Florals are forever.....Cvjetni uzorak zauvijek.....

We all know that consuming fruit and vegetables is healthy. However, did you know that grapes contain powerful antioxidants that may reduce the danger of cancer? Did you know that grapes are considered 'super food' because they contain so many healthy ingredients? Did you know that consuming red grapes (and or red wine) can lower the risk of heart problems and also help you with acne problems? Due to anti-inflammatory effects of ingredients found in grapes, eating it can even help you combat allergies. Its consumption is also linked with a lower risk of diabetes, but remember that this applies to consumption of fresh fruit (not just grapes but other fruits) and not the sweeten juices.  Sure, fruit juices can be healthy too, but they increase the sugar intake (especially those juices that contain refined sugar) , so people who are overweight or suffer from diabetes should decrease their consummation of juices and increase their consummation of fruit in its original form.  You probably know that grapes are used as finger food all around the world, but did you know that they can be used in all kinds of dishes, especially in cakes and deserts? The preparation process (for example cooking) may change the characteristic of this fruit a bit, so if you want to fully utilize its health benefits in raw form, don’t forget to consume it as finger food. It is one of the healthies food around. Remember all those ancient Greek and Roman mosaics, sculptures and painting of people eating grapes. These two great civilizations knew what they were doing. Today people seem to be overly worried about food. Yes, there is a lot of sugar to be found in grapes but it is natural not refined sugar and it is not like you're going to eat 10 kilos of grapes in a day. Eating heathly doesn't mean starving yourself. Remember that eating in moderation is always the key. When it comes to food, there is such a thing as 'too much of the good thing', even when we're talking about so called 'super foods'.

Svi mi znamo da je zdravo jesti voće i povrće. No, jeste li znali da grožđe sadrži snažne antioksidanse koji mogu smanjiti rizik raka? Jeste li znali da se grožđe naziva super hranom jer sadrži toliko zdravih sastojaka? Jeste li znali da konzumiranje crnog grožđa ( i/ ili crnog vina) može sniziti rizik srčanik problema, a također nam pomoći s aknama? Zbog svojih protuupalnih svojstava sastojaka u grožđu, jedenje grožđa može vam pomoći da se izborite s alergijama. Njegovo konzumiranje je isto povezano s nižim rizikom dobivanja dijabetesa, ali zapamtite da se to odnosi na konzumiranje svježega voća ( ne samo grožđa već i drugoga voća), a ne na slatke sokove. Naravno da voćni sokovi mogu također biti zdravi, ali oni povećaju unos šećera (pogotovo oni sokovi koji sadrže rafinirati šećer), tako da ljudi koji su pretili ili pate od dijabetese trebaju smanjiti svoj unos sokova i povećati unos voća u originalnom obliku. Vjerojatno znate da se grožđe koristi kao grickalica svugdje u svijetu, ali jeste li znati da se grožđe može koristiti za razna jela, pogotovo za kolače i deserte? Proces pripreme (npr. kuhanje) može malo promijeniti karakteristike voća, pa ako želite u potpunosti iskoristi njegove zdravstvene prednosti u sirovom obliku, nemojte ga zaboraviti jesti na taj način jer zaista radi se o jednoj od najzdravijih grickalica. Sjetite se svih onih staro grčkih i staro rimskih mozaika, skulptura i slika ljudi koji jedu grožđe. Te su dvije velike civilizacije znale što čine. Danas su ljudi previše zabrinuti oko hrane. Da, u grožđu ima puno šećera, ali to je prirodni, a ne rafinirani šećer, osim toga nećete pojesti deset kila grožđa u danu. Jesti  zdravo ne znači se izgladnjivati. Sjetite se da je umjerenost u hrani uvijek ključ.  Kada se radi o hranu, postoji važi ona "od viška boli glava", čak i kada se radi o takozvanoj super hrani.

tunics/tunika: moda in
skirt/suknja: moda in
heels/pete: old +DIY

Did you know that ducks were first farmed thousands of years ago in Asia? Did you know that there are more than 40 breeds of domesticated ducks? Did you know that ducks often live in families formed by parents and their children? Did you know that ducks do not mate for life? I used to believe they do, but it seems I have been wrong all this time because most of the duck species are serial monogamist. They do stay together until the ducklings grow up and they do take care of them together, but they may change their partner with the next breeding season. Did you know that most ducks are opportunist eaters and are able to adapt fairly easily to eating different food? I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t shy away from eating grapes. Did you know that ducks have waterproof feathers? This ensures they always stay warm even if they spend entire days in cold waters (be it river, streams or lakes).  Did you know that baby ducks (the proper term is ducklings btw) can walk and swim as soon as they are hatched? Did you know that a mother duck will pluck feathers from her own breast, selecting the most tender ones, so that her ducklings have the most comfortable nest? Did you know that I often see ducks in Mostar? :)

Jeste li znali da su patke prvobitno uzgajane prije nekoliko tisuća godina u Aziji? Jeste li znali da ima više od četrdeset vrsta domaćih pataka? Jeste li znali da patke često žive u obiteljima koje se sastoje od roditelja i djece? Jeste li znali da patke ne ostaju cijeli život zajedno? Mislila sam da jesu, ali izgleda da sam bila u krivu, jer većina vrsta patki nije posve monogama. Ostaju zajedno dok pačići ne odrastu, ali mogu promijeniti partnera s novom sezonom parenja. Jeste li znali da je većina pataka oportunistička kada je u pitanju hrana, te da se lako mogu prilagoditi različitim vrstama hrane? Mislim da ne bi imale patke ništa protiv grožđa. Jeste li znale da patke imaju vodootporno perje? To osigurava da im je uvijek toplo čak i kada dane provode u hladnoj vodi ( pa bila to jezera, potoci ili rijeke). Jeste li znali da pačići mogu hodati i plivati čim se izlegu iz jaja? Jeste li znali da će mama patka čupati pera iz svojih prsa, birajući ona najmekša kako bi njezini pačići imali najudobnije gnijezdo? Jeste li znali da često viđam patke u Mostaru? 

Now, about the outfit. If you ask me, florals are forever. Pairing floral print with metalic tones? Why not? I like to mix things up and I don't see why pink couldn't get along well with gold and silver accessories. As far as I'm concerned gold and silver match nicely as well. I just love gold and silver accessories! This pair of heels might just be my favourite one (for both sentimental and practical reasons). Recently I gave this pair of heels a make over by adding pompoms onto it. That was a fun DIY project!  Both of the items I'm wearing in this outfit were bought in Moda in shop in Split. Check out this post to see this skirt styled in another way. You can see this dress styled more casually here.

Sada, o odjevnoj kombinaciji. Ako se mene pita, cvjetni uzorak je uvijek aktualan. Cvjetni uzorak i metalni tonovi? Zašto ne?  Volim nešto drukčije i ne vidim zašto roza ne bi išla dobro s zlatnom i srebrnom u dodacima. Što se mene tiče, zlatna i srebrna se isto odlično slažu. Volim zlatne i srebrne modne dodatke. Ovaj par cipele je možda i moj najdraži kada su visoke pete u pitanju ( i iz praktičnih i iz sentimentalnih razloga). Nedavno osam ovim sandalama na visoku petu dala novi izgled kada sam ušila pompone na njih. To je bilo baš zabavno! Oba odjevna komada koja nosim su kupljena u Moda in dućanu u Splitu.  Oba odjevna komada koja danas nosim su kupljena u Moda in dućanu u Splitu. Želite li vidjeti ovu suknju u drugom izdanju, evo poveznice, a ako želite vidjeti ovu haljinu nošenu na ležeran način možete posjetiti ovu staru objavu.


  1. My son and I love grapes and I didn't even know it had all these benefits. Well I guess we will eat em even more now. Ha!
    I must say, you look very sexy in this outfit. I love the ensemble, Ivana. :)


  2. Haha there are the grapes you discussed on my page :) Very nice shots, the would pair well with my poem I think. The funny thing about super foods is I actually enjoy a few of them. Usually healthy food and I are enemies but for some reason the super foods are often enjoyable. Maybe they remind me of Spiderman and Iron Man etc. :) And in another type of super, those legs dear!! So gorgeous and wow. Very exciting and lovely stuff.

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  3. You look fabulous! These pictures are amazing and I like this top!:)


  4. Bellissime foto! Sono una tua nuova follower, un abbraccio ♥

  5. You look gorgeous Ivana. Love your floral top <3

  6. Beautiful photos dear!


  7. Savršeno ti stoji ova kombinacija, pogotovo u kombinaciji s masivnim naušnicama! Ma cvjetni uzorak je vječan, jednako kao prugice i točkice, to nikad ne može dosaditi :D

  8. Beautiful look
    Their blouse is very nice , the colors are wonderful
    I like your style !

  9. Che belle immagini:) molto elegante il tuo oufit un bacio

  10. Mislim da ti je ovo jedan od najljepših outfita od kako sam ja počela čitati tvoj blog! Zaista ti sve super stoji, divan post <3

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  11. Fantastic look! Have a lovely weekend!


  12. Bas lijep post, naucila sam dosta toga! Grozdje nazalost ne volim, ali ga ponekad pojedem jer volim voce u globalu, znam da je zdravo pa eto. Dopada mi se outfit, cvjetni uzorak je definitivno nesto s cime sam opsjednuta vec dugo vremena :)
    Posjeti moj blog i ako se uclanis, napisi u komentar kako bi mogla uzvratiti: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

  13. Woohoo, hot mama! You look fab, Ivana. Love that look on you, girl. Beautiful pics of yummy grapes. Wishing you and your DH an amazing weekend, hun.

    1. <3 thank you, I'm wishing you an amazing week.

  14. Wow! You look fantastic, Ivana! Your figure is perfect!
    Have a fun-filled weekend dear))

  15. Your floral top is lovely! :) You are full of facts in today's post too, hehe! :) I really like grapes - they are so tasty and yes, they have so many benefits. Sadly I'm allergic to them. Sometimes I'll sneak one or two grapes from my toddler, but I can't eat them like I used to or I get very sick!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  16. Wow! You look so pretty Ivana!!!Have a successful day dear!

  17. lovely photos :)
    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

  18. I definitely think metals go well with your outfit! Didn't know there were rules against that. As long as something looks good in your eyes, it doesn't matter what others think. Interesting facts about the ducks. I think my favorites are about the mother ducks choosing the softest feathers for the nest :) They are so smart. It may be instinctual, but it still touches my heart!

    1. It touches my heart too. Ducks are very caring as parents. I often have the chance to observe their behaviour here in Mostar and witness how they are always trying to teach important lessons to their young ones and also how protective they are of their young.

  19. I like grapes and I like florals :) Interesting post Ivana: nice photos plus some useful information. Love your blouse, the pattern is so pretty! And you look fabulous!

  20. Jako interesantan post! Uzivala sam u citanju i saznala sam nesto novo sto o slatkim patkicama nisam imala pojma. Grozdje obozavam, kako belo, tako i crno.
    Sto se outfit-a tice, bas mi se dopada. Sjajno ti stoje ovakvi krojevi. Izgledas bas lepo i zenstveno.

    Veliki pozdrav

  21. The skirt is so elegant and pretty!


  22. Koje noge! :))
    Znala sam da patke imaju neko posebno perje, ali nisam znala toliko o njima ;)

  23. Svašta sam naučila :) Mislim da ću na patke gledati drugim očima. Koliko samo zanimljivosti krije priroda, bilo da se radi o patkama, grožđu ili nećem trećem :) Grožđe jako volim i ne razumem one koji ne jedu voće jer ga svrstavaju u kategoriju šećera, kad fruktoza iz voća i rafinisan šećer nikako nisu isto. Naravno sve u razumnoj meri jer i voda možda da ubije ako se konzumira u ogromnim količinama.
    Ti mi izgledaš tako slatko i ljupko i potpuno podržavam mešanje kako zlatne i srebrne tako i njih sa cvetnim dezenom. Uostalom sve te "modne zabrane" su potpuno besmislene ako se ja pitam. Divan kompletan post. Baš kako volim :)

  24. You look absolutely stunning, Ivana!! Love this combo of neutrals with the colourful floral top. And these are beautiful nature shots! I love that you took the time to talk about ducks :) I really like ducks! I'd love to have some Indian Runner Ducks in the garden one day...
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  25. i really LOVE your outfit!!! this style looks perfect on you. this skirt is short and nice and this floral shirt is just gorgoeus - i love this colour mixture!!! also your heels are amazing.

    this is one of my fav ouftits on you!!!



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