Fashion illustration of the day (How to save money on clothes? ) / Modna ilustracija dana (Kako uštedjeti na odjeći?) 8.10.2016.

How to save money on clothes? Now, I'm not implying that is something you should do. I don't see why someone shouldn't spend money on clothes if that is something that makes them happy. After all, fashion industry employs a lot of people. Moreover, clothes are there for a reason, they are not exactly a luxury. Still. there is no doubt that clothes do more than protect us from the harsh weather conditions. A right outfit can give us that much needed boost of confidence. Fashion can be a wonderful creative outlet. The garments we choose can also help us present ourselves in the best light.  However, a lot of people are trying to cut on their expenses, so that seems like a valid subject to talk about. If you're interested in reading about it, you’ve come to the right place. On the other hand, if your budget is not restricted and you don't need to save money on clothes, feel free to skip the next few paragraphs.

Kako uštedjeti na odjeći? Ne mislim vam nametati mišljenje da je to nešto što trebate učiniti. Ne mislim da bi netko trebao prestati trošiti novac na odjeću ako ih to usrećuje. Na kraju krajeva, modna industrija zapošljava puno ljudi. Osim toga odjeća je tu s razlogom, nije baš luksuz. Ipak, nema sumnja da odjeća čini puno više osim toga što nas štiti od vremenskih neprilika. Prava odjevna kombinacija može nam podignuti samopouzdanje baš koliko treba. Moda može biti divni kreativni ispušni ventil. Odjevni komadi koje izaberemo mogu nam pomoći da se predstavimo u najboljem svijetlu. No, puno ljudi pokušava smanjiti troškove, tako da se to čini kao prava tema za razgovor. Ako vas zanima čitati o tome, došli ste na pravo mjesto. S druge strane, ako je vaš budžet neograničen i ne morate uštedjeti na odjeći, slobodno preskočiti idućih par paragrafa.

There are two main strategies to cutting down our fashion expenses. The first strategy is a long term strategy. Since we're determined our strategy, let’s talk tactics now. To save money in the long term, you should make sure to buy clothes of good quality. Moreover, you should invest in classics (you know what fashion classics are: LBD, a long/short coat, a trench, a blazer, a white shirt, a pencil skirt and a pair of trousers etc). The more classics you have, the higher are the chances that you won’t need to run to the store to buy something in a hurry. Classic items are there to help you look your best ( who doesn't look good in a pencil skirt?) plus they have the added bonus of making you feel ‘prepared’ for any event.  Naturally, classics are not something written in a stone. You can find your own classics. For you personally, a denim skirt can be your classic.  To save money in the long run, you also need to rotate your clothes. What does this mean? Well, you shouldn’t wear the same thing ‘all the time’ (I’m so guilty of this one) because that will actually make your ‘cherished item’ last less. So, shopping your closet is one of the tactics that you need to apply in long term saving as well.

Postoje dvije glavne strategije uštede na odjeći. Prva strategija je dugoročna. Dakle, sada kada smo ustanovili strategiju, prelazimo na taktiku. Kako bismo dugoročno uštedjeli, moramo se odlučiti na kupnju kvalitetne odjeće. Nadalje, važno je ulagati u klasike (znate već što su modni klasici: crna haljinica, dugi/kratki kaput, baloner, blajzer, bijela košulja, pencil suknja i hlače itd). Što više klasika imate, manje su šanse da ćete morati trčati u dućan kako biste nešto kupili u žurbi. Klasični komadi odjeće su tu da vam pomognu za izgledate što bolje, a dodatna im je prednost što će učiniti da se osjećate spremnim za bilo koji događaj. Naravno klasici nisu nešto što je zapisano u kamenu. Možete pronaći i svoje klasike. Za vas osobno, suknja od jeansa može biti klasik. Kako biste dugoročno uštedjeli na odjeći, morate i rotatirati svoju odjeću. Što to znači? Nemojte nositi istu stvar stalno (iako sam ja često kriva za ovo) zato što onda vaša posebna stvar i neće biti tako posebna jer ćete je iznositi. Tako da je kupovina u svom ormaru jedna od taktika koju morate primijeniti u dugoročnoj štednji.

That brings us to the second strategy, one of saving money on clothes right now. The most drastic way to do this is to go cold turkey. Stop shopping and rely only on what you have in your closet. Give shopping your closet a whole new meaning. Nevertheless, this tactic may prove a bit too challenging for most. Plus, if you don’t have a lot of clothes in your closet to start with, you’ll wear out all your clothes and you’ll be forced to buy new ones. Alternatively, you can cut down on shopping. Allow yourself an occasional trip to a thrift/outlet store. After all, buying a dress for one euro isn’t exactly spending money, is it? Remember to make most of the sales but…NEVER buy something only because it is on a sale or because the discount is great. You are not saving money if you’re buying something you don’t need.  Buy only clothes you genuinely love and know you will wear. That’s what I do most of the time. I calculated that monthly I spend more on coffee that on clothes ( at least if the last three months are anything to go buy). I love clothes, but I’m addicted to coffee. I’ve found that I can live without shopping, but I can’t live without coffee. Seriously though, it can be done. You don’t have to sell your kidneys to look good (nobody looks good after kidney surgery anyway, not even in designer clothes). Which brings me to another point-  be a DIY kind of person. Yes, you’ve heard that right. If you want to save money on clothes, you’ll have to rely on DIY to follow trends (or to keep your unique style).  If you know how to sew, well, that’s perfect. If you don’t, learn the easy stuff, learn some basic sewing. I'm not brilliant at sewing, but I still manage to make my ideas a reality. Mastering mending and altering clothes can do wonders for your closet. That would be all for today. I have a few more saving tips, but I’ll save them for another post.

To nas dovodi do sljedeće strategije, one od štednje na novcu sada. Najdrastičniji način štednje na odjeći je da jednostavno prestanete kupovati odjeću. Prestanite kupovati i oslonite se samo na ono što imate u svome ormaru. Dajte kupovini u svom ormaru posve novo značenje. Ipak, ova taktika može biti previše velik izazov za većinu. Osim toga, ako nemate dosta odjeće u svome ormaru, iznositi ćete svu odjeću ubrzo i biti ćete prisiljeni kupiti novu. Alternativa ovome je smanjivanje kupnje. Dopustite si povremeni izlet u outlet dućan. Kupovina haljine za sedam kuna baš i nije neki trošak, zar ne? Sjetite se iskoristiti maksimalno sniženja, ali...NIKADA nemojte kupovati nešto samo zato što je na rasprodaji ili jer je popust velik. Ne štedite ako kupujete nešto što vam ne treba. Kupujte samo odjeću koja vam doista treba i za koju znate da ćete je nositi. To je ono što ja radim većinu vremena. Izračunala sam da potrošim više na kavu u mjesecu nego na odjeću (barem ako je suditi po proteklim mjesecima). Volim odjeću, ali o kavi sam ovisna. Za ozbiljno, može se. Ne morate prodati bubreg da biste izgledali dobro (nitko zapravo ne izgleda dobro nakon operacija bubrega, čak ni u dizajnerskoj odjeći). Što me dovodi to druge taktike- napravi sam filozofija je nešto što trebate prihvatiti ako želite uštedjeti na odjeći. Napravi sam projekti vam mogu omogućiti da ostanete u korak s trendovima (ili da pratite svoj jedinstveni stil). Ako znate kako šivati, to je idealno. Ako ne znate, naučite jednostavne stvari, neke osnove šivanja. Nisam ni ja nešto fantastično dobra u šivanju, ali nekako uspijevam pretvoriti svoje ideje u stvarnost. Učenje prekrajanja pa čak i krpanja odjeće može učiniti čuda za vaš ormar. To bi bilo sve. Imam još par trikova za štednju, ali ću ih sačuvati za neku drugu objavu.

Here is my fashion inspiration of the day. Once again, I'm sharing a pencil drawing. I'm not sure about the inspiration behind it, but I would love to have a gym outfit that would look something like this. I don't actually go to gym, but you know what I mean. Sportswear isn't synonym for sloppy anymore, no, no, no. Nowadays, sporty outfits can be as stylish as those dressed up ones.  Yellow and black always makes me think of wasps. I don't like wasps, but I love this colour combination. Go figure! Another thing I love is red long as it is not on me (red hair is not a right look for me). How do you like this illustration? 

Još jedna modna ilustracija nacrtana bojicama. Nisam sigurna koja je točno bila inspiracija za nju, ali sada kada je gledam mogu vam reći da bi mi baš dobro došao jedan ovakvi kompletić za teretanu (zapravo i ne idem u teretanu, ali znate na što mislim). Sportska odjeća više nije sinonim za zapušteno. Danas sportske kombinacije mogu biti jednako stilski usklađene kao i one dotjerane. Žuta i crna me uvijek podsjećaju na ose. Ne volim ih baš, ali volim ovu kombinaciju boja. Eto! Još jedna stvar koju volim je crvena kosa...dok nije na meni (baš mi i ne stoji crvena kosa). Kako vam se sviđa ova ilustracija?

Let's connect!


  1. Jako kreativno :)

  2. Great post dear and i love the drawing

  3. You make good points about saving money. I like your ideas and yes, classics are different for all of us as long as we know our own classics! Nice illustration. I love red hair!x

    1. thanks sweetie. We all need to find 'our classics'.

  4. Great drawing - I love the red hair! As you know, I've gone cold turkey on the shopping the past few months and it wasn't always easy. But I'm really glad I managed to do this...I will try to keep my spending to a minimum for a bit longer if possible. But it's so true that having a few classic staples in your wardrobe is really worth twenty trend pieces. Especially if the things are good quality - then you can wear them for years!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Christina ♥

    1. thank you Caliope. I can imagine that it is not easy, but in the long run it will probably be a great learning experience. Limitations are great for developing our creativity.

  5. I agree with you that sometimes we spend more on things like coffe, sweets or ... cigarets and drinks than on clothes. I have never really spent a lot on clothes - I make my own, buy in second hand shops and probably just 'reorganise' them. Sometimes it's enough to add some new accessory or put a skirt on rather than trousers and we look completely different. But ... shops are tempting - no doubt about it :) - so sometimes I just don't go shopping for weeks not to be lured by the amount of products, new collections and so called sales - in fact the biggest spenders of all. :) Cheers - Margot

    1. thank you Margot. I like to make my own clothes and buy in second hand shops too.

  6. Jako lepi crteži, kao i uvek, nemam reči♥

    Kika's blog

  7. Wow, bella e sexy... mi piacerebbe saper disegnare come te!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    My Instagram

  8. Loving your tips, darling! Personally, I don't own that many clothes because I'm not hugely into fashion on a personal level. I do have a few pieces that I rotate depending on the season - now that autumn is here, I finally pulled out some of my favourite jumpers and warmer clothes, and I find that it's enough to take me through winter. I do treat myself to an occasional clothing spree, although I'd rather spend my money on makeup and other things. Also, I find that I shift in my size a lot so I don't like to invest in too many clothes in case I end up too big/too small for them eventually, if that makes sense. I do like your idea of doing a little DIY with clothes, although I have no skills personally and I wouldn't trust myself to do it, haha! Loving your fashion illustration as always, you draw beautifully in pencils! :) <3 x Hope you're having a fab weekend so far. <3


    1. thank you Kay! I know what you mean. It is quite possible that I won't buy anything this Autumn.

  9. look super amazing as always! xx

  10. Great tips, babe! I'm definitely more of a spender than a saver. Wish I can be more thrifty....... xoxo

    1. <3 there is nothing wrong with shopping if one can shop:)

  11. Beautiful work and very wholesome tip in saving money dear! I do save money on clothes by buying clothes that are timeless and also in restricting myself from buying items that I don't really need in my wardrobe.

    love lots,

  12. One more cool illustration! This looks incredible))
    As for me I don't like to spend a lot of money on clothes. I'd love to spend them on journeys))
    Have a nice day Ivana))

    1. thank you Oksana. A nice journey is always fun:)

  13. I would love to have the slight built of this girl! Geourgeous illustration!
    Nadine ♥

  14. Slažem se sa svime što si napisala. 😊 Dok sam bila trudna, pokušavala sam što više iskoristiti odjeću koju već imam, samo da ne kupujem novu. Na kraju sam osmislila i malu trudničku modnu kapsulu o kojoj sam pisala na blogu. Kupila sam jedino hlače (koje sam mogla i sama napraviti da znam šivati; valjda ću naučiti jednog dana, barem osnove). Eto, i u "ekstremnim" se situacijama može uštedjeti. 😊

  15. Slažem se sa svim navedenim savjetima, super si ovo napisala! Ja sam prije bila impulzivni šopingholičar (tad još nisam imala blog) i doslovno mi se znalo dogoditi da svaki dan nešto novo donesem doma. Kad se sad sjetim koliko je samo novaca bačeno, dođe mi plakati :) Sad sam se vratila kupovanju statement komada bolje kvalitete i to samo po principu 'bez ovoga ne mogu živjeti' - sve manje od toga ne zaslužuje da izvadim novčanik iz torbe :)

  16. I certainly need to save money on everything but in this area it is mainly done by just buying very little and cheap. I really like the outfit you have drawn here. So creative!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  17. Baš si to lepo rekla. Stvarno ne treba potrošiti ne znam koje količine novca da bismo imali odeću koju volimo i nosimo. Sve zavisi od pristupa i koliko je osoba racionalna i kreativna. Makar u današnje vreme ima toliko toga što može da se primeni. Ja sada kupujem manje nego ranije i isto tako dobro promislim da li je to nešto baš nešto što znam da je vredno kupovine. Ako makar malo sumnjam, ne uzimam.
    Divna je ilustracija, slažem se za sportsku odeću i drago mi je što je tako. Takođe delimo mišljenje o bojama koje si navela :)

  18. Fantastican tekst i sjajne ilustracije! I sama primenjujem slicne taktike, jedino ne znam da sijem i krivo mi je zbog toga. Ali, zato si ti tu majstorica. Uvek das licni pecat stvarima i to je bas za postovanje :-*


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