Is a smile the best fashion accessory? (fashion illustration of the day) Je li osmijeh najbolji modni detalj? (modna ilustracija dana 10.10.2016.)
say that a smile is the best fashion accessory. Do you agree? Is smile really the best fashion accessory? If that is true, why runaway models don't smile? Maybe so they wouldn't distract the audience from the clothes? That's actually an interesting topic, but I won't get into that now. Tonight I will talk about my smiling philosophy. I try to find
something to smile about every day. Not every day is going to be a good one,
but we can always steal a smile or two for ourselves and those dear to us,
can't we? Sometimes even a ghost of a smile is a success. If life is a bittersweet
symphony, why not make use of its merry sounds? Perhaps we should take in all
the sweetness we can from life. A smile is a form of sweetness, isn't it? It can even be
a result of mixed emotions. Haven’t you ever seen a bittersweet smile or smiled
one yourselves? I gave up about worrying about the duality of human emotions a
long time ago. I came to the conclusion that it is normal to feel both sad and
happy, sometimes even at the same time. We can be simultaneously proud of a
child that came home with an A and grieve for a relative that has passed away.
Kažu da je osmijeh najbolji modni detalj? Slažete li se? Je li osmijeh doista najbolji modni detalj? Ako jest, zašto se onda modeli na revijama nikad ne smiju? Možda da ne odvlače pozornost publike sa same odjeće? To je zanimljiva tema, ali neću o tome danas. Večeras govorim o svojoj filozofiji osmijeha. Trudim se svakoga dana pronaći neki razlog za osmijeh. Neće svaki dan biti dobar, ali uvijek možemo ukrasti osmijeh ili dva za sebe i najbliže, zar ne? Ponekad je i poluosmijeh uspjeh. Ako je život gorkoslatka simfornija, zašto ne bismo iskoristili njene radosne note? Možda trebamo uzeti svu slatkoću koju možemo iz života. Osmijeh je oblik slatkoće, zar ne?Može čak i biti rezultat pomiješanih osjećaja. Jeste li ikada vidjeli gorkoslatki osmijeh ili se sami tako nasmijali? Ja sam odustala od brige o dualnosti ljudskih emocija davno. Došla sam do zaključka da je normalno osjećati se sretnim i tužnim, ponekad čak i u isto vrijeme. Možemo istovremeno biti ponosni na dijete koje je došlo kući s peticom i tugovati za rođakom koji je preminuo.


Often our life is a great mix of things. Mere comping with this world can be quite emotionally overwhelming. A perfectly timed smile can bring us balance, make everything seem small in comparison, keep the emotional strain on bay. Don't you agree? I remember how in one of my old posts (here) I said that a smile is, at times, a decision. There are days when we positively have to decide to smile. Today I’m thinking about how a smile might also be a form of stubbornness. I really am very stubborn. Maybe that is why I smile often. A typical Taurus- but at least I can laugh at myself about it. In that old post I said how smile is a manifestation of hope. A smile can come of its own or we can invite it. A spontaneous smile is a wonderful thing, as light and as beautiful as a butterfly. Can we practice smiling? I don’t think that we can make ourselves smile sincerly by force, but we can bring ourselves in the right frame of mind, the kind of frame of mind that allows for a smile to happen. This might be something that can be practiced and it is certainly more useful than twisting our lips in a parody of a smile. Pretending we’re happy is terribly tiring and it is not something I would recommend. That is not what I was talking about in that post, when I said how there are times when we should invite a smile. Is a smile something that can be invited?
Često je naš život velika mješavina stvari. Nošenje s ovim svijetom može nas emotivno preopteretiti. Osmijeh u pravom trenutku može nam donijeti ravnotežu, učiniti da sve izgleda manje u usporedbi, držati emotivni pritisak na sigurnoj udaljenosti. Slažete li se? Sjećam se kako sam u jednom od starijih objava (ovdje) rekla kako je osmijeh ponekad odluka. Ima dana kada se baš moramo odlučiti za osmijeh. Danas razmišljam o tome kako osmijeh isto može biti oblik tvrdoglavosti. Ja jesam doista tvrdoglava. Možda se zato često smijem. Tipični bik- ali barem se mogu smijati sebi. U ovoj staroj objavi rekla sam kako je osmijeh manifestacija nade. Osmijeh može doći sam ili ga možemo pozvati. Spontani osmijeh je divna stvar, lagana i prekrasna kao leptir. Možemo li vježbati osmijeh? Ne mislim da se možemo iskreno smijati na silu, ali se možemo dovesti u pravo stanje svijesti, onakvo stanje koja omogućava osmijehu da se pojavi. To je nešto što se može vježbati i sigurno je korisnije od toga da iskrivimo usta u parodiji osmijeha. Pretvarati se da smo sretni je užasno zamorno i nije nešto što bih preporučila. To nije ono čemu sam govorila u onoj objavi, kada sam rekla da postoji vrijeme kada moramo pozvati osmijeh. Je li osmijeh nešto što se može pozvati?
We can at least try. We can hope. You know that quote from The Great Gatsby, about how reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope? Smiling can be as effective as reserving judgements. An invited smile can be just as special as a spontaneous one. It doesn’t mean a fake smile. Speaking of which, did you know that a majority of people can spot a fake smile? Probably because a fake smile is not really a smile…it is a parody of a smile. It uses different muscles and it really isn’t the same thing. Apparently, there is a whole science behind smiling. We all know tons of quotes about smiling, like for example: “A smile is the best medicine.” Often, however, we’re not even aware of how true is this. There are, indeed, many fascinating facts to be learned about smiling. Did you know that babies are born with the ability to smile? Even blind babies smile, so it can be argued it is a visual imitation. Babies smile even before they start seeing clearly and they smile even when they're sleeping. No, what I think is probable is that there is something in our human nature that bids us to smile- and because our human nature is so complex- so are our smiles. I reckon that scientist still have a lot to learn about smiling, just like they have yet to learn much about the human nature. They say that smiles are a universal language. In all cultures they indicate something positive.
Moramo barem pokušati. Možemo se nadati. Znate onaj citat iz Velikoga Gatsby-a, kako je ne osuđivanje drugih stvar beskrajne nade. Smijanje može biti jednako učinkovito kao ne osuđivanje drugih. Pozvan osmijeh može biti jednako poseban kao onaj spontan. To ne znači nužno lažan osmijeh. Govoreći o tomu, znate li da većina ljudi može uočiti lažni osmijeh? Vjerojatno jer lažni osmijeh i nije zapravo je parodija osmijeha. Koriste se drukčiji mišići i to stvarno nije ista stvar. Izgleda da postoji cijela znanost iza osmijeha. Svi mi znamo hrpu citata o smijanju, kao naprimjer: "Osmijeh je najbolji lijek." Često pak nismo svijesni koliko je to istina. Jeste li znali da se dojenčad rađa sa sposobnošću za smijanje. Čak se i slijepe bebe smiju, tako da se ne može tvrditi da je to imitacija ono što vide. Bebe se miju i prije nego što počnu dobro vidjeti, a smiju se i dok spavaju. Tako da mislim da je vjerojatno da ime nešto u ljudskoj prirodi što nas tjera na smijeh- i zato jer je naša ljudska priroda tako složena, takvi su i naši osmijesi. Mislim da znanstvenici još imaju puno toga naučiti o smijanju, kao što još imaju puno toga naučiti o ljudskoj prirodi. Kaže se i da su osmijesi univerzalni jezik. U svim kulturama oni predstavljaju nešto pozitivno.


One of the things that fascinates me about a smile is that it is not a commodity. A true smile can’t be bought or borrowed, it can only be given. You can’t force someone to smile at you when they meet you, it is something that happens on its own or it doesn’t happen. This makes is kind of- magical. A smile can be as brief as a fraction of a second, but that doesn’t make it less meaningful. Does anything feel better than seeing the person whom you love smile at you warmly? A good sense of humour is always a desirable quality in a person. We all like to be around people who know how to use humour to put things into perspective.
Why do we smile? Have you ever wondered about that? There are social customs and norms but they’re build around smiles, around what smiling means and they are by no means a cause for smiling. Smiling is a form of communication, one might say. There is a smile of politeness and a smile of defiance, one might add. That is certainly true, but why do smile when we’re alone? Perhaps it is to communicate with ourselves, to communicate with our soul. I don't believe that smiles are superfical and that tears are serious. Both can be serious, depending on situation.
Jedna stvar koja me fascinira kod osmijeha je da on nije roba. Pravi osmijeh se ne može posuditi ili kupiti, može se samo dati. Ne možete nekoga prisiliti da vam se nasmije dok ide u susret vama, to je nešto što se događa samo po sebi ili se uopće ne događa. Tako da ga to čini donekle čarobnim. Osmijeh može biti kratak kao djelić sekunde, ali to ga ne čini manje značajnim. Ima li što bolje nego doživjeti topli osmijeh voljene osobe? Dobar osjećaj za humor je uvijek dobrodošla osobina bilo koje osobe. Svi mi volimo biti biti oko ljudi koji znaju kako koristiti humor kako bi stavili stvari u pravu perspektivu.
Zašto se smijemo? Jeste li se ikad to pitali? Postoje društvene norme i običaji ali oni su se gradili oko osmijeha, oko onoga što osmijesi znače, a nisu nikako uzrok osmijeha. Osmijeh je vid komunikacije, netko bi mogao reći. Postoje osmijesi pristojnosti i osmijesi opiranja, netko bi mogao dodati. To je sigurno istina, ali zašto se smijemo kada smo sami. Možda je to način za komunikaciju za nama samima, sa svojom dušom. Ne vjerujem da su osmijesi površni, a da su suze ozbiljne. Oboje može biti ozbiljno, ovisno o situaciji.
Why do we smile? Have you ever wondered about that? There are social customs and norms but they’re build around smiles, around what smiling means and they are by no means a cause for smiling. Smiling is a form of communication, one might say. There is a smile of politeness and a smile of defiance, one might add. That is certainly true, but why do smile when we’re alone? Perhaps it is to communicate with ourselves, to communicate with our soul. I don't believe that smiles are superfical and that tears are serious. Both can be serious, depending on situation.
Jedna stvar koja me fascinira kod osmijeha je da on nije roba. Pravi osmijeh se ne može posuditi ili kupiti, može se samo dati. Ne možete nekoga prisiliti da vam se nasmije dok ide u susret vama, to je nešto što se događa samo po sebi ili se uopće ne događa. Tako da ga to čini donekle čarobnim. Osmijeh može biti kratak kao djelić sekunde, ali to ga ne čini manje značajnim. Ima li što bolje nego doživjeti topli osmijeh voljene osobe? Dobar osjećaj za humor je uvijek dobrodošla osobina bilo koje osobe. Svi mi volimo biti biti oko ljudi koji znaju kako koristiti humor kako bi stavili stvari u pravu perspektivu.
Zašto se smijemo? Jeste li se ikad to pitali? Postoje društvene norme i običaji ali oni su se gradili oko osmijeha, oko onoga što osmijesi znače, a nisu nikako uzrok osmijeha. Osmijeh je vid komunikacije, netko bi mogao reći. Postoje osmijesi pristojnosti i osmijesi opiranja, netko bi mogao dodati. To je sigurno istina, ali zašto se smijemo kada smo sami. Možda je to način za komunikaciju za nama samima, sa svojom dušom. Ne vjerujem da su osmijesi površni, a da su suze ozbiljne. Oboje može biti ozbiljno, ovisno o situaciji.


Have you ever noticed how when you're in love you notice that there are many different smiles? I remember observing somebody I loved and noticing he had at least ten different smiles, depending on the mood, company, situation and emotion. I could say with precious what every smile meant. When you really know somebody, it isn’t hard. People really have unique smiles, as unique, perhaps, as their fingertips. Were you ever really close with someone, so close that you could read their every smile? Did you lost that ability if/when you drifted apart?
In a way it is like befriending twins. While you are close friends to them, you can easily tell them apart, even from a mile, no matter how identical they are. However, if you don’t see them for a while, and you don’t stay in touch, you might found out that the next time you see them, you won’t be able to tell them apart. So, it is with smiles. To be able to read various smiles of a certain person and all their subtle varieties, you have to be close with the person who is smiling. If there is a science about smiles, there is also magic. A shared smile is always something special. You know what they say, don't you? The smile is the only thing that makes both the recipient and the giver richer. I think the same could be said for love...but isn't a smile often a manifestation of love? We should share smiles with one another. How often do you smile?
Jeste li ikada primijetili kako kada smo zaljubljeni postoje različiti osmijesi. Sjećam se kako sam promatrajući nekoga koga sam voljela primijetila da on ima barem deset različitih osmijeha, ovisno o raspoloženju, društvu, situaciji i emociji. Mogla sam precizno reći što koji osmijeh znači. Kada doista poznajete nekoga, nije to teško. Ljudi imaju jedinstvene osmijehe, možda jednako posebne kao otisci prstiju. Jeste li ikad bili tako bliski s nekim, tako bliski da ste mogli pročitati svaki njihov osmijeh? Jeste li izgubili tu sposobnost kada i ako ste se udaljili?
Jeste li ikada primijetili kako kada smo zaljubljeni postoje različiti osmijesi. Sjećam se kako sam promatrajući nekoga koga sam voljela primijetila da on ima barem deset različitih osmijeha, ovisno o raspoloženju, društvu, situaciji i emociji. Mogla sam precizno reći što koji osmijeh znači. Kada doista poznajete nekoga, nije to teško. Ljudi imaju jedinstvene osmijehe, možda jednako posebne kao otisci prstiju. Jeste li ikad bili tako bliski s nekim, tako bliski da ste mogli pročitati svaki njihov osmijeh? Jeste li izgubili tu sposobnost kada i ako ste se udaljili?
To je na neki način kao prijateljstvo s blizancima. Dok ste s njima blizak prijatelj, možete ih jednostavno razlikovati, čak i izdaleka, bez obzira koliko bili identični. Međutim, ako ih neko vrijeme ne vidite, a da niste ostali u kontaktu, možete se iznenaditi kada ih idući put vidite pa ih ne možete razlikovati. Tako je i osmijesima, da biste mogli čitati razne osmijehe neke osobe i vidjeti sve njihove suptilne varijante, morate biti bliski s osobom koja se smije. Postoji li znanost o osmijesima, postoji i čarolija. Podijeljeni osmijeh je uvijek nešto posebno. Znate kako kažu, zar ne? Osmijeh je jedino što obogaćuje i davatelja i primatelja....isto se može reći i za ljubav...ali zar nije osmijeh često manifestacija ljubavi. Trebamo dijeliti osmijehe jedni s drugima. Koliko često se vi smijete?


I personally have always hated my smile even though people always tell me I have a "nice" smile. I've never seen it in myself lol. I guess a smile is a universal symbol for happiness. When we feel happy or think about something that makes us warm inside instinctually we smile. I've never thought about the different types of smiles we give in certain situations, I guess it all just comes naturally. I'm curious now, and I know that I'll be more observant of this from now on too!
I'm sure you have a lovely smile. Yes, we do smile different smiles, probably without even thinking about it.
DeleteI like your analogies and examples of how different smiles can be in relation to our circumstances. I generally always smile and know that it can go far in passing with strangers, friends, etc. Lovely illustration! Wishing you a good start to the week. <3
thank you<3 I do agree with what you wrote.
DeleteThe greatest gift that you can ever give is a smile.
ReplyDeleteThe is lovely. Thanks so much for sharing.
I couldn't agree more.
DeleteGreat pics sweetheart...thx for sharing! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you dear :D
ReplyDeleteThey are my fav. colors decor too :D
Nice and perfect as usual :D
NEW WISHLIST POST | What I really need this New Season :o
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I love a great smile, I do think it brightens an outfit up. Too many walk around with such a sour look on their faces, its a shame, even when their outfit is o nice too. I prefer to see a smile. These are superb doll xx
ReplyDeletethank you Kizzy.
DeleteBeautiful illustrations, I love those colors:)
DeleteSmile is important. We need smile :)
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteI love this drawing your so talented.
ReplyDeleteOsmijeh i vedar duh su jedni od najboljih modnih detalja, apsolutno se slažem i moram priznati da često ne kužim zašto se tako mnogo blogera mršti na fotkama i pokušava izgledati preozbiljno umjesto da zaista pokažu svoju osobnost kroz fotke. Kod mene smijeh dolazi spontano, ali su zato optimizam i dobra volja nešto što pokušavam 'uvježbati' što moram priznati uopće nije jednostavno, barem u mom slučaju :)
ReplyDeletenisam ni ja ljubitelj tih namrštenih blogerskih slika, nekako su mi umjetne.
DeleteI love seeing a pretty smile but the true is that i Don´t like m
ReplyDeleteKiss and thanks for the great work!
Coco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin
Hi Ivana! Personally I believe that one, true smile can make your day, so I try to remember about that "principle" and I smile as much as I can, because when you smile, you lower your level of stress and considering the fact that we live in the world, where the word "fast" appears in almost everything (fast fashion, fast food, etc), we have to deal with the level of stress in natural way. And I agree with you that the smile of someone, who have just felt in love is special and so different from the rest of smiles. Have a lovely evening, dear!
Amazing post xx
ReplyDeleteJos jedan u nizu tvojih divnih postova. Ja bi stvarno toliko voljela da ti netko ponudi da pises kolumnu za neki portal ili novine...
ReplyDeleteDa, pravi se osmijeh ne moze odglumiti i vecina ljudi ce odmah prepoznati dalo je rijec o istini ili lazi. Ipak, slazem se da imamo pravo na dualnost osjecaja i da mozemo biti tuzni i dopustiti sebi samima da nas nesto nasmije. Mozda je glup primjer ali je meni glupo osudjivanje ljudi koji nakon smrti bliske osobe ne nose crninu. Pati li osoba vise ili manje ako je u crnome ili rozome? Ali ljudi jedva cekaju osuditi drugoga bez da sagledaju siru sliku.
Navodno i samo "prisilno" smijanje poboljsava izlucivanje hormona srece sto opet nije lose. Covjek treba ciniti sve da mu bude bolje na koji god nacin...i taj osmijeh kroz suze je nekada bolji nego suze same! U dvoje je uvijek lakse ;)
Jos jedan u nizu tvojih divnih postova. Ja bi stvarno toliko voljela da ti netko ponudi da pises kolumnu za neki portal ili novine...
ReplyDeleteDa, pravi se osmijeh ne moze odglumiti i vecina ljudi ce odmah prepoznati dalo je rijec o istini ili lazi. Ipak, slazem se da imamo pravo na dualnost osjecaja i da mozemo biti tuzni i dopustiti sebi samima da nas nesto nasmije. Mozda je glup primjer ali je meni glupo osudjivanje ljudi koji nakon smrti bliske osobe ne nose crninu. Pati li osoba vise ili manje ako je u crnome ili rozome? Ali ljudi jedva cekaju osuditi drugoga bez da sagledaju siru sliku.
Navodno i samo "prisilno" smijanje poboljsava izlucivanje hormona srece sto opet nije lose. Covjek treba ciniti sve da mu bude bolje na koji god nacin...i taj osmijeh kroz suze je nekada bolji nego suze same! U dvoje je uvijek lakse ;)
istina...i smijeh kroz suze je nekad dragocjen.
Deletehvala ti na lijepim riječima.
Smiles can make a difference. Sometimes I will smile at a stranger on the street and they will be surprised... Have you noticed that the tone of your voice also changes when you smile as you speaK ?
ReplyDeleteyes, I did notice that!
DeleteI love your analysis Ivana. You are a very astute, deep and sensitive person. I love that about reading your posts. What a heart, what intuition and wisdom you have.
ReplyDeleteI really like the subject of smiles. For me, my smile has always been my best attribute. I know that my smile illuminates my otherwise rather plain face and most people have told me I have a nice smile.
I smile at people I meet along the street and it does make a difference. I smile if I catch the eye of a child in assembly at school. Most like it, they know you are safe and you care about them. I like smiling at shy children when they speak to me.
" so they wouldn't distract the audience from the clothes?" -ooooh, never even thought of that!!!!
with children it is even more important because it puts them at ease. Thank you for pointing that out.
DeleteYou raise many compelling points here and I especially agree with what you said about how a perfectly timed smile can bring us balance. This is meaningful when it comes to situations which might not necessarily inspire a smile. And yes there are so many different types of smiles. My husband can always tell the difference between whether I'm smiling to be polite or whether it's really genuine. Sometimes my eyes will meet with someone on the street and if they don't look crazy, i will give them a smile. I like to think that it would brighten their day a little just as it does mine when they smile back :)
ReplyDeleteyes, a smile from a stranger can bright up our day. I love to see smiling people on the street.
DeleteI am a big fan of smiles. It amazes me how much can be contained in one. The best actors have the ability to express their exact emotion with a smile and its a skill I have worked on for a long time as I am often too shy to speak my feelings. Some of the range is easy to achieve but that very top range is difficult and trying it can send incorrect messages. Very interesting subject and lovely art!
ReplyDeleteAll Things Bright and Lovely
I totally agree with you. There is a big range of smiles and only those actors that are really good can pull them off.
DeleteDamn! Everything went into thin air, again. I am not going to type it a third time......SIGH!....just let me say, great post, Ivana. A smile can make all the difference.
oh, I hate when that happens! It happens to me at well....don't worry about it.
Baš kao što je Ivana gore pomenula, stvarno bi trebalo da pišeš za neku kolumnu ;) Osmeh jeste čarolija, ljubav, trenutak, pa i odluka. Ja što sam starija sam svesnija da u najvećoj meri od mene same zavisi da li ću imati osmeh, pa makar on nekada bio i na silu. Bolje i tako nego nikako. Ranije sam bila mnogo melanholičnija i to me zaista nije dovelo nigde. Otkad se više smejem i radim na svom optimizmu, i život je daleko lepši i lakši, a problemi se nekako srede. Nekad nije ni ishod važan, koliko pristup. Takođe se slažem da možemo biti i srećni, i tužni u isto vreme. Ja baš kad dođem ovde kod mojih imam taj neki miks raznih emocija na koje se valjda nikada neću navići ali to je život ;) Isto tako ne razumem potenciranje ozbiljnosti i namrgođenih lica. Pa bar moda nije nešto sumorno, a sa osmehom je svakako još lepša. Kao i sve ostalo :)
ReplyDeleteslažem optimizmu se može raditi. Ne treba očekivati da smo uvijek sretni, ali promjenom načina razmišljanja stvarno možemo utjecati na svoje raspolož i osmijeh.