What do I talk about when I talk about painting? O čemu pričam kada pričam o slikanju?

 I don't think anyone would call me a painter. I don't even consider myself to be one. However, I do paint and today I will talk about why I do it. I don't benefit from it financially, quite on the contrary it is a hobby that is costing me both money, time, effort and energy.  If time is money, I lost a lot of money painting. After all, I never sold a painting in my life. However, I  do produce painting in large quantities. I did gave away dozens of them to friends and some I even donated to charity. Recently I made a decision to invest  more energy into painting, even if brings me nowhere. I'm writing about it because people are often afraid to do what they want and sometimes we're the only ones holding ourselves back. I have worked hard in many areas of my life and for years it has been one failure after another, so why should I be worried about spending time on something that I genuinely love? ....even if I don't always enjoy it (because painting can be hard work just like anything else and it takes a lot of effort to work on it constantly).

Mislim da me nitko ne bi nazvao slikarom. Ni sama sebe ne smatram slikaricom. No, crtam i danas ću govoriti o tome zašto to radim. Nemam od toga neke financijske koristi, zapravo taj me hobi dosta i košta, a na njega trošim i vrijeme i novac i energiju i trud. Ne zarađujem na njemu, gubim, ako je vrijeme novac, na njemu sam izgubila dosta novaca. Nisam nikada u životu prodala sliku. No, proizvodim ih u velikim količinama. Doduše jesam ih puno poklonila prijateljima, neke sam čak i donirala za plemenite svrhe. Odlučila sam uložiti više energije u slikanje, čak i ako me to ne dovede nigdje. O ovome pišem jer znam da se ljudi često boje raditi ono što zapravo vole, a ponekad je ta blokada samo u našoj glavi. Stalno se trudim u određenim područjima svoga života, pa opet godinama nižem samo neuspjeh za neuspjehom i zašto bi se onda brinula što provodim vrijeme radeći nešto što iskreno volim iako u tome baš uvijek i ne uživam uvijek (da, nekad i slikanje zna biti naporno i treba jako puno truda za biti dosljedan i stalno pokušati i raditi na tome.) 

 Painting more is one of the challenges I have set for myself this month and so far I had no problems handling it.  I must say that I don't believe in waiting to be inspired. I don't paint when I feel like it or when I have free time. I make time for painting and I paint even when it feels like it is the last thing I want to do....because deep inside I know it is something I must do. Sometimes I don't think I even have a choice. I said once that it is like an itching feeling in my fingers. On the other hand, sometimes it feels like it is nothing more than a choice. Something I willed myself to do for no particular reason. You can't do everything in life for practical reasons. I try to be as practical as I can, but in life it is not possible to avoid risk taking...and art is always pure risk taking. One wrong brush stroke and something your worked on for days is ruined.  Mighty frustrating when that happens.

Slikati više je jedan od izazova koje sam si postavila ovaj mjesec i zasada nisam imala problema održavati tempo.  Moram reći da ne vjerujem u čekanje inspiracije. Ne slikam kada mi slika ili kada imam slobodnog vremena. Nađem vremena za slikanje čak i kada mi se ne da i kada mi se čini da je to zadnja stvar koju želim raditi....zato što imam neki osjećaj da je to nešto što bi trebala raditi.  Ponekad mi se čini da i nemam izbora. Jednom sam rekla da je to kao neki osjećaj peckanja u prstima. S druge strane, nekada mi se čini da to moje slikanje nije ništa nego izbor. Nešto na što sam se navela snagom volje bez nekog posebnog razloga. Ne možeš raditi u životu sve iz praktičnih razloga. Trudim se biti praktična koliko mogu biti...ali u životu ne možeš izbjeći riskiranje....a umjetnost je uvijek čisti rizik. Jedan krivi potez kista i nešto na čemu si radio danima je uništeno. Strašno je frustrirajuće kada se to dogodi. 

 So, more and more painting and nowhere to place them! Frankly, as long as my art is of any interest to myself, I don't intent  to let it end up in the garbage ( I had to get rid of my paintings once during one move and it was the silliest feeling trowing your art into garbage, though at least it was paper recycling bins because I'm an environmentally friendly person). As you can imagine, this leads to practical problems.

ovo sve znači više i više slika, a nemam ih gdje smjestiti! Iskreno, dok god me moje slike osobno zanimaju, ne namjeravam dopustiti da završe u smeću (jednom sam morala kada sam se selila i baš mi je glup osjećaj bio baciti gomilu slika u papir za reckliranje iako barem eto i tu sam bila dosljedna svojoj opsesiji recikliranjem.) No, kao što možete zamisliti ovo vodi do praktičnih problema.

 How to organize paintings when you have so many of them? I'll be honest and confess that I  have no idea. It is much easier with smaller frame ones for example with  my illustrations (like the one in the last post). They can be stored quite easily, but what to do with larger frames? Just pile them on top of one another in the closet? There is not enough space on the walls for all of them to be placed. I'm still trying to figure it out. Nevertheless, at least in virtual world space is not a problem. I will probably continue to share my art with you. Whatever I might be missing in life, it is not inspiration.

Kako organizirati slike kada ih imaš puno? Nemam pojma da iskreno kažem. Puno je lakše s malim formatima (kao npr. s modnom ilustracijom iz prošlog posta). One se mogu veoma lako pohraniti, ali što napraviti s velikim formatima? Samo ih slagati jedne na druge u ormaru? Nema dovoljno prostora na zidovima za sve njih.  Još to pokušavam smisliti. No, barem u virtualnom svijetu, prostor nije problem. Vjerojatno ću nastaviti djeliti svoju umjetnost s vama. Što god mi nedostaje u životu, to nije inspiracija. 
Today is a new day

Sometimes my philosophy in life is to live one day at a time. Often I make lot of plans and set goals for myself. However, there are days when living seems hard, when bad news seem too much and even the mere cleaning of the dishes seems to take away all my energy. When tomorrow seems to far away, I say to myself today is a new day. Today I can make something happen, even if it is some small thing, a small illustration of a sketch....that sketch might turn into painting some day. So, maybe I'm cheating myself...you know that story about the monkey and the carrot  on a stick? Sometimes I need to wave that carrot in front of my nose just to be able to make one more step...and then there are those days when I live in between breaths, in a calm place without dreams...We need all that...dreams and the freedom from dreams.

Ponekad je moja filozofija u životu samo živjeti dan po dan. Često radim puno planova i postavljam ciljeve sebi. Međutim, ponekad se samo življene čini teškim, loše vijesti su previše i čak i samo pranje suđa oduzima svu energiju koju imam. Kada se sutra čini predalekim, kažem sebi da je danas novi dan. Danas mogu napraviti nešto, čak i ako je to neka mala stvar, mala ilustracija ili skica...ta se skica može pretvoriti u sliku neki dan. Možda tako varam sebe...znate onu priču o magarcu i mrkvi na štapu? Ponekad moram mahati tom mrkvom ispred svoga nosa samo da bi mogla napraviti još jedan korak....a postoje i oni dani kada živim između udaha i izdaha, u mirnom prostoru bez snova. Sve nam to treba...i snovi i sloboda od snova.

So, why am I writing all this? Perhaps because somebody might be struggling with same questions somewhere. You might be asking yourself, why am I doing this (whatever that may be)? Most of bloggers at some point ask themselves why do they blog.  Is it worth it, isn't it just a waste of time? I can't answer those questions for you. I'm not offering answers, just my personal experience. You will have to make up your own answers. However, I do think that sometimes as a society we are obsessed with results. Must there be a practical reason behind everything we do? Must we always look for benefits? There is nothing wrong in being driven or ambitious and setting goals for ourselves, but must everything be calculated? There is nothing wrong in being inspired by success stories, but why should we be made to feel a complete failure if success never happens to us? Who gets to define success anyway?

Zašto se ovo pišem? Zašto što se možda netko negdje muči istim pitanjima. Možete se pitati, zašto radim ovo (što god to bilo)? Većina blogera se ponekad upita zašto to rade. Je li toga vrijedno? Ne mogu odgovoriti na ta pitanja za vas i ne nudim odgovore, nego osobno iskustvo. Morate sami pronaći odgovore na svoja pitanja. Međutim, doista mislim da smo kao društvo opsjednuti rezultatima. Nema ništa loše u tome da smo ambiciozni ili da postavljamo ciljeve za sebe, no mora li sve biti proračunato? Nema ništa loše u nadahnuću pričama uspješnih, ali zašto da nas navode da se osjećamo kao potpuni promašaj čak i ako nam se uspjeh nikad ne dogodi? Tko ionako odlučuje što je uspjeh?

Creative work of any kind is a challenge....it is a desert marathon with scorpions. It is a swimathon with sharks. Those scorpions and sharks are often our own fears. Sometimes they are real, though. There is professional surfer out there that surfs without her arm because an actual shark ate it. Sometimes the sacrifices we have to make are really hard, but then again it is our decision. Sometimes you will need to take genuine risks.  I'm not a painter, but I paint. It takes a lot of energy to do it constantly, but I do it. Furthermore, I do all sorts of things that nobody really understand. Sometimes I don't understand them myself....but one thing I do know for sure. I don't regret the time spend in trying to do something better or trying to become a better person. Even when we fail, the effort counts. Somewhere deep inside, it really counts that we gave it all we got. 

Kreativni rad bilo koje vrste je izazov...to je pustinjski maraton sa škorpionima i plivački maraton s morskim psima. Ti su morski psi i škorpioni ponekad naši strahovi. Ponekad su stvarni. Tamo negdje je profesionalna surferica koja surfa bez ruke jer su je pojeo morski pas. Ponekad su žrtve koje radimo zaista teške, ali zato moramo zapamtiti da je to naša odluka. Ponekad moramo poduzeti rizike. Nisam slikar, ali slikam. Oduzima dosta energije biti stalno okupiran s time, ali radim to. Zapravo radim puno stvari koje nitko ne razumije pa i ja ih često ne razumijem. No, znam jednu stvar. Ne žalim za vremenom koji sam uložila u to da postanem bolja u nečemu ili da budem bolje osoba. Čak i kada ne uspijemo, trud važi. Na dubljoj razini zaista je važno je da smo pokušali najbolje što mogli. 

New illustration/ nova ilustracija

I will tell you another thing. If you don't ask your own questions, you won't get your own answers. Some things can't be copy pasted....and don't be confused if there is something in your life you're not certain about. It is perfectly normal to both love and hate something you're doing. When you invest a lot of time, love and energy into something, well then it can be compared to a romantic relationship---and we all know how complicated they can be!

Reći ću vam još jednu stvar. Ako ne pitate svoja pitanja, nećete dobiti svoje odgovore. Neke stvari se ne mogu prekopirati...I nemojte biti zbunjeti ako u vašem životu ima nešto u vezi čega niste sigurni. Potpuno je normalno u isto vrijeme i mrziti i voljeti nešto čime se bavite. Kada ulažete puno vremena, ljubavi i energije u nešto, onda se to može usporediti s ljubavom vezom---a svi znamo kako one mogu biti komplicirane!


  1. Nice pics


  2. Bellissime immagini:) un bacione


  3. No, no, Ivana! You paint and you ARE a painter! Yes you are! You are passionate about what you do, and believe me, the love I can feel through your works and words is much stronger than I can often feel coming from "professional" painters. And there is no pointless creation, every creation is important. And even if you sometimes feel that you don't progress, it's not true. You can't see your own progress instantly. You know, it's like with children. An aunt who didn't see her niece for a while will be surprised and say: "She grew up so much!", while the parents of this girl won't notice the changement, because they see her every single day. It's same thing with creation. My advice (and what works for me best, cause I also often feel I don't progress): from time to time take a moment and look at your works from six months ago, one year or two years ago... you'll see how your art changes and how you progress!

    And keep up the great work Ivana! Hugs!

    1. thank you so much for your thoughtful comment dear.

  4. Wow - there is so much here to absorb and contemplate. Your observations about creativity are so spot on, especially the extent to which we inevitably find ourselves being driven by results. What really struck me most was this statement, " I don't regret the time spend in trying to do something better or trying to become a better person". Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
    You are one of the most prolific painters I know of - in the way you are compelled to paint and to create. To us visitors to your blog that is incredibly inspiring. There is a line from a poem by Elisabeth Jennings (I may have quoted this before), where she writes about Rembrandt's late self portraits. The line is: "To paint's to breathe/and all the darknesses are dared." When we create and are entirely involved in the process of creating, we dare that darkness every time.

  5. yes, the text is quite long and it could have been better organized, but as I started to write it, all these thoughts that have been on my mind recently, just wanted to claim a spot for themselves so I ended up writing about more than I originally intended. It makes the article less polished, but it is quite sincere in its messiness so I don't regret that either.

    That line about Rembrandt is absolutely beautiful! Indeed, with creative work we often dare the darkness. Thank you so much for your kind comment.

  6. I think you should keep doing what you love and enjoy...and I totally believe you are a painter. I don't think you need to sale anything to be classify as that. As always, I love when you share your art :).

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  7. You are talented Ivana ! How are you beauty ?
    Your painting "Today is a new day" is marvelous ;)

    Giveaway on my blog to win a Glamulet Bracelet :)

  8. Hi Ivana!!!!
    This is another top notch post!!!!
    I featured the drawing you did of me in my latest blog post.
    I hope you're having a fabulous day!!!!

  9. I agree with you - it's not about results, it's about the journey, the discoveries on the way... Results are only a nice bonus along the way. Have fun with your art!

  10. I so much agree with Natalia! Very well-written that,"results are only a nice bonus along the way."
    Very thoughtful post, Ivana! Yes, we may be forced sometimes to think the way you are thinking, as a blogger/beginner. But from my personal experience, I want to say something! "Do what you love doing, and it will never be a waste; even if you don't get results-many a times." Atleast you will have a sigh of relief that- you are following your dreams. Doesn't matter if others' don't value it or find any practical reasons, or see it as a waste of time! Even if your art, your passion or your dreams don't pay you off; it's okay- as they are your dreams and you want to work towards making it a reality. That's it! Love doing what you start doing or choose to do in life, and you will never get disappointed or demotivated....thank you for this post!


  11. Oh my goodness, dear. This is more than you have written on every previous post combined. It sounds like me when I ingest large doses of caffiene :) But please do not think I complain or make fun, no no, I adore. Your words are rich and full of passion and purpose. I have no doubt they will have the impact on people you hope for.

    I am just as much a poet as you are a painter. I have never sold a poem, doubt I ever will. But neither of us do it for that anyway. Artists "art" because we must, because we can, because if we do not then it backs up inside us like a clogged sink until the pipe bursts. It is our healthy way to get out what we otherwise hold in. It is wonderful news indeed that you are devoting yourself more to you art. Your reasoning as to why makes perfect sense to me. So happy that you felt moved to share these wonderful words with us! xoxo

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  12. Beautiful and very creative!!!

  13. Beautiful and very creative!!!

  14. Beautiful painting! You are so talented!!!

  15. Sve si rekla onim Today is new day! I ja sam pomenula u svom postu nešto slično, o tome kako se treba usavršavati i pomerati svoje granice, jer bez toga nema uspeha.
    Problem je kod nekih ljudi, među kojima sam i ja, što hoće sve i sad. Taj nalet želje, inspiracije, graniči se sa ludilom. Dešavalo mi se da ustanem iz kreveta uveče i počnem nešto da radim, jer me prosto tera. Međutim, kad sam malo obuzdala svoje strasti, rešila sam da krenem korak po korak i da ispravljam šta mislim da mi nije dobro. Sve sam to radila preko neta.
    Imaš divnih sajtova za crtanje, ako želiš da ga usavršiš, a jedan od njih je www.opusteno.rs, pa rubrika umetnost, (http://opusteno.rs/umetnost/). Verujem da će ti pomoći, a što se tvojih radova tiče, mislim da su dobri. Ipak mi to radimo onako, iz duše, nismo profesionalci.
    I... samo napred sa crtanjem, što bi rekao Brus Blic, čije snimke možeš pogledati na YT.

  16. I think what you say and do makes a lot of sense. That inner need to create art and beauty must be answered even if might not be (in a lordly sense) considered as adding to our material wealth. Art for Art's sake is a great thing. I know a guy who works as a science researcher but because when people ask what he does, he says he sings because that is what his Passion is. Even though, like you, he has less successful times. I really enjoy seeing your paintings. Xx

  17. Često se i sama "mučim" s problematikom o kojoj ovdje pišeš i svaka ti čast na hrabrosti i volji podijeliti takvo što s ostatkom svijeta, jer nije lako... Iako stoji sve što si napisala--- gdje su te granice uspjeha i tko ih to postavlja--- opet je nekada teško egzistirati u svijetu u kojem živimo na neki naš način i u potpunosti ne mariti za tom nekom "potvrdom" od ostatka kolektiva. Mislim da je to nešto u ljudima. Još kao djeca, volimo da nas roditelji pohvale, da dobijemo prvu peticu ili smajlić u informativku od učiteljice, želimo tu potvrdu da smo nešto napravili dobro i da smo u NEČEMU dobri.
    Ipak, opet vjerujem da smo vrlo često prestrogi prema sebi. I sama sam takva tako da mogu razumijeti o čemu pišeš. I sama se još tražim... što je to ono nešto što je stvoreno za mene odnosno ono nešto u čemu ću ja ostaviti "trag" (mislim da treba zakonski zabraniti Šimićevu "Opomenu" u školskom programu :).
    No, da ja sada ne bi napisala zadaćnicu :)... Poanta je da nastaviš. Slikanje te veseli i slikanje te ispunjava. Kako je jedna djevojka gore napisala, ti jesi slikarica jer slikaš i točka. Hoćeš li reći da si bloger? Hoćeš, jer vodiš blog. Tako isto vrijedi i za to. Napreduješ i trebaš napredovati. Budi uporna i radi kao što i činiš i rezultati su tu. Kada ćeš biti spremna, pokušaj i prodati koju sliku ili ogrlicu ili što god. Samo nemoj Nikada odustati od onoga što voliš jer misliš da nisi dovoljno dobra jer JESI. :*

    1. Mislim da je absolutno istina da smo svi programirani tražiti nekakvu potvrdu...i u neku ruku je to i normalno. Svi smo mi društvena bića, kako nam stalno ponavljaju...i svi mi na nekoj razini očekujemo neku potvrdu za taj neki svoj trud, a i pokušavamo nešto postići u životu...ali isto mislim da se onda često dogodi da se sve svodi na traženje neke koristi i ljudi te čudno gledaju ako radiš nešto od čega nemaš direktne koristi (kao npr. mene kada se uključim u neki volonterski rad, često misle da imam neki skriveni motiv).

      Na kraju krajeva, sve je u životu rizik...nije mi se ni studij nešto isplatio na kraju, a ni ona godina stažiranja besplatno...opet radim nešto što bih mogla raditi i bez fakulteta (prevođenje/ instrukcije), a i bez toga stručnog ispita za kojeg sam učila godinu dana. Zbog studija odbila sam i jednu dobru ponudu za posao, a nakon njega nisam nijednu dobila, a nije da nisam tražila. Svi ti razgovori na posao u školama na kojima sam bila po različitim školama (u različitim gradovima pa i državama) su me koštali i novaca i truda i živaca, a rezultat nikakav pa opet nisam depresivna zbog toga...tako da, važno je zapamtiti da ta potvrda za trud nije nešto što uvijek dođe, ali i to da je rad nekad sam po sebi vrijedan, čak i bez nagrade. Kada se toga sjetim, uvijek se osjećam bolje.

  18. zašto smatraš to, što radiš, neuspjehom?
    na primjer, slikanje uopće nije moj svijet, ali nikad za druge ne bih smatrala da su neuspješno samo zato jer nisu nešto prodali.
    radiš to prvenstveno za sebe, zar ne? ventil izražavanja.
    dosljedna si i uživaš u tome.
    Druga stvar je da možda nezadovoljstvo nekim drugim životnim segmentima onda pređe i na kreativni dio. Ne daj se ;)

    1. ne smatram to neuspjehom, već to više smatram neuspjehom tom što ne mogu naći posao u struci bez obzira na to koliko se trudila, to sam mislila kada sam rekla da sam toliko toga pokušala, a nije me dovelo nigdje pa zašto onda ne pokušati i ovo.

      Srećom, kod slikanja se manje opterećujem uspjehom/neuspjehom baš jer to ne gledam kao posao, mada kada malo više analiziram stvari, vidim da je normalno da čovjek ima dvojbe kada mu je do nečeg stalo, čak i ako nužno ne traži neki uspjeh u tome.

      Mislim da je sigurno slučaj da nezadovoljstvo nekim drugim životnim segmentima pređe i na kreativni dio, ali zato treba biti uporan...kao što kažeš, ne dam se:)

  19. The composition of the photograph of you with your paintings is art in itself.
    With my dressmaking its not so much the end result as the joy of constructing something out of nothing (or at least a discarded curtain and a cheap vintage pattern) and learning something along the way.
    There is so much made of bucket lists , of ticking stuff off and over analysis of one's journey. I'm not into all that reflective stuff. Life's for living . xxx

    1. thank you dear Vix, this time I took the photographs myself, I decided to have a moment with my paintings...I quite enjoyed taking them out of the closet and reflecting upon them.

  20. Za mene ti takođe jesi slikar i dokle god se tebi slika treba to i da radiš. E sad, jedno je imati hobi a drugo je pretvoriti ga u nešto više, naročito u današnje vreme kad je umetnost i kultura nešto što je mnogima na poslednjem mestu. Iako sam potpuni laik, ja sam sigurna da ti možeš da se proguraš i nekako mi se čini da ako u današnje vreme sami sebi ne stvorimo nešto, ili ćemo tragati za tim nekim poslom koji nažalost za većinu nas ne postoji ili ćemo se zadovoljiti nečim desetim i biti nesrećni.

    Mislim da svako može da pronađe sebe u tvom tekstu, pođimo samo od blogovanja koje onima koji ne rade isto deluje potpuno nebulozno , misle da si lud ili šta god. Mene je frustrirala činjenica da me ne razumeju npr. drugarice sa kojima sam čitav život provela zajedno i da se svako pitanje oko bloga vodi na to da li sam i koliko para zaradila. A onda opet tu si i ti i neke druge devojke sa kojima sam našla zajednički jezik a koje nikada nisam ni videla. Sve ima svoje dobro i loše, svi mi imamo takve crne dane i one kad sve ima smisla, treba samo gurati napred.

  21. I think that you have so much creative energy inside you that it drives you to paint and paint, or do some other creative projects. And it is wonderful. This energy will never let you get bored.

  22. I would call you a painter, why not. You have a talent and your inner vision of the world around. Your sketches and drawings are so special and original, that I do believe you have your own artistic style.
    After all Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime, but he is now one of the most influential and famous artists in history.
    So never give up, and keep on practising, because every time you do it, you learn something new.
    Sending you lots of virtual hugs and support in your hobby:)

  23. I totally agree with Alexandra! Just follow your dream and enjoy the moment you are painting. I love your visions too and just practice more!


  24. I totally agree with Alexandra! Just follow your dream and enjoy the moment you are painting. I love your visions too and just practice more!


  25. Hello from Spain: great job. Fabulous ilustrations. Keep in touch

  26. You do what you love, so don't give in. You are a painter. Do what you love it makes you happy. So let them coming, Ivana.

  27. Ivana, it's really amazing! You have so many fantastic illustrations! I love them all! You are very talented dear))


  28. Io credo che tu sia una pittrice in ttto e per tutto Ivana! In fondo quanti pittori importanti non hanno venduto quadri per anni prima di diventare famosi?
    Si vede che ami la pittura e che hai talento, non ti arrendere e continua a fare quello che ami! :)

  29. Sei un'artista Ivana. Che le tue opere vengano vendute o meno non fa differenza. Io mi ricordo quanto mi sono emozionata quando mi hai ritratto. Trasmettere emozioni è arte. Fare qualsiasi cosa con passione è arte. Un bacio grande tesoro Baci,
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

  30. Ima dosta toga što nam uzima puno vremena, ono što volimo da radimo i kao što si ti rekla: nekad nam ne donose rezultate pa se ostali (i ti ponekad) pitaš što će ti sve to? Bez truda i rada nigde ne možeš stiči. Koliko je na primer neki košarkaš promašio koševa pre nego što je stigao u NBA ligu? Naravno, ovo je samo primer, neki ne uspe uvek i i to je okej, sve što radimo, radimo za sebe i može da nas nešta nauči. Samo je ponekad treba biti strpljiv i ako se odgovor ne pojavi danas, pojaviti će se sutra :) xx Maja

  31. I have a dream, to be paint by you))

  32. wow! You must be an amazing artist!
    Love these pieces and your atelier...beautiful!

  33. You are a painter my dear...one mustn't be paid for painting to be considered a painter!! Paint as you feel and often as you life. It's a great gift. I hope you find a big portfolio or place you can put all your marvellous paintings, they are beautiful :))) xx

  34. I don't think you have to sell your art in order to considered a painter. I think you just have to have passion and a desire to express yourself which I think definitely have and then some. I love that you share your art with us here.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  35. interesting works - i have no talent for this. you blessed.


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