If someone told me that I would wear a ski jacket in May.....Never say never. / Da mi je netko rekao da ću nositi snježnu jaknu u svibnju......Nikad ne reci nikad.

One of the things I love  about blogging is that it is not static. One evening you might spend a lot of time (that was reserved for writing your own post) on something else's blog because that blogger really made you think...and end up writing an incredibly long comment on that blog because the post was exceptionally interesting (do check up his blog here), a comment that was so long that it had to be cut and pasted twice to be accepted ( blogger as a social platform appereantly doesn't like too long comments, over 1000 characters seems to be the limit)...Anyway, you end up with less time to write your post. However, that is ok because you an blog about it. You can blog about how you spend a lot of time thinking about what was written on some other blog. You can blog anything you like. Isn't that a liberating feeling? Sometimes we bloggers get stuck in a rot and forget what blogging has to offer. Blogging can be a means of expressing ourselves. It is easy to focus on what blogging takes away from us (TIME!!!), but if that time is well spend, then it is not really lost.  It is about quality, not quantity. You can actually learn a lot if take the time to read blogs and not just (you know) look at pretty photos. Not that I'm judiging, we've all done that, even if not consciously. We're not reading machines and sometimes our mind wanders. It is ok not to read everything or not to pay 100 percent attention to every single sentence in every sigle post. Let's face it, there isn't a person that is able to be completely and utterly focused and concentrated any given minute of any given day. Sometimes we are hungry, sometimes we are sleepy, sometimes we're just tired...and we need to understand that and appreciate comments of all sorts (unless they're offensive, but that's another topic) because that person took the time to come to our blog. What I'm trying to say is that on those good days when we are not super tired or sleepy, we should keep our eyes open. You never know what or who will inspire you that day. That a wonderful thing about blogging. I can publish an outfit posts without writing a simple sentence about what I'm wearing. I can write about what ever I want.

Jedna od stvari koje volim kod pisanja bloga je što to nije nešto statično. Jedne večeri možete provesti vrijeme namijenjeno pisanju svoje objave na nekom drugom blogu zato što vas je taj bloger zaista naveo na razmišljanje...i završite tako da pišete nevjerojatno dugi komentar na tome blogu jer je napisano bilo tako izrazito zanimljivo ( pogledajte njegov blog ovdje), komentar koji je bio tako dug da sam ga morala izrezati i zalijepiti iz dva dijela da bi ga blogger prihvatio (izgleda da je preko 1000 znakova neko ograničenje za komentar na blogu). Uglavnom, ostane vam manje vremena za pisanje vaše objave, ali to je u redu jer možete pisati o tome. Možete pisati o tome kako ste proveli dosta vremena razmišljajući o tome što je napisano na nekom drugom blogu. Možete objavljivati o čemu god želite. Zar to nije oslobađajuće? Ponekad se mi blogeri zaglavimo u nekoj rutini i zaboravimo što sam blog kao sredstvo izražavanja nudi. Lako se usredotočiti na ono što nam nam oduzima ( VRIJEME!!!) ali ako je to vrijeme dobro provedeno , onda nije zaista izgubljeno. Bitna je kvaliteta, ne kvantiteta. Zapravo možete naučiti puno ako uzmete vremena za pročitati objave na blogovima, a ne samo gledati slike. Ne da ikoga osuđujem jer svi smo to napravili, čak i ako nije bilo na svjesnoj razini.  Ponekad smo gladni, ponekad smo pospani, ponekad smo umorni...nismo strojevi za čitanje i ne možemo u svakom trenutku koncentrirati se na svaku rečenicu svakoga bloga koju posjetimo....Stoga, moramo cijeniti komentare svih vrsta (osim ako nisu uvredljivi, ali to je druga tema)  jer je ta osoba uzela vrijeme da dođe do našega bloga. Što pokušavam reći je da u onim trenucima kada nismo jako umorni i pospani, trebali bi držati oči otvorenim. Nikada ne znate što će vas nadahnuti nekoga dana. To je divna stvar kod pisanja bloga. Mogu objaviti odjevnu kombinaciju, a da ne napišem nijednu rečenicu o onome što nosim. Mogu pisati o čemu god želim.


  1. Such a great place and the flowers looks so nice! :D

    Stay in Style
    Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot

  2. Yes sometimes all the writing on a post someone adds I cannot quite take it all in. By the time I am visiting blogs it is usually after midnight and I must rise that morning at 7 oh and it takes me forever to actually get into bed. For the people I really treasure and those who I know take the time to read my writing, I make the effort as much as possible. I admit that most of my blog visiting is enjoying pictures, it is what brought me to this type of thing in the first place. But I certainly have grown to care for so many of you in blog land I want to be sure to know how you are, if there are joys or challenges you face, that is the sort of writing I pay close attention to. Yes I am here to have my fun, but I found some wonderful people along the way. Gorgeous water shots there, dear. I feel like I should say something offensive about them but I am all out of creativity :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I know what you mean. Sometimes we may even read something but our brain just doesn't make all the right connections...and writing long meaningful comments isn't something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people may actually care a lot about some theme/topic on the blog but they don't know what to say it...That is why bloggers shouldn't stress too much about the comments they get but also about those they leave...we're all human and no need to treat blogging as some difficult exam in which we must get all answers right unless we want to fail.

      There are many types of blog, sometimes bloggers stay incognito but sometimes their family and friends read their blog...all that influences how private one will get in comments.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And yes, sometimes people don't read the post and blogging is very time consuming but after years of writing I've learned that the people who do actually read your post don't really comment. It's mostly bloggers who comments. The true readers never comment because they like being anonymous online but you can always tell who's reading your blog if you have a special tracker that tells you how long people stay on your site. The real readers stick around for longer than 5 minutes.. But that being said, I'll have to admit it, when I first saw your post I assumed it was a fashion post without much dialog but after reading your entire post I learned a lot about you.

       Sierra Berry | @itsberrystylish  

    2. thank you dear...you're absolutely right. Many people read blogs without commenting. I sometimes don't comment on famous blogs because there seems no point (as they get so many comments but maybe I'm wrong in this, because you never know who will read the comment).

      Thank you for reading by post. I didn't know about that tracker but I heard that companies used that tracker when they decide whether they want to work with a certain blogger.

  4. I'm toltally agree with your comment. Thanks sweetie :D

    Incredible place and photos :D
    Love your skirt :D

    NEW RECIPE POST | Pasta Nidi All’Uovo with shrimp, mushrooms and spinach.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  5. I may skip a writing that describes an outfit in too many details and in too many words cause, honestly, I get bored with that. But if there is something meaningful written, then I always read that.
    So, the weather in your part of the world gives some surprises, huh? :)

    1. I feel exactly the same day. It is so repetitive to write about I wore every day...and reading it can get boring too.:)

      Yes, we had a lot of surprises lately!

  6. molto bella la giacca , adoro i colori

  7. So pretty! Love the jacket

    Take Care Doll! Kisses,
    BLOG | Taislany

  8. Lovely photos, you look very cute. I also agree with you about sayin that you can learn a lot sometimes by reading someones post.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Dusana ;-)


  9. "If time is well spent, it's not really lost". So true!


  10. Tako je draga Ivanice! Volim da procitam tekstove postova, a ne da pogledam samo slike jer cenim svaciji trud i ljubav utkanu u svakoj napisanoj recenici. Tu smo da jedni druge u blogo svetu podrzavamo i inspirisemo.
    Slike su i u ovom postu divne, posebno one sa pink cvecem. A, jaknica je preslatka iako ni sanjali nismo da cemo u maju nositi jakne :-)

    1. slažem se, važno je da podržimo jedni druge!

  11. I agree, we really can learn a lot from reading blogs. And for me I feel that it also keeps my mind sharp. I try to force myself to read even in those "sleepy" moments. Though sometimes when I go to comment the words don't want to come out right, haha. I love these photos, especially the ones on you on that bridge. The town behind you looks so charming, and you look beautiful in that jacket and skirt!

    1. thank you Lili. I do agree that it can keep our mind sharp. When we read an article, we can always shot our brain down but when what we are reading is written by someone we follow, it makes us more 'awake'. At least that is the case with me.

  12. Wonderful photo reportage dear
    Have a good day
    To me new post URBAN STYLE

  13. Beautiful pics of a beautiful lady. Love the first one of you so much, the wind swept hair. It's gorgeous. I couldn't agree more with you, Ivana. Sure blogging takes a lot of time but hey this is blogging not a shotgun wedding. If I don't want to, I don't have to, right?! Happy new week, girl. Stay beautiful and most of all stay the way you are.

    1. yes, we need to free ourselves of any pressure:) There isn't anyone holding a shotgun near:):

  14. You make such a good point - blogging allows total creative freedom, with the understanding you can write as little or as much, as rarely or as frequently as you feel like! I for one really enjoy your thoughtful comments offering your perspective on posts, and like to do the same myself - meaning that yes, just like you I often find myself pushed for time after realising I've spent a couple of evening hours browsing/commenting on blogs haha!! I really like this jacket on you by the way Ivana, and how happy you look in these photos :) Have a wonderful week..

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | x

    1. I always love your comments. I'm glad I'm not the only who enjoys to really read blogs (and comments).

  15. Ne znaš koliko se slažem sa svime napisanim. Koliko mi se puta desilo da jednog dana rešim da ne uradim baš ništa po pitanju svog bloga ali da uđem na samo nekoliko. I odjednom shvatim koliko je vremena prošlo, da sam sa nekim lepo popričala, da smo razmenili utiske, da sam pokupila pregršt inspiracije, da sam naučila nešto novo. Neko bi rekao da sam izgubila vreme ali ima sadržaja i osoba koje stoje iza njih za koje ću uvek rado izdvojiti svoje slobodnog vreme, pa makar ga nemala dovoljno za sebe.
    Dobiti komentare tipa "super si, prati me" ume da bude jako frustrirajuće, kao da ti neko na sav trud lupi šamar. Ipak sam vremenom naučila da to nije pravi odraz stvari. 90% komentara su blogeri koji su ušli tu da bi ostavili površan komentar zarad sebe, 10% su ljudi koje prosto smatram prijateljima uprkos tome da su samo virtuelno prisutni, a velika većina koja nas čita, prati i ceni zapravo nikada ne kaže ništa.
    Ta sloboda koja spominješ je takva privilegija koju treba iskoristi. Mi makar ovde ovako virtuelno i javno možemo baš sve. Imamo potpunu kontrolu nad vremenom i sadržajem.
    Slike su divne i deluješ tako razdragano i veselo, uprkos činjenici da je bilo hladnije nego što bi trebalo.
    I da, Pablo je super! Pravo osveženje u blogosferi :)
    Eto, da, ostadoh ne znam ni sama koliko dugo ovde nad tvojim postom ;)

    1. tako je, može se puno inspiracije tako prikupiti, ne mora to čitanje drugih blogova biti neki teret ( a imam osjećaj da nekima je no dobro sto ljudi, sto ćudi) već nam to može pomoći da učinimo i svoj blog boljim.

      Znam da ti komentari znaju biti frustrirajući i zapravo često spadaju u spam...primijetila sam da neke tvrtke i online dućani ostavljaju 'lažne komentare' pa kad klinkneš link završiš na njihovoj stranici...no, dobro to se još može razumjeti, ali kada ljudi stalno ostavljaju takve komentare onda da može biti jako iritatno pogotovo što obično nalete baš kad se posebno potrudimo oko posta ha ha. No istina je i da puno ljudi čita i bez da komentira...a to da se s blogom razviju prijateljstva je posve logično i nekako neizbježno:)

      Svakako je to privilegija koju treba iskoristi i ne smijemo to zaboraviti. Nema pravila. Ja kad primijetim da gubim volju, da postajem sama sebi dosadna, onda se posebno potrudim pa pokušam uvesti nešto novo.

      ...i da, Pablo je pravo osvježenje:)

      Hvala ti na boravku u ovom mom malom virtualnom prostoru:)

  16. That must be some epic comment! You are very good at responding sensitively, thoughtfully and generously to comments! You are very astute and have many interesting points of view on a variety of issues!!! Yes, I do love it when blogging does that- you really start considering something!

    1. yes, it was pretty long:)
      thank you so much, it means a lot to me:)


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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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