Cheers to Autumn! Welcome October! / Dobrošao listopadu! Živjela jesen! (fashion illustration of the day/ modna ilustracija dana)
Cheers to Autumn and a warm welcome to October! A new month always feel like a fresh start, doesn't it? There is something lovely about a day that is the first day of something. First of a new month, a new year, a new relationship, a new job, a new school or university year and so on. In many ways, we're always hungry for a fresh start- and why shouldn't we be? Isn't this possibility of making a fresh start the most precious thing about being a human being? Naturally, not all humans have this ability. If you have ever had a pet, you certainly witnesses that animals are capable of making a fresh start, getting over old fears and trying some new. Sometimes they're afraid of something for years and then they surprise you and out of the blue they get over it! Sometimes you can literally see them blossoming and developing a whole new personality as a result of getting over old fears. I'm speaking of higher animals here, as much as we might love our fish, snake or whatever, they can't demonstrate this ability as can dogs, cats, parrots and other more intelligent creatures. What am I trying to say? That fresh starts can be great! There is nothing wrong in loving them and making the most of of them. Sometimes they can be the push we needed.
Živjela jesen i dobro došao listopadu! Novi mjesec uvijek donosi osjećaj novoga početka, zar ne? Ima nešto divno u dani koji je prvi nečega. Prvi dan u mjesecu, prvi dan nove godine, nove veze, novoga posla, novoga posla, nove školske ili sveučilišne godine itd. Na više načina, uvijek smo gladni svježega početka, A zašto ne bismo bili? Zar nije mogućnost kretanja ispočetka najvrijednija stvar u našoj ljudskoj prirodi? Naravno, nisu samo ljudi sposobni za ovaj novi početak. Ukoliko ste ikad imali kućnoga ljubimca, sigurno ste svjedočili kako su životinje sposobne krenuti iznova, prebroditi stare strahove i isprobati nešto novo, Ponekad se boje nečega godinama i onda vas iznenade i to jednostavno prebole. Ponekad možete vidjeti kako su jednostavno procvjetale kada su preboljele neki strah. Ovdje govorim o višim životinjama, jer koliko god voljeli ribice, zmije ili što već, oni ne pokazuju ovu sposobnost kao psi, mačke, papige i druge inteligetnije životinje. Što pokušavam reći? Novi početak može biti sjajan. Nema ništa loše u tome da volimo nove početke i da ih do krajnosti iskoristimo. Ponekad oni mogu biti poticaj koji nam je trebao.
“Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.”
So, tell me, are you looking for to October? What are you most excited about? Do share! I'm really looking forward to October. Perhaps I'm not so much excited for this month, as for Autumn in general. I can't wait to witness another seasonal change. I plan to take many long walks in the nature, to make the most out of it. In English, October originates from Latin word for eight because that used to be the eight month in the Roman calendar. In Croatian language, we have very poetic and imaginative names for months. So, for example, we call October 'leaf fall' because it is the month when the leaves start to fall. That's one of the things that always bring a smile to my face. Streets covered with colourful leaves are such a pretty sight! If it starts raining and if the city cleaning services don't do their job, it can get a bit dangerous walking in such conditions- but why start the month with negative thoughts? Every season has its magic and now it is Autumn's turn to take the stage so let's just relax and enjoy the show. Why not?
Tako da, recite mi, čemu se veselite u listopadu? Oko čega ste uzbuđeni? Podijelite sa mnom! Ja se radujem listopadu, možda ne toliko zbog samoga listopada koliko zbog same promjene godišnjih doba. Planiram duge šetnje po prirodi da to maksimalno iskoristim. U engleskom riječ za ovaj mjesec potječe od latinskoge riječi za broj osam jer je to nekad bio osmi mjesec u rimskom kalendaru, ali kako u hrvatskome jeziku imamo vrlo poetične i slikovite nazive za mjeseca, pa tako i ovaj mjesec zovemo listopad jer je to mjesec u kojem lišće počinje padati. Ulice pokrivene lišćem su predivan prizor koji mi uvijek izmami osmijeh na lice. Ako počne kiša, a gradske službe za čišćenje ne obave posao kako treba onda hodanje u takvih umjetima može biti pomalo i opasno- ali zašto započeti mjesec s negativnim mislima? Svako godišnje doba ima svoju magiju, a sada je vrijeme da jesen dođe na pozornicu, pa zašto ne bismo sjeli, opustili se i uživali u predstavi?
Today's fashion illustration is created with these thoughts in mind. While she is raising a toast for Autumn, our lovely red head is wearing a dramatic green gown, paired with a cropped black blazer. How do you like this outfit? That would be my fashion illustration of the day. The medium is watercolour on paper.
Današnja modna ilustracija je napravljena s ovim mislim u vidu. Dok drži zdravicu za jesen, naša crvenokosa nosi dramatičnu zelenu haljinu, skupa s kratkim crnim blajzerom. Kako vam se sviđa ova kombinacija? To bi bila moja modna ilustracija dana. Medij su vodene boje na papiru.
“To hold our tongues when everyone is gossiping, to smile without hostility at people and institutions, to compensate for the shortage of love in the world with more love in small, private matters; to be more faithful in our work, to show greater patience, to forgo the cheap revenge obtainable from mockery and criticism: all these are things we can do. ”
“Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.”
“We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible. And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.”
*This post has been updated with additional fashion illustrations in 2025.
Thank you!
Beautiful painting! ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful October
thank you darling:)
DeleteYou are a great writer dear..
ReplyDeleteI love your autumn explain <3
I like to watch ''leaf fall''
By the way, like your painting which include the woman in green dress <3
thank you Fatma:)
DeleteNow that I've found you I must remember that I need more time just for you alone. ;) Your posts are always so versatile that I must have much more time to leave a comment. So now very quickly - your choice of red dresses is beautiful. The nostalgic pictures are great. Have a lovely weekend - Margot :)
ReplyDeletethank you Margot:). I do my best to keep my posts as versatile as possible.
DeleteWe do not have Autumn here in the Philippines, but I do hope that the season will bring some love to you my dear! October is such an interesting month for me. I am curious on what beauty is has for me :)
ReplyDeletelove lots,
that's the spirit!
DeleteBeautiful painting dear
DeleteQue lindo os seus croqui
DeleteBoje su mi nekako bas u stilu jeseni. :)
ReplyDeleteJako dobra ilustracija!
ReplyDeleteUvek nas iznedadite vasim talentom :)
Deletewow! amazing pictures! cheers!
ReplyDeletexoxo Sandicious
DeleteFinalmente è arrivato Ottobre :) l'autunno è la mia stagione preferita e non vedo l'ora che arrivi un po' di pioggia e il freddo. Buon weekend :) xx
si, finalmente!
DeleteTakodjer se veselim pocetku novog mjeseca, jeseni i toplijoj odjeci. Dopada mi se crtez, uistinu si talentirana! Sve pohvale za zelenu haljinu, mislim da nikad ne bi uspjela nacrtati nesto slicno. Svaka cast!
ReplyDeleteNovi post:
Takodjer se veselim pocetku novog mjeseca, jeseni i toplijoj odjeci. Dopada mi se crtez, uistinu si talentirana! Sve pohvale za zelenu haljinu, mislim da nikad ne bi uspjela nacrtati nesto slicno. Svaka cast!
ReplyDeleteNovi post:
I love your take on how revitalising 'fresh starts' can be - and I completely agree! There's something very exciting about anything new. Needless to say at first most new things are daunting for anyone, however simultaneously they can give you a new lease of life! It sounds as though you've got a beautifully calm Autumn ahead of you full of nature walks (what could be better?). Personally, I'm loving the cosier weather, mass of candles and changeover of wardrobes :) Hope you're having a great weekend Ivana!!
thank you Gabrielle...what could be better indeed?
ReplyDeleteLovely post dear!Have a great weekend! xx
ReplyDeletethank you
DeleteDear Ivana, many thanks for your wonderful encouraging words for the start of the new month! I like them so much! Not only because I'm definitely a fan of everything new - I'm also impressed about the words you found. Like as usual your illustration and what the illustration is symbolisind and the look is really fashionable, too. Enjoy your weekend, dear Ivana!
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Hey Ivana, now I feel more motivated about October and of course one of my favorite seasons: fall, let's wear coats and layers and of course enjoy how the leaves of the trees are flying around there! :D I love the result of your illustration because you can really detect the fall attitude that is starting to surround us! :D Enjoy this new week and this new month!
It means a lot to me that I made you feel more motivated.
DeleteIn Polish listopad is November, ha, ha! October is pażdziernik :-)
ReplyDeleteI love this illustration, it is similar to vintage XIXcentury style:D
October is very good time to bake a courgette bread, so I will!
yes, I know we have similar names for month is our languages.