Book recommendation / Preporuka knjige: Sailing to Sarantium,Guy Gavriel Kay
Today I have a book recommendation for
you. It is a novel Sailing to Sarantium by Canadian writer Guy Gavriel Kay. This was my third
novel by this author, previously I had read Tigana and Song for Arbonne. Gay
Gavriel Kay often creates his fantasy worlds having in mind a specific
historical period. This novel, being set in a world very much akin to 6th century Mediterranean world, is no
exception. Many of its characters are based on real historical figures, for
example emperor Justinian I (known as a man who never sleeps) becomes Valerious
II in this novel and his empress Theodora (a former courtesan turned great ruler)
appears under name Aliana. Sarantium, the embodiment of culture and art in this
novel, is based on Constantinople during the reign of Justinian I. This novel
has a lot to offer. I'm sure that historical lovers will enjoy parallels with the actual
historical period and places that appear in this book. Likewise, art lovers and artists
will surely love all those meditative passages about the nature of art. This novel opens with artisan
Crispin, who having lost his family in a plague has nothing to life for. His
love for his craft ( he creates mosaics, a form of art in that time) is probably the only thing keeping him alive. So, when Crispin’s
elderly mentor asks him to travel to Sarantium in his place to work on a royal commission,
Crispin accepts knowing that this journey will surely change his life. That’s
the opening of the story and I assure you, it is a very enjoyable story to
read. Now, I’ll say something about the downsides of this novel. It feels
unfinished, but that is due to the fact it is meant to be read with its sequel
(it is a duology). In addition, female characters are a bit one dimensional despite being intelligent.
You will notice that spiritual experiences happen to men and that ladies are more focused on this material world. However, it was still a fine novel. I'm sure that fantasy, art and history geeks will love this one. If you want to read by full book review you can do so here (goodreads
Danas za vas imam preporuku knjige, a radi se o romanu Odjedriti u Sarant kanadskoga pisaca Guy Gavriel Kaya. Ovo je moj treći roman ovoga autora, do sada sam pročitala Tiganu i Pjesmu za Arbonnu. Guy često stvara svoje svjetove fantastike imajući u umu određeni povijesno razdoblje, a ovaj roman čija se radnja događa u svijetu veoma sličnom Mediteranu šestoga stoljeća, nije nikakva iznimka. Mnogi likovi u ovom romanu su utemeljeni na stvarnim povijesnim likovima, npr. car Justijan I Veliki (poznat kao čovjek koji nikad nije spavao) postaje Valerije II u ovom romanu, a njegova carica Teodora ( bivša kurtizana koja je postala velika vladarica) pojavljuje se se pod imenom Aliana. Sarant, oličenje kulture i umjetnosti u ovom romanu je utemeljen na Konstantipolu tijekom vladavile Justijana I. Ovaj roman ima puno za ponuditi. Ljubitelji povijesti će uživati paralele sa stvarnim povijesnim razdobljem i mjestima koja se pojavljuju u knjizi. Ljubitelji umjetnosti i umjetnici će sigurno uživati u meditativnim dijelovima o prirodi umjetnosti. Ovaj roman započinje pričom o Krispinu, koji nakon što je izgubio obitelj zbog kuge, više nema za što živjeti. Na životu ga vjerovatno drži samo njegova ljubav prema zanatu koji je u zapravo vid umjetnost (on naime pravi mozaike, ali ne u današnjom smislu riječju već u povijesnom, tako da je on zapravo umjetnik, nikako ne samo zanatlija). Tako da kada ga ostarjeli mentor zamoli da ga zamijeni na putovanju u Sarant kako bi radio na kraljevskoj narudžbi, on to prihvaća svjestan da će mu to sigurno promijeniti život. To je početak priče za koju vas uvjeravam da je jako zanimljiva za čitanje. Sada, nešto o nedostacima romana. Roman zapravo i nema pravi kraj, ali to je zato što bi se i trebao čitati s nastavkom (radi se o duologiji). Uz to, ženski likovi su malo jednodimenzionalni, čak i ako su inteligentni. Primijetiti ćete da se duhovna iskustva događaju muškarcima, a da su dame više usmjerene na ovaj materijalni svijet. Ipak, radi se o sjajnom romanu. Sigurna sam da će se svidjeti ljubiteljima fantastike, povijesti i umjetnosti. Želite li pročitati cijeli ogled ove knjige možete to učiniti ovdje (poveznica vodi na moj ogled na stranici goodreads, zasada ga nisam prevela na hrvatski. Knjigu sam također čitala u originalu, ali naravno morala sam potražiti kako izgleda hrvatsko izdanje jer jako volim naše ilustratore).
“He wanted to achieve something of surpassing beauty that would last. A creation that would mean that he--the mosaic worker Caius Crispus of Varena--had been born, and lived a life, and had come to understand a portion of the nature of the world, of what ran through and beneath the deeds of women and men in their souls and in the beauty and the pain of their short living beneath the sun.” ― Guy Gavriel Kay, Sailing to Sarantium
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Sailing to Sarantium |
“We worship…the powers that speak to our souls, if it seems they do. We do so knowing there is more to the world, and the half-world, and perhaps worlds beyond, than we can grasp. We always knew that. We can’t even stop children from dying, how would we presume to understand the truth of things? Behind things? Does the presence of one power deny another? [p. 176]” ― Guy Gavriel Kay, Sailing to Sarantium
It sounds like a really interesting book! Sadly much too involved for me at the moment - I rarely get time to read anything so complex with my boys keeping me busy, haha!
ReplyDeleteAway From The Blue Blog
yes, this one is quite long. If you are short on time, I would recommend reading collections of short stories. That way you can pick it up anytime and don't worry about remembering the plot. I'm reading short stories by Alberto Moravia right now and they're really great!
Deletenice post!
Deletesounds great!
ReplyDeleteNEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG
DeleteLooks so wonderful x
ReplyDeletehi dear, it sounds a very good book..
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing
ps..nice pics
You got my attention when you said it's by a Canadian writer, Ivana! His writing genre sounds right up my alley too so I'll be sure to check him out.
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
I think you might like him.
DeleteHvala na jos jednoj odlicnoj recenziji romana. Jedino mi smeta cinjenica da kraj bas i nije kraj, ali dobro, tu je nastavak :-)
da, jedva čekam pročitati nastavak:)
DeleteLovely post!
new post
DeleteThanks for sharing this amazing post!
ReplyDeleteKiss kiss and have a great week
New post is up on my blog, take a look Trendy Tips Trendy Girls
DeleteThis book certainly sounds like it will take you on a wonderful adventure. I think what I love most about this type of genre is being transported away from the every day while reading it.
DeleteSounds like a very interesting read! Thanks for the great review and love the photos you shot for this post as well!
ReplyDeleteRae | Love from Berlin
thanks so much, I actually took this photos with a tablet, the lenses on my cam are broken so they turned out better than I expected.
DeleteOne more interesting book! I want to read it, sounds really great.
ReplyDeleteLove your high quality pictures Ivana! Beautiful images))
Izgleda kao veoma zanimljiva knjiga! Hvala što si je podijelila s nama! <3
ReplyDeleteVildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE
DeleteIvana grazie per questo momento dedicato alla lettura
ReplyDeleteUn abbraccio ^_^
Ivana grazie per questo momento dedicato alla lettura
ReplyDeleteUn abbraccio ^_^
DeleteLove the jewelry, Ivana. I read something from that guy, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was. Shame on me.
ReplyDeletehugs, hun
I forget the names of novels all the time too, don't worry about it.
DeleteVery beautiful.
Zvuči zanimljivo, uvijek me veseli priča u nastavcima kad je dobro napisana! :)
ReplyDeletemislim da je i nastavak ove dobar jedva ga čekam naći.
DeletePročitala sam i Tiganu i Pjesmu za Arbonnu. nejga sam otkrila taman prije Martina, koji se sjajno nadovezao na fantasy razdoblje čitanja. mislim čak da netko iz mog kruga ima ovu knjigu, baš ju budem potražila.
ReplyDeleteVolim fantasy, dovoljno maštovito, a ipak vezano uz ovaj svijet.
Martin isto piše nadahnut povijesnim događajima, npr. GOT je u biti engleski rat ruža:)
DeleteCiao Ivana,
ReplyDeleteQuesto libro deve essere molto interessante. Che belli i gioielli.
Un bacione
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
DeleteThanks for the book recommendation! I'll have to give it a read! :) xx
DeleteWow!! Amazing book <33
Like me on FACEBOOK
thank you<3
DeleteBeautiful pics and great post! *-*
DeleteThanks for the recommendation. Always looking for something new to read
DeleteCertainly sounds like my type of book :)
ReplyDeleteAll Things Bright and Lovely
thanks Shamu<3 I know you love history so I think you would enjoy it.
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ReplyDeleteThis book is really interesting!
ReplyDeleteStay in Style
Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot
DeleteI've heard of this novel, but haven't read it. I love historical reads, because they involve a lot of interesting data.
ReplyDeleteJasmine x
me too, much for the same reason.
ReplyDeleteCitala sam jednu njegovu knjigu ali davnoooo...vjerujem da je i imam negdje kod mame jer sam je bila kupila. Tada me nije previse odusevila jer sam bila luda za Tadom Williamsom i nije mi se cinio ravan njemu... mozda da sada probam :/
ReplyDeleteMeni deluje baš zanimljivo uprkos tim nedostacima. Potražiću je svakako. Volim kad se prožimaju istorija i fikcija. Hvala na preporuci :)