
Showing posts from October, 2015

How to wear a summer dress in Autumn? Kako nositi ljetnu haljinu u jesen?

The first thing I really took notice of in Mostar city, back in the day, when I arrived to study here, were these trees. I'm still fascinated by them. If you want to know the story about them, you can read it one of my old blog posts ( here .) Kada sam stigla u Mostar na studij , prva stvar koja mi je zaista upala u oči bila su ova stabla. Još uvijek me oduševljavaju. Želite li znati njihovu priču, možete je pročitati u jednoj od mojih starijih objava ( ovdje .) dress/haljina: dresslink     ( here ) blazer/sako: no name bag/torba: handmade, ručni rad Boots/čizme: Peko dress/haljina: dresslink     ( here ) blazer/sako: no name bag/torba: handmade , ručni rad Boots/čizme: Peko dress/haljina: dresslink     ( here ) blazer/sako: no name bag/torba: handmade, ručni rad Boots/čizme: Peko I'm quite satisfied with the fact that I managed to style this cherry dress ( h...

USGoBuy (How to.... shop internationally with the help from an address forwarding company?)

How to order a necklace from Tiffany&Co if you don't live in USA? I'm taking Tiffany&Co as an example because today I will talk again about USGoBuy  and the possibilities they offer to their customers. So, let's say you want to order a necklace from Tiffany but you don't happen to live in USA. How will you solve that problem?  Let's start with one simple question. What is a package forwarding company? It is a company that enables their customers to order items that would otherwise be inaccessible. It basically means that if you want to buy items (everything expect illegal stuff obviously) from USA, you can do it now in a perfectly legal and safe way. This company enables you to purchase whatever you want from USA. Feel free to read site's  FAQ   to learn everything there is to know. The way package forward works is the following. First you register with this site ( here ) and you get your USA mailing address, that is you are given a free...

A necklace that I gave away.....Ogrlica koju sam poklonila....

Mostar city. There is always something new to discover in this city. Some area, neighbourhood or a view that I haven't found out about yet. While I'm making those discoveries, I like to carry a book with me because, if you ask me, it is always a good time for reading. Today I would like to recommend to you a novel by Thomas Mann. Its original title (in German ) is  Der Erwählte . If I'm correct (or better to say, if wikipedia is correct) in English it is translated as The Holy Sinner. It is a really fascinating novel. Its postmodernist irony and intertextuality mixes suprisingly well with its spiritual theme. Grad Mostar. Tu se uvijek može otkriti nešto novo. Neko područje, susjedstvo ili pogled koji još nisam otkrila. Dok se bavim otkrivanjem, volim ponijeti s sobom neku knjigu, zato jer ako mene pitate, uvijek je dobro vrijeme za čitanje. Danas bih vam preporučila doista zanimljiv roman Izabranik Thomasa Manna. Iznenađujuće je koliko se dobro njegova postmodernistička...

I love Autumn (details from my home)/ Volim jesen (detalji iz moga doma)

 It has been a while since my last  feature 'details from my home'. This time I'm posting about some of my DIY Autumn decorations but I've also included a few of my new illustrations. Enjoy! Prošlo je dosta vremena od zadnje serije "detalji iz moga doma". Ovog puta objaviti ću neke jesenje dekoracije koje sam sama napravila, ali sam uključila i par mojih novih ilustracija. Uživajte! DIY Autumn decorations “I think the seasons complete me- for once autumn comes I can fall freely along with every leave. I do not have to bloom, yet, I must die in every delicate line of October.” Laura Chouette “I feel you calling, in the autumn sweet transformation. I have reached my brightest green to the gold burning sun. I have folded my colours into the wind, bright colours taken to the sky. My silk has gone to moisture in the rising atmosphere and I am your colours again, deep and warm. I hear your calling and I answer, I come back to you, to slip inside th...