There is one thing that I always wondered about....Ima nešto što sam se uvijek pitala.....

There is one thing that I always wondered about. It is a tragedy or a blessing that the world never stops. Sometimes it seems it is a tragedy, but other times, it feels more like a blessing. When something bad happens, you (at least on a subconscious level) except the world to stop, but it never does. I couldn't understand it when I was younger but now that doesn’t bother me anymore. Probably because I stopped expecting the world to help those who need help. I’m old enough to know it doesn’t work that way; it is never fair. The little fairness we manage to infuse into it is a result of hard work. 

However, as cheesy as it may sound, human spirit can survive everything. I’ve witnessed it many times.  Witnessed how incredibly strong individuals can be. How they can be support for everyone else even when their life is falling apart. I’ve seen people survive intense trauma and mistreatment and come out of  filled with love and willing to help anyone. If one person can do, we can all? If many individuals accomplished this, why should we? Or least we can at least try. Look up to those who are stronger and better than us and learn from them. 

Forget about the modern cynicism and mocking. Forget this modern religion that says that we are better from the person that we are mocking, for it is not necessarily true. Laughing at some starlet does not make us any smarter. The irony there is that a lot of starlets pretend they’re more stupid than they are because they realized that is what it sells. So, basically they’re making money on people who laugh at them- perhaps it is charma, perhaps it just as right.

Ima nešto što sam se uvijek pitala. Je li tragedija ili blagoslov što svijet nikada ne staje. Ponekad se čini kao tradegija, a ponekad kao blagoslov. Kada se nešto loše dogodi, barem na nesvjesnoj razini očekuješ da će svijet stati, ali nikada ne staje. Nisam to razumijela kada sam bila mlađa, ali sada mi više ne smeta jer sam prestala očekivati od svijeta da pomogne onima kojima je pomoć potrebna. Jednostavno tako ne fukcionira, svijet nije pošten. Ono malo poštenja što uspijemo u njega ugurati  rezultat je napornog rada.

No, koliko god to zvučalo kao kliše, ljudski duh doista može preživjeti sve. Ja sam to vidjela puno puta. Svjedočila koliko nevjerojatno snažni mogu biti pojedinci. Kako mogu biti potpora za sve druge čak i kada se njihov život raspada. Vidjela sam ljude koji su preživjeli nevjerojatne traume i zlostavljanja, a iz svega izašli puni ljubavi i spremni svakome pomoći. Ako to može jedna osoba, zar ne možemo svi? Ako je puno pojedinaca to uspjelo, zašto ne bi i nama? Ili barem možemo pokušati. Ugledati se na one na koji su jači i bolji on nas i učiti od njih. 

Zaboraviti na ovaj moderni cinizam i ruganje. Zaboraviti ovu modernu religiju koja nas uči da smo bolji od onih kojima se rugama, jer to nije istina. Smijanje nekoj starleti neće nas učiniti pametnijima. Ironija tu je da se puno starleta pretvaraju da su gluplje nego što stvarno jesu, jer su shvatile da se to prodaje. Tako da one zarađuju na onima koji im se smiju, a  možda je i dobro da je tako, dok ima ovaca za šišanje...

blazer&shorts/ sako i hlačice: second hand (vintage)
boots/čizme: Šimencki
bag/tornica: vintage
scarf/šal: vintage

Life waits for nobody. It doesn’t care whether we’re not in the mood for something. Every thought, every action, every decision, every choice we make- those are the things that shape our lives. The show must go on, as they say. So, does life. It goes on. When you come to your senses after being shocked with one bad news or the other, you realize there is comfort in it. In seeing that Autumn is just as beautiful as always. In seeing its colours are still pure magic. No matter what chaos might be going in your head, nature is still beautiful. It is calming- in a way classical music is calming. In a majestic sort of way. Life goes on. There is still kindness in the world. Humanity is not entirely lost yet. Yesterday it seemed all is lost, today life seems worth living again and the sun is out. I’m going out too now, to greet the sun. 

Život nikoga ne čeka. Nije ga briga jeste li raspoloženi za njega. Svaka misao, svaka akcija, svaka odluka, svaki izbor koji napravimo- to su stvari koje oblikuju naš život. Predstava mora ići dalje- kako kažu. Tako je i sa životom. Ide dalje. Kada dođete sebi nakon što ste primili ovu ili onu lošu vijest,  shvatite da u tome ima utjehe. U tome da je jesen jednako lijepa kao i uvijek. U tome da su njene boje još uvijek čista čarolija. Bez obzira kakav kaos postoji u našoj glavi, priroda je još uvijek lijepa.  Smirujuća je, na način na koji je klasična glazba smirujuća, na taj čudesni način. Život ide dalje. Još uvijek ima ljubaznosti u svijetu. Ljudski rod još nije posve izgubljen. Jučer se činilo da je sve izgubljeno, ali danas se život čini vrijedan življenja i sunce je izašlo, a izlazim i ja, da dočekam sunce.


  1. great post and wonderful pictures :)

  2. Really love your pictures. Your outfit was amazing as usual :D

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  3. Show must go on...
    Predivan tekst Ivanice i tako mudar i istinit!
    U ovom našem super brzom vremenu, mnogi žive tuđe živote i ogovaraju do besvesti, a zapravo i ne vide koliko treba da se pozabave sobom, svojim osećanjima i stremljenjima.
    Uvek sam za to da se trebamo ugledati na jače i sposobnije od nas samih, ali ne u smislu da im zavidimo, već da naučimo nešto na njihovom pozitivnom primeru.
    Divna ti je odevna kombinacija! Zaista presladak kompletić!


  4. Super tekst, svida mi se nacin na koji razmisljas, fotografije su divne, cjelokupan outfit je predivan kao i ti

    Maggie's Blog

  5. Great essay! Totally agree.
    You look wonderful, dear! Thanx for amazing photos!

  6. It's an interesting line of thought you've followed in this post Ivana - we can certainly agree on humans being far more capable than we realise, and in that respect it's a lovely thing that the world never stops, nor does the pace :) have a great week ahead..

  7. love your look, your thoughts are so deep, I guess humans were made to survive physical and emotional damage, were are of course the best in adapting environment.

    Capturing Life Memoirs |

  8. You're absolutely right! We never know how it will happen for us - tragedy or blessing. At one moment it seems my world is over. But after a few years, suddenly understand - thanks God, then that's how it happened. I admire your thoughts about our world and agree with you about everything!
    Love your high quality pictures! You look really pretty Ivana!

  9. Very well said, Ivana, although sometimes I just wonder....never mind. Look how cute you look, that's the cutest look I've ever seen on you. Happy Sunday, girl.

    1. thank you Lenya:) Wondering isn't a bad thing, it keeps our mind open;)

  10. The architecture you photographiated looks very different of my country, and I found it very interesting! I also love the flowers, they look very beautiful! And obviusly, teh outfit looks very nice ^^

  11. That is an interesting question and I think it can be viewed either way which is just too deep for me right now. But I do agree that the resilience of the human spirit is truly incredible.

    1. yes, it is....human spirit is a wonderful thing.

  12. Very interesting and though-provoking post my dear. It's nice to know someone who believes in life and in the human spirit. Thank you for reminding me how beautiful life can be. Sometimes I find it so hard to find its meaning, thus, I forget about its significance. I too must go out and greet the sun while it's still high. :) Thank you!

    love lots,

    1. thank you Tin...I know what you mean...sometimes we just need to be reminded:)

  13. Baš tako. Život su i te manje lepe stvari koje nikoga ne izostavljaju, a upoređivanje sa onima koji su zaista prošli kroz pakao, i uprkos tome izašli pozitivniji i jači od nekoga kome je život baš taman, je dokaz kako je ljudski rod paradoksalan. Kad bismo svi uradili nešto pametno, počevši od nas samih, svet bi zaista bio bolje mesto. Uprkos tome, ni ja ne volim da gubim nadu, a baš je sama priroda koju spominješ simbol promena koje se dešavaju kako u nama, tako i oko nas. Sunce uvek izađe na kraju <3 I da, život nikoga ne čeka i nema vremena za gubljenje i misli poput "jadan ja"...
    Divne su ti slike i kombinacija. Kratke pantalone u jesen i zimu su mi uvek bile drage, naravno uz čarape :) Baš je sve pun pogodak i kao uvek, velika inspiracija :)

    1. i ja volim nositi hlačice zimi...naravno uz čarape ili visoke čizme:)...udobnost ipak na prvom mjestu:)

  14. What a beautiful place! and so classy outfit! xx

  15. Predivno napisan tekst i ponovno moram ponoviti koliko mi je žao da ne pišeš za neke novine...tvoja promišljanja su uvijek tako živa i uvijek me dotaknu...svaki atom tijela...Da, tužno je išta očekivati od ikoga danas jer vrlo vjerojatno pomoć neće stići...Treba pokušati razumjeti svakoga ali koliko god nas život možda nije mazio, nemamo zato pravo biti zli prema drugima ili ih osuđivati. Svijet ne možemo promijeniti ali možemo pokušati mijenjati sebe...svaki dan i tako dan po dan <3

    1. hvala ti najljepša:) možda je i bolje da pišem za sebe, a ne za novine, ovako nešto napišem baš kada imam potrebu, a onda to dođe kao neka terapija.

  16. Love to read your amazing thoughts and I love to look at your georgeous pics, dear Ivana! Your outfit is very cute!

    xxxxx Nadine

  17. Your outfit is gorgeous Ivana and I really love this place. Kisses :)

  18. these are great nature shots again. i love if you go outside and take pics like this! gosh, your tights are great! this looks so shiny in the sun - i LOVE that a lot.


  19. Very cool outfit and pretty tights! Wonderful to see so much of your beautiful legs in them! And 2 (!) great back shots??? That first one was such an exciting surprise I almost did not make it past it and the second one got me right away. So sexy, dear, and so much pleasure ;)

  20. Well written Ivana...

    Thanks so much for sharing and provoking my thoughts. :-)


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