Illustration of the day ( A Message ) / Ilustracija dana (Poruka)

This drawing was inspired by one famous old oil painting. That oil painting depicts a woman sitting behind a desk and writing a letter. It struck me that a modern scene would be slightly different. A contemporary woman wouldn't be doing that, she wouldn’t be writing a message on a paper (not as a main means of communication anywhere, albeit she might write a letter if she wanted to leave something tangible in the hands of the recipient of the message). Instead a modern woman would be writing a message on a cell phone (probably smartphone, everyone’s got one at this point) or an iPhone. She might still be surrounded by books, especially if she prefers to shy away from e-books (like myself although I can’t deny that they are sometimes more practical) and prefers to hold a book while reading it.

However, what would truly be different? She might still pause to think and gaze into distance. What is she thinking about? Is she writing to a lover or a friend? To a family friend or to some figure that is somehow very important to her, perhaps not in an emotional but in some other way? Why is she pausing? What is he trying to do? Perhaps she is not even writing a letter, perhaps she is writing a poem. It could also be that she is doing both, thinking of some clever line or rhyme to achieve a compelling effect. I don’t think so, though. I think matters of heart are at stake. I may not be right. That’s the power of art. It never stops talking. The best novel is the one that always has something to say and the same applies to a painting, I would dare to say. Art is truly timeless. It reaches for the eternal and fundamental basis of our souls. Through language of symbols, shape, colours, emotions, metaphors and what not, it speaks to our souls, reminding us of things we have forgotten and never knew we had in us. That applies to any art. That is why great art is precious.

I can't help feeling that most oil paintings from 16 century depict women better that any cover or any magazine. The view we get of them is wonderfully intimate and hauntingly beautiful. Not that a photograph can’t do the same. It can and it does. Covers of magazines are also sometimes art, but not always (obviously), because most of them are there to sell you something, make you buy that magazine. Art is not about that, art is as vulnerable as a newly hatched bird (and not a duckling that can walk as soon as it hatched but more like baby parrots and hawks, disturbingly clumsy and innocent). Art is all about letting our guard down, of experiencing deeper feelings and states. When I look and swipe through art books, I’m perplexed by the way woman were portrayed and by the way they are today. I compare these paintings with images that I see around me and I’m almost shocked. There is so much reverence for woman in old painting. They're often depicted as deeply sophisticated, at least if the look in their eyes is any judge of things.

I’m not suffering from a bad case of nostalgia. I don’t believe that in past things were better but I don’t believe they were much worse either. For fundamental issues, those that really shake our core, remain the same. Matters of heart are still important, we still fall in love and we still make mistakes, we still fear for our loved ones. We still struggle to find courage to truly love and we are still terrified of not being loved in return. Art isn't something that interest everyone. Hyper production makes us exposed to marketing 24/7.  I’m aware that what we see is often marketing, that hyper production of visual images (paintings, photographs etc) creates a noise that is hard to navigate. Sometimes it does get overwhelming. It is not there isn’t good art, it is just that it is less visible, although not quite invisible (yet).

Mona Lisa is staring at us from every t-shirt and every mug, but the thing is that it is not really Mona Lisa. We only think that is what we’re seeing but what are we really seeing? I’m not even talking about vulgarization of art and what it means for a painting to have its frame changed and its colour altered (as always happens in reproductions). That kind of thing robs a painting of its power, but I'm not even getting into that. The question is.....Being exposed to Mona Lisa in all ways possible can we experience it in a way it was experienced by the first people who saw it? When Leonardo’s inventions in creating colour must have felt like divine intervention to people gazing upon them for the first time? Can we experience it as people of Renaissance? Today we like to believe ourselves smart because of we have smart phones, but do they really make us smart? When one reads accomplished writers from the period of Renaissance, one is amazed by the broadness and the span of their education. They were interested in everything, they wanted to know a bit about everything. Today we are certain that we know everything and if we sometimes discover it is not so, we assume we can always download some app to help us learn that. How wrong we are!

Not that I'm again apps, mobile phones or internet. Not that I'm against cameras. It is never about the medium. There is an amazing number of talented photographers today whose works are as high achievements as those 16 century art paintings. There are wonderful writers today and a fair number of educated people. These photographers and writers are not always found in mainstream, though. You certainly won’t find their staring back at you from every corner. What kind of images do we find at any corner? In advertisement, I see a lot of things that I would be inclined to call pornography. I’m not talking about nudity but of vulgarization. Off course that vulgar minds existed in the past as much as they do today. But were they always so trendy as they are today? It doesn't matter that Mona Lisa stares at us from reproductions. If we as society don't learn to appreciate art, it doesn't matter at all.

That’s what worries me. Not the hyper production but this implied modern idea that everything is equal. Well, it is not, some painters are better than others and some people like myself aren’t painter but hobby artists. Likewise, not every representation of a woman is art, even if art was often inspired by women.  I’m talking about an issue that troubles me and that is how woman are depicted today, how they depict themselves with their selfies and so called self-portraits. An average ‘self-portrait’ is that of a body part. What happened with the eyes? What happened with sophistication? What happened with expressing sophisticated states and emotions? What does that say about us? What I’m talking about is the tenderness one notices in old paintings. Those painters loved those women. Maybe not in a romantic way, maybe some of them were gay, others married and not interested in particular model that was sitting for them but that doesn’t change anything. The way women are depicted in old art is often so tender it makes you cry. Those painting were painted by mostly men. What am I trying to say? Let’s not blame men for everything.

Yes, in the past women didn’t have some rights  they have today, well at least not those of the lower social standing (queens didn’t exactly get discouraged from getting an education, were they?), but that doesn’t mean that many of them were not loved and respected.  Speaking of education, who discourages us from getting an education today? Everyone has an internet connection, but what do we primarily use it for? Do we use it for scientific research and learning about achievements of mankind? Yeah, right. Internet is mostly used for porn. You may say that it is mostly men who surf web for porn, but there are plenty of woman that do it too and a lot of those who post pornographic content to benefit from it in one way or another. Depressive fact, but there it is, let’s not beat around the bush. Not that pornographic content didn’t exist before, but it was not exactly a part of the mainstream. It wasn’t widely accepted and children surely weren’t exposed to it in the past. What will happen with these new generations exposed to such scenes of violence from an early age? Today we’re being told that it is a positive thing that there are more women directors of porn films. WTF? What ever happened with more women directors of history and educational documentaries? Whatever happened with more women in art? No, let’s have more women in porn. All in the name of equality.

Ladies, if we’re not going to respect ourselves, nobody is going to respect us. You can’t have it all. You can make a lot of money with sexual content and then complain society only judges you solely on your looks. I’m not saying we should judge everything, but we must be aware that we are what we choose to be. If you want to be a porn star, that’s fine, but you can’t be one and complain nobody takes your intellect in consideration. If you want to show your intellect, get a job at NASA. Well, porn starts are usually not the ones that whine and complain, that’s reserved for starlets and celebrities. That’s what 99 percent of women Hollywood stars are doing. They don’t complain about being ‘judged’ by their looks while they’re earning millions of dollars on advertisements that sell products. These stars don’t go and say to L’oreal, you know I’m all about the intellect, let’s include literary quotes in our commercial, do they? You can play the victim all you want but in the end the person you’re reducing is only yourself. I’m not saying there is anything wrong in making money on advertising products, but you can’t keep on participating in sexualisation of marketing, you can’t keep putting out vulgar content and expected to be treated as Marie Curie. If you want to be treated as Marie Curie, do what she did and dedicate your life to science. Read a biography of Maria Montessori. That was courage, that was being a visionary. If you can’t be that, don’t blame the society for it.

Today people want to enjoy vulgarity, but they can’t stand it be called that. No, showing your body parts to make money that’s not vulgar, that has to be called art. Pornography has to be called feminism. That’s so f***** hypocritical, it’s not even funny. If you are a celebrity you know it was your choice to get into that world, and you were willing pay the price. You can still do useful things; the thing is that you don’t want to (most of them anyway). You want the world bow down to you if you make one movie that has ‘artistic’ tendencies or donate a fraction of your wealth to charity. If you want people to really listen to you, try learning how to say something really meaningful. The world is not ignoring you because you’re a woman but because you have nothing to say that isn’t an advertisement of some food regime or other. I listen to many women on daily basis. I listen to them carefully because they have important things to say. In addition, I read many books written by women. If their names are not _____ (insert any Hollywood star) and ______ (insert any pop star), it is because Toni Morrison and Margaret Atwood have more meaningful things to say that women who sell soft porn for a living. They’re better writers than starlets, they’re more intellectual, one can actually learn something from them. Their eyes aren’t empty as eyes of those who reduced themselves on body parts. I’m judging startles, I’m just saying to each its own. Let’s not call a bike a Ferrari so that we wouldn’t hurt somebody’s feelings.

The tragedy of our time is not that there is no Leonardo. The problem is that he is unemployed and nobody is about to commission a painting from him. The problem is not that women are objectified by men, the problem is that they are objectified by themselves. They have reduced themselves to body parts and that’s really tragic. Bigger lips, bigger buts, smaller waist…One can say that there were always trends in beauty, that women always tried to make them fit some beauty standard and they were right. However, today the trend has taken on worrying proportions. High art was always elitist; it was never something that masses could understand but at least the masses had some respect for it. Vulgar content always existed but it wasn’t always praised. Deep down inside people were aware that there is difference between content, that a vulgar pornographic sketch isn’t the same as an amazing painting that is a work of art. Today they aren't aware of that. Today everything is considered art, but that only means that nothing really is.

Today we believe that everything should be equal to everything. Yeah, that's going to end well. Yet this idea sneaks us on us. It whispers ‘you deserve it’ and ‘why should anyone be better than you?’.  My dear people, if we aren’t able to see our shortcomings and admire those better than others, we will never learn anything. We have to stop putting on pink glasses all the time. Hollywood actresses aren’t a part of entertaining industry, God forbid saying something like that! They’re artists, visionaries, they bring us message from the heavens, they’re incarnation of all wisdom.  Why not just call them what they are? People of some talent who make their money mostly by advertising products. For most part, these ladies are a mixture of models and actresses. There is nothing wrong with that and I don’t disrespect them in any way. I do get annoyed when they complain how they are exploited. A slave woman is being exploited somewhere in the world in the moment. A Hollywood star? You’re getting millions of dollars to look a certain way, you’re not being exploited, you’re being spoiled.

We’ve forgotten what it means to have a real relationship. We don't value genuine and profound feelings and as a result, our eyes sometimes show an emptiness of a soul. Not that today doesn’t exist a woman with a sophisticated look in her eyes. It is just that her image won’t make front news. Hyper production of women's body parts is more important. Sure, in the past there was as much gossip and as much obsession about celebrities as it is today. Still, isn’t it sad that today we have all this access to education and nobody is using it? Can you imagine how a beggar would have felt if someone in medieval Europe offered to take him to see all the great museums and paintings? Today many museums have no admittance fee, but they’re still empty. Today art is accessible to everyone, you can find all the greatest achievements of human kind online, but nobody wants to. We like to think of ourselves advanced, but often we forgot the meaning of loyalty and hard work. Not that people didn’t run after status in the old days.  Sure, they did.  In the past, there was a much vulgarity as today, but it wasn’t declared state’s religion. It wasn’t something we glorified. That is the danger of the modern world. Glorification of trash, calling trash treasure.

A courtesan in 16 century period was sometimes an educated woman, one that borrowed money to poets, one that was something akin to the business woman. She was respected if she had education and style and if she didn’t she was called common. Today it is politically incorrect to call an educated women educated and an uneducated woman uneducated. I suppose I’m a bad person because I say I prefer reading an interview with Toni Morrison’s to that with ________ (insert any starlet)? I’m not saying that we as women should judge other women, I’m saying that those who really achieved something deserve to be praised more than those who didn’t. If a woman is pretty, but of limited intelligence that we should not call her stupid but complement her for being pretty (without feeling jealous) and we should reserve the complement of intelligence for those deserving of it, even if they, God forbid, happen to be men. Today it is politically incorrect to state the most obvious things.

The problem of today’s world is that messages gets lost. Everyone is busy playing the star, everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and nobody wants to spend 5 minutes reading something meaningful. It is not that people don’t write letters. It is not about the medium. Technology doesn’t do any harm to human soul, it doesn’t take sophistication from it. You either have it or you don’t. We can write an email that can be as long and as profound as any 10 pages long letter, but how often do we do that? That’s the problem. It’s not technology, it’s us. It is our human weakness of taking the easy way out. Likewise, it is not always man who objectify woman. Sometimes women objectify themselves. Sometimes they prefer the professions that are all about the looks. That’s ok and we shouldn’t judge one another for it, but let’s not blame the man for it. If you’re a women living in the west, you probably have access to education. You don’t have to make use of it but you shouldn’t complain that society judges you solely on your looks. In other words, if you don’t work at NASA, it’s not the fault of men. Maybe you just suck at math (like me).

Today I see danger in false political correction. I see danger in people learning the right words and applying them to wrong things. I’m afraid of social activism that turns into terrorism. I’m afraid of everyone believing they are entitled to everything because that often ends up in people stepping one over another. We are afraid to admit that not everyone is the same. If I had to be operated tomorrow, I should want to be operated by the best surgeon in the hospital. I wouldn’t want to operate by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. I won’t lay on that table and say, I want my surgeon to be gay because I support gay rights. You can’t turn everything into social activism. Everyone is an activist these days. How many of us really act like human beings? How many of us put others first? How many of us are willing to risk our lives for the sake of others? Not just our lives but our time and all we got? 

The danger of our present world is not just hyper production, self-obsessed selfies and content, it is not just the porn that surrounds us (though it certainly isn’t a positive thing). The problem is that we have stopped perceiving porn as porn. We have start calling porn feminism. The danger is not that there isn’t as much art as there is vulgarity, but that someone makes porn and calls it art. What is worse is people buy into that. Talk about 1984 coming to life! Newspeak is here to stay. All you need to reduce a person to nothing is to make him or her seem politically incorrect. I have a problem with that. It annoys me in a same way as when a person who can’t get one accent right is a news anchor. It angers me when someone expects for the world to bow down in front of them because they happen to feel blue. I don’t believe that everyone deserves equal admiration. We should admire those that are really great and respect the rest. Yes, respect everyone but apply some objectivity when it comes to ourselves. Let’s stop spoon feeding one another, we’re adults for f**** sake. It is not normal that everyone wants to be a star. Playing dress up and stardom occasionally, I get it ( I have a fashion blog, don’t I?) but when did we start making everything about that? When have we become obsessed with images of ourselves?

The problem is not that there is no Leonardo Da Vinci to paint that mysterious grin, the problem is that we’re too busy with porn face selfies for ever to have that grin in the first place.  I'm pushing this metaphor a bit, but only so that I could make a point. Sophistication is something that needs to be developed, it's not an app that we can download. Love is about choices we make, it is not available for sale. What happened with loving one another? What happened with our eyes being windows of our souls? No, wait, it’s all about butts now. Well, call be jealous because my butt is of an average size, even if my hips are a bigger than the norm. Call me crazy because I consider my butt to be irrelevant and am not even sure what it exactly looks like. Call me crazy because I read a book almost every day. Call me pretentious. Call me a snob. What do I know? I must be a terribly privileged woman if I have a 40 000 words vocabulary. Yes, that’s it. Privilege. That is why I have a decent vocabulary. It is not because I took time to read a lot of books or write a lot of essays. I must have ‘sooooo much time on my hands’ if I was able to learn how to put two sentences together. Must be from all that time I saved not working on my butt.

P.S. I’m well aware of the irony of speaking of dangers of hyper production while posting an articles composed of +3400 words and being for most part a daily blogger.


  1. Bella l'espressione pensierosa, affascinante l'abito... bravissima!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

    My Instagram

  2. I second it, Ivana. Wishing you a lovely start into a new week, girl.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it was interesting to read.

  4. Thank you for putting your thoughts out there along with this illustration, Ivana. I feel the same as you on many of the points you have raised but I'm not sure I could have organized my opinion so clearly and cohesively. Sadly we do seem to live in an age where self obsession has become the norm and that is not likely going to change any time soon.

    1. yes, self obsesion has taken on worrying proportions. Sure, it was always a part of our reality, but now it is more socially accepted.

  5. I just love your take on this matter. And the illustration is beautiful!

  6. Quando la scrittura aveva il suo fascino... Bellissimo ❤

  7. Quando la scrittura aveva il suo fascino... Bellissimo ❤

  8. Predivan post, oduševljena sam:)
    Poseti moj blog:
    Kika's blog

  9. Fantastic ilustration! Happy new week! Kiss:))


  10. Amazing ilustration!

  11. Hello Ivana! I really like that you decided to share with your thoughts, dear - I also think that today we like to make everything easier, what's more - just like you said - everyone wants to be a star and everyone is self-obsessed, most of us is selfish, and how it's weird and in some point - scary - that woman, who have access to education can complain a lot about how does she look like and that she need new surgery, of course, she choose a doctor, who will be a gay. I'm sure that the same woman doesn't think about herself like a lucky one, because she was born in free, independent country, where wars are seen in TV only. We live in crazy times, Ivana, but in my opinion, if someone has really great values in lifes, like you have, then she or he will always remeber that fame isn't all and there are a lot of real values, which are much better to use in life.
    Have a lovely evening, Ivana! :)

    1. thank you dear<3 you're absolutely right. It is scary that women who have access to education spend all their time only thinking about their looks. Even an University degree is sometimes seen as only a status symbol. We must make our lives about something more, we need to develop better values or we're lost.

  12. Sempre bellissimi questi disegni:) un bacione

  13. Quanta intensità in questo disegno, dolce Ivana! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW FASHION POST

  14. Do you know what? I firmly agree with everything you write here. I do get worried about self-portrayal, about how everything has to be 'ok'now and if you dare to say, 'No, I don't agree' you are either a prude or 'you are stuck in the dark ages'. I, for one, really do not like the flagrant 'sexiness' that appears in so much and how 'soft porn' as you say, is acceptable now.
    So much about feminism and yet so much that ISN'T! And I worry so much about my girls at school and the teens and young girls I see. So ahead of their time in terms of how they present themselves and what they wear. And so often clones of each other. So stressed trying to BE something.
    I find that I really dislike ANYONE drawing any attention to anything I wear as being perceived as sexy in any way. I really, really don't like it so therefore, I find allusion to it uncomfortable.
    And the onus on doing things.
    Thank you for your intelligent words that dare to say what is unsaid. xxx
    And your woman in the picture..she has depth.x

    1. yes, I worry about the young girls too. That's actually what I'm most worried about...what kind of message are we sending to them? If all what we talk about is dieting and how to look this or that way, how do we except those young ladies to grow to see themselves as something more than just a body?
      thank you dear<3

  15. You've written so many wise things here, it's a great discussion to open up Ivana! It is tricky to know how to respond as you've stated your case so eloquently. But I do share some of the same thoughts as you around the damage that can come from failing to think for ourselves and getting to sucked up in marketing "hype". I don't think there's one clear answer, as I believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone doing anything that makes them feel empowered or confident, as long as it does not come at the expense of hurting others. But sometimes we need to reflect on our reasons for things and decide if what we think are 'needs' are really wants. I hope that my sons, growing up in this world, will value people and face to face connections over all, just as much as I do, and that they know they are more than the numbers of interactions on a screen or social media.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. I totally agree with you. We do need to reflect on our reasons for doing things...nothing should come before real relationship and genuine connections. It is easy to get lost in trying to be popular, but what ultimately matters is being a good person.

  16. You raised many good points in this post about the modern society. I see your point of views and I do agree with what you said. There is definitely room for discussions but you made very solid points and I agree with the comment by Mica T, it's hard to respond.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. this post was a bit all over the place, perhaps I covered too many topics at once, but they have all been bothering me lately so maybe it is better that I got them off my chest in one go:)

  17. Lovely pics dear!Have a great week! xx

  18. Beautiful illustration and great reflection
    Have a lovely day sweetie!

  19. Hello lovely...this is beautiful. I love the mood is gives me, bit dark and mysterious, makes me stare at it. Wonderful. I hope you have a great day xx

  20. wow I love it! and those colors are perfect!

  21. This was such an interesting and thought-provoking post to read, Ivana. Firstly, you make a very good point about how modern day artwork would most likely depict a different scene - technology would be involved, for one. As much as I love change and progression, there seems to be something very comforting about those 'long gone days' where much time was spent thinking, reading and I suppose, living. The pace of life is much faster now. Secondly, you depict such brilliant sadness within the eyes of your artwork; it makes each piece seem to tell a deeper, darker story. Fascinating.

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x

    1. thank you dear. Eyes are the windows to the soul they say:)

  22. Great post! Just so perfect!

  23. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Ivana! I adore them. And I love your illustration, really wonderful!

  24. Ne mogu vjerovati da mi je skoro promaknuo ovaj post, mislim da neću pretjerati kad kažem da mi je definitivno tvoj najbolji i najdraži post dosad i u potpunosti se slažem sa svime napisanim. Ovo su stvari o kojima zadnjih mjeseci aktivno razmišljam i oko kojih bi sve više željela zavrtiti i svoj blog jer mi već neopisivo ide na živce sva ljiga s kojom smo bombardirani medijski sa svih strana (čast iznimkama). Kao i kad čitam raznorazne članke o bloganju i digitalnom marketingu pa onda u doslovno 99% slučajeva u prvom pasusu piše 'nemojte pisati duge tekstove, to nikoga ne zanima, stavljajte lijepe i privlačne fotke' na što dobijem još koju sijedu na glavi. Super je što sam se školovala ko idiot čitav život, što isto kao i ti svaki dan moram odvojiti barem sat vremena za čitanje knjiga, što radim na sebi najviše što mogu, što mislim svojom, bilo bi mi najpametnije da se ujutro odmah našminkam ko netko od Kardashiana, opalim jedno 3-4 selfie-ja dnevno i postanem poznata zahvaljujući konturiranju. Idiotizam i apsolutna površnost.

    Sjajan članak, moram reći još jednom i iskreno se nadam da je svatko od tvojih čitatelja koji je ostavio komentar zapravo u potpunosti i pročitao tekst od početka do kraja.

    1. Po tim pravilima uspješnosti u digitalnom svijetu nema nikako mjesta za nas...nama što ne znamo konturiranje, što nemamo milijune sljedbenika i što ne opterećujemo digitalni svijet stotinama slika svoga tijela u krupnom planu piše se izumrli. Ipak mislim da je vjerojatnost da netko pročita nešto što napišemo ipak veća. Možda neće svi pročitati ono što napišemo, ali netko hoće i onda se tu stvori dijalog i imaš onaj fini topli osjećaj da si ljudska osoba, a ne silikonska igračka na napuhavanje.

      Meni se ova neka pitanja već duge vrte po glavi. Mislim da su ljudi umorni od agresivnoga marketinga. Mene je kod blogova baš privuklo to što su bili osobniji od takozvanim 'mainstream' časopisa, što su iznosili neka osobna iskustva, a sada se nekako blogovi (a i druge medijske platforme još više) svode na pokazivanje brand simbola, skupih torbica i slično... sve mi je to nekako na razini srednje škole, uključujući u prvom redu zvijezde i njihova natjecanja tko ima više pratitelja.

      Nema ništa loše u tome što ima blogova koji su posao, ali treba onda biti iskren oko toga. Isto kao što nema ništa loše u tome što netko želi biti dio zabavne industrije, ali onda moraš biti iskren sam sa sobom. Ne mora svatko biti na nekoj misiji spašavanja svijeta, nijedan posao nije površan sam po sebi, ja uvijek mislim da je biti dobra osoba i ponašati se zrelo i odgovorno prema drugim ljudima dovoljno ambiciozan cilj, ali opet moramo u životu težiti nečim višem neko imati trendy tijelo i lice. Svesti sebe na neke centimetre kao da smo komad pokućstva ili mi se nikako ne sviđa.

  25. wonderful!

  26. Jedan od tvojih najbolji tekstova, ako ne i najbolji. prosto se jedva usuđujem da kažem bilo šta jer si temu obradila uz toliko različitih uglova i detalja. Ipak, sve se svodi na to da se i sama često pitam da li je vreme u kojem živimo zaista promena na bolje, da li je taj "feminizam" sve samo ne ono što bi trebalo da jeste. Muškarci su tu još najmanje krivi, žena je ženi vuk zapravo. Danas je aktuelan trend velikih zadnjica, kada sam bila u pubertetu, važile su velike grudi. Nemam ni jedno, ni drugo, pa po tim merilima nisam ni osuđena na taj neki "uspeh". Isto tako, nismo svi ni starlete, niti radimo u Nasi. Mnoge od nas poseduju kako spoljašnju leptu, tako i unutrašnju, sa uračunatim intelektom jer iako mi matematika nije jača strana, neke druge stvari jesu, ali koga još zanima tako nešto. Mase ne zanima. Što se umetnosti tiče, toliko bombardovanje sadržajem svakog tipa, konstanto izlaganje svemu i svačemu nas je valjda globalno oslepelo i otupilo. Uh, ima tu toliko toga što bih rekla. Dodaću samo da se nadam da će što više ljudi zapravo i pročitati tekst i jedno veliko BRAVO!

    1. da, stvarno je često žena ženi vuk i tužno je to. Umjesto da podupiremo jedna drugu, natječemo se oko gluposti i stalno osuđujemo i tračamo jedna drugu... nisu ni starlete toliko krive za nešto, koliko su proizvod društva, ljudi traže neke figure koje je lako mrziti i kojima se lako smijati pa ih malo idealiziraju, malo ismijavaju....i ta slava je kruh sa sedam kora, barem za one iole normalne...najlakše je nekoga drugoga okriviti za sve, npr. muškarce, ali ako ćemo iskreno, uvijek ima ljudi koji će ti pomoći i koji neće, pa o kojem se god spolu radilo.

      Isto tako ako si pomagao drugim ljudima, pomoći će netko i tebi, ako si izbacivao neki kvalitetan sadržaj, ljudi će te uzeti malo ozbiljnije u obzir...Istina, žene se malo češće ocjenjuje vizualno nego muškarce, ali to radimo i mi jedna drugoj pa je rijetko čuti muškarca da za neku govori da je ružna, debela ili nedotjerana (to nažalost najčešće žene govore o jedna drugoj). Nije u redu nikoga iskorištavati pa ni muškarce i nitko sebe ne bi trebao smatrati nekom svetom kravom. Ako želiš da te netko sluša, poslušaj i ti njega, probaj popričati sa njim...Svi bi danas neku instant prijateljstva, instant slavu, veze i pratitelje..Onda kad ih netko ne sluša, ispada da je neki seksizam i rasizam kriv za i nije baš tako.

      Ne moramo sve raditi u Nasi ( ja jedva znam zbrojiti dva broja), ali trebamo svi težiti nečem višem od popularnosti i trebamo nastojati pomoći drugima oko sebe, surađivati sa njima. U redu je biti i zvijezda, ali biti zvijezda, uzimati milijune za privilegiju da se pojaviš negdje i da te netko uslika i stalno kukati kako ti je teško je i kako te nitko ne shvaća ozbiljno jer si lijepa...e to je stvarno pomalo smiješno.

      Hvala ti lijepa na komentaru. Isto mislim da nas je možda sav taj vizualni sadržaj malo oslijepio, mada sve ima neku svoju i dobru stranu. Mislim da nas puno više ljudi zna uslikati neku lijepu obiteljsku sliku i sačuvati neki poseban trenutak, pa barem da nečemu posluži ta hiper produkcija slika:)

  27. Nice post! :)

  28. Dear Ivana, this is a great post and again, a great illustration. The expression of her eyes say everything you shared here. Yes, we have no Leonardo, or maybe he is not showing his talent. Mona Lisa was over exposed, but I must confess that even I used her image :) Women do make themselves as objects, but not all of them. I do research a lot, I know you do too, I also love paper books, I am so happy that you always read (and me too!) and we are definitely privileged for knowing languages. But the media tells people that we are only happy if we have more, more and more and if we have more than the others. Unfortunately, I know people that only live for that and that despise the ones who want more content in life - rather than only possessing shoes and skirts. We find all the kinds of people. I would have loved to live in the 50s, but like you said, it was not so different in the past, just without some perks we have now. Loved your post, dear Ivana, such a great mind and heart!

    1. yes, it is all about having more than the others. Nobody wants to share things anymore....that makes me sad, that people are happy when they have more than others.

      I think the things weren't very diferent in the past. There are always good people and bad ones..and making the right decision is never easy.

  29. your an awesome artist girl! xx. gigi.

  30. Dear Ivana, old paintings bring me also a lot to think! Just during the weekend I saw an old drawing (I think it was Monet) and I thought for hours about the people he pictured on this drawing. The only thing I'm not as creative than you that I'm inspired by my side to draw a drawing on that basic :)
    I really like it how your drawing turned out and how deep the face expression of the woman ist.
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Monet is wonderful, I love how he depicts people, you have a feeling of looking into their souls.

  31. Its gorgeous! :) x

  32. Have a lovely evening too, Ivana :)

  33. Nice post!
    Great illustration <3

  34. Very nice drawing. You are gifted. Loves.

  35. Mislim da sam nedavno na Elinu Ig profilu napisala esej na tu temu, ne znam jesi li citala ali ne mogu se vise sloziti sa tobom o svemu napisanome.
    Ja vise ne mogu pogledati spon na Yt da mi se zivot ne okrene! Ne slusam narodnjake ali bome ne osudjujem ni one koji slusaju jer nema nikakve zazlike od svjetskih jer se sve svodi na seks, guzicu, sisu, seks, seks i jos malo seksa. Ispada da se emancipacija svela na to da eto-blago nama jer smo slobodne hodati gole i seksati se s kim god i gdje god. Blago nama! Sufrazetkinje i ekipa bi bile ponosne na nas. I sto je najbolje, cak i vecina muskaraca koje ja znam, a oni su nam kao glavni neprijatelji, misli da je sve ova danas too much ali ne- to je nase pravo!
    Za mene nema razlike izmedju danasnjeg vremena i Srednjeg vijeka. Stanje drustva nije nista bolje.
    O medijima da i ne govorim. O blogovima jos i manje. Bas sam nedavno "izgubila" jos jednu od dragih mi blogerica jer se eto-proslavila. I sad je i ona obucena ko' Chiara i ekipa (cak je i naziv bloga sada smijesan Thrifts&Threats) a bas mi je bila preeeeesuper :/ Znam da moras ziviti od necega ali brate pa daj bar da jedan post tjedno ne bude znam...ja sam mozda luda ali da mi se cec pomalo gadi taj umjetni i isforsirani mogu negirati!
    Odlican post i uvijek volim kada se ti dotaknes ovakvih tema!

    1. da, baš me zanima što mi mislile sufražetkinje da pogledaju bilo koji glazbeni spot bilo koje svjetske pop glazbenice (osim Adele, ali i nju bi skinuli da je uspiju nagovoriti da se podredi tim idealima ljepote i privlačnosti, eto osim nje nitko mi ne pada na pamet kao iznimka i to je tužno)...sigurno bi im prisjele batine koje su dobivale da bi svima nama ženama bilo dostupno obrazovanje. Mariji Jurić Zagorki su se rugali neki kolege pisci, ali su joj se na kraju ispričavali i poštovali je, a danas učimo djevojčice da je žena uzor bogata nasljednica koja je snimila pornić. Uvjeravaju nas da takve žene treba oponašati. Nekad ne znam bi li se smijala ili plakala.

  36. Mislim da sam nedavno na Elinu Ig profilu napisala esej na tu temu, ne znam jesi li citala ali ne mogu se vise sloziti sa tobom o svemu napisanome.
    Ja vise ne mogu pogledati spon na Yt da mi se zivot ne okrene! Ne slusam narodnjake ali bome ne osudjujem ni one koji slusaju jer nema nikakve zazlike od svjetskih jer se sve svodi na seks, guzicu, sisu, seks, seks i jos malo seksa. Ispada da se emancipacija svela na to da eto-blago nama jer smo slobodne hodati gole i seksati se s kim god i gdje god. Blago nama! Sufrazetkinje i ekipa bi bile ponosne na nas. I sto je najbolje, cak i vecina muskaraca koje ja znam, a oni su nam kao glavni neprijatelji, misli da je sve ova danas too much ali ne- to je nase pravo!
    Za mene nema razlike izmedju danasnjeg vremena i Srednjeg vijeka. Stanje drustva nije nista bolje.
    O medijima da i ne govorim. O blogovima jos i manje. Bas sam nedavno "izgubila" jos jednu od dragih mi blogerica jer se eto-proslavila. I sad je i ona obucena ko' Chiara i ekipa (cak je i naziv bloga sada smijesan Thrifts&Threats) a bas mi je bila preeeeesuper :/ Znam da moras ziviti od necega ali brate pa daj bar da jedan post tjedno ne bude znam...ja sam mozda luda ali da mi se cec pomalo gadi taj umjetni i isforsirani mogu negirati!
    Odlican post i uvijek volim kada se ti dotaknes ovakvih tema!

    1. istine, narodnjaci nisu nikakva iznimka i zapravo njihovi spotovi nisu gorih od drugih, u puno slučajeva su te svjetske pop zvijezde puno gore, njihovi spotovi su čista pornografija, ja to stvarno ne mogu gledati. Meni je najgore to što mi se čini da ljudi više i ne razmišljaju, samo očekuju da će im izmisliti i neki app za to.

  37. Oh My God - what a fantastic post. Your thoughts about our world are so deep but so true. I can only agree with everything you said - and obviously it doesn't matter where we live, whta country we come from - the world around us has gone mad. We crossed the borders which should never have been crossed. Unfortunately the outcome of these changes is tragic and our pronciples and things we were used to changed too. Congratulations on the article. Have a great Sunday - Margot :)

  38. Very lovely stuff and the colors remind me strongly of Captain America, whom I have been reading quite a bit of lately.

    All Things Bright and Lovely


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