    I also like to visit the blog of Natalia - and I have seen that they are all a very artistic family. The book is another proof of this - beautiful illustrations and an interesting idea to write a children's book bilingual. Thanks for the book presentation!
    Hugs from here,

    1. thank you....and yes, they're a very artistic family.

  5. So interesting post!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  6. how cute :)
    un bacio

  7. very interesting post! =)I did not know you, do you want us to follow each other on GFC and Google+? You tell me on my blog!

  8. che bello questo libro

  9. Very thoughtful words " Children grow up very fast, taking time to create family moments is important"

    Thanks for such touching words <3 <3

  10. It's even nicer, because you follow the blogger. I love this Ivana! This book teaches so many things and provides activities.

  11. Dear Ivana, many thanks for sharing Natalia's book! I see it's wonderful and now I'm already thinking about if I know children who speak English that I can gift this book. I order very often from Amazon - already since many years and I'm always satisfied with the service from Amazon. It is really a pity that you don't speak German! Because I would love to gift you my book - but my book unfortunately is only available in German language. Have a happy new week.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  12. That is a lovely idea for a book! How clever of her to have created this! It looks v good quality! x

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Mene su oduševile korice knjige još kad sam je ugledala na tvom IG-u, sada je me je potpuno očarala :) Liči mi na koncept u kojem sam i sama jako uživala kao dete, a verujem da bih i danas. Stvarno je fantastičan spoj jezika, bojenja, priče. Ma ja nisam videla nešto slađe u poslednje vreme! :) <3

    1. hvala ti, stvarno je divna ova bojanka. Ja sam isto kao dijete jako uživala u ovakvim knjigama.

  15. Sounds like a beautiful book for kids. Thx for sharing with us, Ivana. Wishing you a fantastic start into a happy new week, girl.
    latest look: 🎭 Don Quixote 🎭

  16. My dearest friend, I can't tell you how very touched I am with your real, active support that you grant my brother and me! Thank you for going through all this trouble to order the book from the US, and writing such a thoughtful review! As soon as I have books on my hands, I will mail the English story to you as a token of appreciation for your friendship!

    I agree with all you said here - this book really is designed as both stimulating creativity and spending quality family time with children. You are a very, very wise woman, Ivana!

    Thank you again! Lots of love and gratitude <3 <3 <3


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