Purple dreams / Ljubičasti snovi

If this outfit looks familiar, it is because I wore a similar one a while back (I wore it with a black blazer then). In fact, these photographs were taken last Spring, but I haven't shared them yet. Tonight seems as a good time as any, so here it is: one colourful outfit (gold, purple, caramel and blue). Lately, I haven't been wearing colour as much, so a nice little #throwback might help me get my groove back. I do love colour. If you have seen any of my fashion illustration, you know that I have this thing about colour purple.

Ukoliko ova kombinacija izgleda poznato, to je zato što sam nosila sličnu prije dosta vremena (tada sam je nosila s crnim blajzerom). Zapravo su ove fotografije nastale prošloga proljeća, ali ih nisam još podijelila. Večeras se čini kao dobro vrijeme, tako da evo ga: jedna šarena kombinacija (zlatna, ljubičasta, karamel). U zadnje vrijeme ne nosim boje tako često, tako da mi mali povratak u stare dane možda pomogne da povratim svoj stil. Doista volim boje. Ako ste vidjeli neke moje modne ilustracije, onda znate da sam posebno slaba na ljubičastu. 

Speaking of illustrating, I have good news. I found one really great fashion illustrating YouTube channel that I want to share with you. You can check it out here. It is run by Zoe Hong. She is a fashion designer and illustrator. Moreover, she teaches fashion design and illustration. Everything you need to know, it is on this channel. So, if you are even remotely interested in fashion or illustrating, you should look it up. Even if you're not, go and check it out, she's so adorable, you're probably going to love her. I subscribed and I'm sure I'll benefit from it. It is always so motivating when you find people who are so open to wards sharing what they know. I love seeing people being passionate about their work. It always makes me want to do more in every aspect of my life. 

Kada smo već kod ilustracija, imam dobre vijesti. Pronašla sam sjajan YouTube kanal koji želim podijeliti s vama. Možete ga pogledati ovdje. Vodi ga Zoe Hong. Ona je modni dizajner i ilustratorica, a što je još bitnije, ona podučava modno crtanje, ilustraciju i dizajn. Tako da sve što trebate znati možete pronaći na tom kanalu. Tako da ako vas imalo zanima moda ili ilustracija, pogledajte ga. Čak i ako vas ne zanima, pogledajte ga jer je jako draga i vjerovatno će vam se svidjeti.  Ja sam se preplatila i sigurna sam da će mi koristiti. Uvijek je motivirajuće kada pronađete ljude koji su voljni dijeliti svoje znanje. Volim vidjeti ljudi koji vole svoj posao. To me uvijek motivira da se više trudim u svim aspektima života.

I like sharing my creative projects on this blog. As far as I remember I always loved DIY projects, crafts and making things with my own hands. This year I've been more focused on illustrating and painting, but I still enjoy DIY projects. I shared some of them on this little place of mine and I have quite a few more prepared for you. I didn't have time to take proper photographs of that Christmas card that I (together with some other items) donated to be sold for charity, but I posted about it on my Instagram (here).  I hope I'll have time to make some more of those before Christmas. So, that would be all for today. If you wish to see some specific posts more often on this blog, feel free to say so. I did make that video with a sum up of most of my paintings and illustrations from this year, but it is so long, I'm not even sure should I post it. I had no idea that I have made so many! I've been working hard on developing my drawing skills this year and now I have this feeling that I need to get to the basics again. That's life. Always learning. 

Sviđa mi se dijeliti svoje kreativne projekte na blogu. Koliko se sjećam uvijek sam voljela sama izrađivati stvari, smišljati nešto novo ili praviti nešto svojim rukama. Ove godine sam bila malo više usmjerena na ilustriranje i slikanje, ali još uvijek volim praviti stvari. Podijelila sam neke od tih projekata na ovome mome virtualnom kutku, a imam ih još dosta spremnih za vas. Nisam imala vremena uslikati dobre slike one božične čestitke koju sam zajedno s još nečim donirala za dobrotvornu prodaju, ali sam je objavila na svom insta profilu (ovdje). Nadam se da ću ih imati vremena još napraviti prije Božića. To je sve za danas. Ukoliko imate nekih posebnih želja o tome što biste htjeli vidjeti češće na blogu, slobodno recite.  Bila sam snimila onaj video u kojem pokazujem sve ilustracije i slike (ili barem većinu) iz ove godine, ali tako je dug da nisam sigurna da ću ga podijeliti. Nisam imala pojma da sam ih toliko napravila! Ove godine sam naporno radila na razvijanju vještina crtanja, a sada mi se čini da se opet moram vraćati na početak. To je život. Vječno učenje.


  1. Purple is a lovely color on you and it's color that I always feel has such a great sense of energy to it so I can see why you like it. It's also one of those shades that I feel is universally flattering... like there's a shade that looks good on everyone :) Anyway this outfit is lovely and my favorite element may actually be your plush coat because it reminds me of a cozy teddy bear! Thanks for much for recommending that fashion illustrating YouTube channel. I have no artistic talent when it comes to illustration but I do find it fascinating so I will definitely have to check it out.

    1. thank you. I love purple:). This coat reminds me of a teddy bear too. I think you might like this channel, because Zoe explains thing so well and she is funny and professional at the same time....an interesting combination.

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  3. Yess girl! I am obsessed with fur for winter months and you are definitely killing it with this outfit! I love how you paired the fur jacket with a knit dress.. really makes it the perfect combination for a winter outfit!

    XO Jessi,

    1. thank you Jessi:) It is a very warm Winter combo:)

  4. I love your tan furry coat, it looks very comfortable. I think it's fun to keep busy and create projects, which I find very therapeutic for me, and always nice to see your illustrations. Wishing you a great start to the new week. Happy Holidays! <3

    1. yes, it is...I had it for ages and it's really comfy.

  5. Wonderful photos my dear,I love mountains :-) You look stunning in this beautiful outfit. I'm a big fan of fur also :-) Have a great day Ivana :-)

  6. That YouTube channel sounds fab, I will be sure to check it out! :) Also, was interesting to read more about your drawing journey. You've come a long way with your drawings - you've always been very talented, but your art has become more and more professional and detailed throughout the year, and it's been exciting for me as an avid reader to watch your progress. :) Hope to see more amazing illustrations soon! Also, the outfit is lovely, that coat looks super cosy! I could definietly do with something like that right now, it's freezing! xoxo <3 Thanks for sharing, lovely. <3


  7. Tako se prepoznajem u tom odlasku od boja. Iako na blogu deluje da sam im verna, u svakodnevnici ih nekako ne nosim previše, valjda sam došla do nekog zasićenja, mada kako volim baš sve boje, volela bih da nađem neku ravnotežu. Lepo je naći inspiraciju u sebi, a ne isključivo na drugom mestu. Kombinacija boja koje nosiš je baš originalna i efektna! Ne znam da li bih se sama setila da ih nosim zajedno, ali ću svakako imati tako nešto u vidu. Divne su slike, ti i priroda :) Pogledaću i YT kanal. Uvek sam u potrazi za inspirativnim osobama, a to čak i ne mora da bude neko ko je iz istog sveta kao ja...
    Želim ti lep početak nedelje! <3

    1. da, ja sam u zadnje vrijeme često u crnoj i sivoj... ne znam valjda sve dosadi nakon nekoga vremena. Mislim da će ti se svidjeti ova youtuberica, strašno je simpatična.

  8. This is a very beautiful post dear!

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  9. Great outfit! Even though you took the pictures last Spring this outfit totally works for the current season.

  10. So stylish outfit ) Thanks a lot for sharing )

  11. Oh IVANA !!! you are such a stylish lady - it's a fantastic styling - love it :) . Haven't got time now to read your post, but I just wanted to tell you how great you look ;) :) . Love - Margot

  12. stai benissimo, mi piace molto la pelliccetta e la gonna

  13. Super combo, stylish !!



  14. What a beautifully styled outfit, Ivana. Love the fur coat, it's so elegant. Love the necklace actually I love the complete outfdit from head to toe. Beautiful photos, the snow on the mountains are so beautiful. Wishing you happy holidays.

  15. You look super cute and comfy! I really love the coat. xx

  16. So beautiful, dear Ivana, always stylish and with a great heart! I loved the idea of painting a card for charity, and loved your illustrations throughout the year! I loved your look, the sweater is also great and I liked the palette of colors - you said it's not so colorful, but I think it has a nice touch, a "something" different from usual winter outfits. I wish you a great Christmas, dear Ivanna, may you have a blessed time with lots of fun and happiness!

  17. I must say, I love the colour combination in this outfit! You look great and purple suits you particularly well. I have a tendency to wear lots of black in winter although I'm usually a fan of colour as well.
    I hope you have a lovely week!
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  18. I'm like you - always learning, sharing and admiring those who are passionately sharing their interests (just as yourself!!). This outfit, though, doesn't need any more learning - it is an absolute perfection! So chic, feminine, luxurious! Bravo, bravo!!!!!

    1. thank you so much. As you know I love learning and I think a good teacher should also be a good learner. We can learn so much from one another...so let's do it:).

      I especially admire people who like this youtuber really take the time to explain things to people.

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  20. Ivana you look gorgeous! This outfit is so chic and catchy. I love how you match the fur coat and the skirt. By the way the fur coat is so cool. Very excited to get one of my own)))

  21. Aaaa evo moje najdraže bundice, ovo ti je doslovno komad odjeće koji zrači pozitivom i savršeno ide uz svaku kombinaciju! Ah to divno proljeće...definitivno najljepše doba godine! :)

  22. Čarobno lepa priroda i divna dama u bundici!

  23. "In fact, these photographs were taken last Spring, but I haven't shared them yet." - thanks for sharing it now...!

    your pics are a mix of funny and lovely landside shots - i love this a lot. these pics with you under the trees are so cool! this is the right shot you taken! and the snow on the mountain in the back looks also nice.



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