Interview with Aneta/ Intervju s Anetom
Hi, dear readers. Today I'm interviewing +Aneta Niezgoda from All the photographs in this post are from her site and the photography rights belong to her.
Hi, dear readers. Today I'm interviewing +Aneta Niezgoda from All the photographs in this post are from her site and the photography rights belong to her.
-When did you decided to start your blog and why?
I love fashion all my life. I always dreamed that I would be working as a fashion journalist. And in some way my dream comes true. I'm journalist, but not in fashion magazine. When there were the first fashion blogs, I thought it was something for me. I show street looks. I was inspired especially by Sartorialist blog. At first I ran a blog on the portal, where I worked. For over a year I moved to blogspot. |
-What kind of photography inspires you?
I surf mainly the street fashion blogs that shows everyday styling. It is a huge source of inspiration. I love to see how people interprete trends in their own way. Of course, also look through fashion magazines like Vogue, Harpers Bazaar. |
-Do you think fashion can also be art?
Of course. Watching every season fashion shows, I am caught up in the imagination and the courage of designers. You have to be an artist, to create a collection, where they want to dress up thousands of people. People who treat fashion as a whim of wealthy people are ignorant in my opinion. Artists are, moreover, not only designers, but everyone who loves fashion.
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-What are your experiences as a blogger?
I've been a blogger for 2.5 years. During this time I met a lot of amazing people who love fashion. I became more open and I could participate in many interesting events and meetings. Unfortunately, my job is very absorbent and I can not blog as often as I would like.
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-What blogs or sites have been inspirational to you?
I love especially street fashion blogs. My favorite is The Sartorialist. I really like the Scandinavian style, so I have to mention of Helsinki. I often browse the blog Ellin Kling and one from Anna Dello Russo. Every day I look also at hand, British Vogue and New York Magazine. I read also Polish blogs, especially from Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot where I live. A lot of bloggers from here are my friends. I know and I am friends with many bloggers here, not just those who write about fashion. |
Dragi čitatelji, danas sam vam pripremila intervju sa Anetom, sa bloga Sve su fotografije u ovom postu preuzete sa njenog bloga i njezino su vlasništvo.
- Kako si odlučila započeti svoj blog i zašto?
Cijeli život volim modu. Uvijek sam željela raditi kao modna novinarka i želja mi se u određenoj mjeri ostvarila, radim kao novinarka, ali ne modna. Kada su krenuli prvi modni blogovi pomislila sam kako je to nešto za mene. Pokazujem uličnu modu. Posebno me nadahnuo blog Sartorialist. Prvo sam pisala blog na portalu za koji sam radila, a onda sam se premjestila na blogspot.
- Kakva te fotografija nadahnjuje?
Pratim većinom street style modne blogove koji prikazuju svakodnevne stilizacije. Volim vidjeti kako ljudi tumače modne trendove na svoj način. Naravno čitam i modne časopise kao što su Vogue i Harpers Bazaar.
-Misliš li da moda može biti i umjetnost?
Da, naravno. Gledajući svake sezone modne revije, oduševljava me maštovitost i hrabrost modnih kreatora. Moraš biti umjetnik da bi stvorio kolekciju koju će nositi tisuće ljudi. Ljudi kojima je moda samo hir bogatih su neuki po mome mišljenju. Umjetnici su ne samo modni dizajneri, nego svi koji vole modu.
- Kakva su tvoja blogerska iskustva?
Blogerica sam dvije i pol godine i tijekom ovog vremena upoznala sam puno sjajnih ljudi koji vole modu. Postala sam otvorenija i mogu sudjelovati u raznim događanjima. Nažalost, moj posao je zahtjevan pa ne mogu blogati toliko često koliko bih željela.
- Koji su te blogovi nadahnili?
Posebno volim street style modne blogove. Moj najdraži je The Sartorialist. Jako volim skandinavijski stil, pa moram spomenuti iz Helsinkija. Često pregledavam i blogove Ellin Kling i Anna Dello Russo. Svaki dan pogledam i, British Vogue i New York Magazine. Čitam i poljske modne blogove, one iz mjesta gdje i ja živim, Gdańsk, Gdynia i Sopot. Puno blogera odavde su mi prijatelji, ne samo oni koji pišu o modi.
Super intervju... nisam znala ya njen blog, svakako ću baciti pogled ;)
ReplyDeleteSuper interview doll, I really liked it xx
ReplyDeleteVolim ovakve postove :) odoh sad baciti oko na njen blog!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful interview my dear! :D Thanks for sharing and a big hug, all for you :D
ReplyDeleteNever heard of her before, but I liked her answers :) (and your questions :p)
Cool looks and nice interview!
I ja se bacam odmah na njen blog! :D Odličan intervju i odlična ideja! :)
ReplyDeleteSUPEr intevrvju, odoh gledat njen blog! Hvala za preporuku!
ReplyDeleteNon la conoscevo!!! E' davvero brava!!
ReplyDeleteDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Odlican intervju :))
ReplyDeleteMislim da je sada dobila jos vise obozavatelja,preslatka je :)))
predivna je :)
ReplyDeleteThank You very much Ivana! Buziaki! Aneta
ReplyDeletethank you for putting my photo here :)!
ReplyDeleteChe brava, bel post =)
ReplyDeleteFashion and Cookies
Fashion and Cookies on Facebook
Bella intervista Ivana ;)
ReplyDeleteFashion blog:
Brilliant interview!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview honey. This girl has such a great style.
ReplyDeleteMiss Margaret Cruzemark
Hello Ivana,
ReplyDeletei love to read Interviews like this one. This is a great idea from you, to interview one of your (blogger) friends.
Thanks for this and this pics are stunning.
By the way: looks like that Aneta is an interessting person.
thank you dear:)