
Showing posts from April, 2013

green maxi (one photo outfit post;) --- zelena duga haljina (jedna upitna odjevna kombinacija)

It's no secret that I like maxi dresses. However, this one present a bit of a challenge. I love the colour of it but I'm not sure how to dress it down and what kind of shoes to match it with. In this outfit it's the blue ones that you can see, but I'm not sure how well they go with it. Any suggestions? Nije tajna da volim duge haljine. Ipak ova mi je pomalo izazov. Jako mi se sviđa njena boja, ali nisam sigurna kako je učiniti više ležernom i sa kakvim je cipelama uskladiti. U ovoj kombinacija izbor je pao na tamno plave, ali nisam sigurna koliko one dobro idu sa tim. Ima li prijedloga?

award time again:)

Prvo, prije nego što prijeđem na engleski, hvala mojoj imenakinji na nagradi:) Hello, my sweets, lovely Ivana from  awarded me with this reward. The official rules for accepting this award are as follows: 1. Add the award to your blog 2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you 3. Mention 7 random things about you 4. List the rules 5. Award to 15 bloggers 6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blogs 7 random things about me... here we go: 1. I hate jogging but I do it anyway. I prefer sprinting but you have to prepare for that and I don't always have the time. 2. I'm obsessed with languages. I always try to read the blogs in the language of the blogger and most of time I can understand it. 3.  I'm a bookaholic,  and a shoppingholic only when it comes to books, especially literature!  I can live without pretty much everything but books.  4.  I'm not really into watching sports, b...

Međugorje ( a view from the hill Krizevac)/ Međugorje (pogled sa Križevca)

Thou art more lovely. ..and what can possibly be more lovely than a summer (or a nice warm spring day)? Shakespeare must have met someone pretty amazing to inspire him to write that famous lines...and in fact it was a man. Yeap! Not to say that Shaki was gay, we cannot possibly know that, in those days people (or poets at any rate) were pretty open about expressing their feelings towards their friends. I'm just pointing out the fact that sometimes education system is afraid to talk about things that don't fit their definition of  "appropriate". Moving on, I've met a few people in my life that really art as lovely as a summer day....  That are really as warm and full of light as this beautiful day in Medjugorje was. Friends are perhaps the greatest blessing in one's life. Once more it is time for a sporty outfit. In reality I have spend today day in Split (Dalmatia) and not in Medjugorjne ( Herzegovina) but I don't have any photos to share f...

Sporty style (outfit post)/ Sportski stil (odjevna kombinacija)

Don't you just love when you can feel both comfortable and stylish? This dress does that for me. I always feel dressed up when I wear it, even when I pair it with sneakers, as I have done yesterday. I really like this little dress...You might have noticed that I like stripes. Right now I'm on a self imposed shopping ban, so it is really fun to find out how much I can follow the trends without buying new clothes... The temperatures have been high these last few days, making my outfits more summer than spring appropriate. I usually take a jacket with me, just to be on the safe side, but there is never the need to wear it during the day. Yes, it's really warm during the day. Not that I'm complaining, I feel most comfortable when the temperatures are almost desert like. Zar nije divno kad se možete osjećati i udobno i dotjerano, kako se ja uvijek osjećam u ovoj haljini, čak i kad sam u patikama (tenisicama) još uvijek se osjećam sređeno. Stvarno mi se sviđa...

pletenice (frizura post)/braids (hair style post)

I've realized that I braid my hair...a lot. In fact, it is almost always braided. There is the practical side to it, I have heavy, thick and straight hair so it is a really convenient hair style for me. However, I also love the aesthetic aspect of it. What do you think about this trend? Do you braid your hair? Shvatila sam da pletem pletenice...često. U stvari skoro mi je uvijek kosa u pletenicama. Da, to ima i svoju praktičnu stranu, imam gustu, tešku i ravnu kosu tako da su pletenice idealno rješenje za moju kosu. No, sviđa mi se i kako izgledaju. Što vi mislite o ovom trendu? Pletete li svoju kosu?

Springtime/ Proljeće (outfits and photography post)

Let's start with what I wore this morning. It was all about the colour blue and flowers....and what follows is a little bit of this and that: another outfit, another manicure (in case that yesterday's manicure recap wasn't enough) and a few photographs of nature.  Za početak moja jutarnja odjevna kombinacija, a onda pomalo svega...još jedna odjevna kombinacija, još jedna manikura (ako prošli post nije bio dovoljan) i par fotografija prirode.  You have always reacted very favorably to my photographs of the river Neretva, so here are a few more:

nails recap+ blondie DIY "how to write lyrics on a shirt"-----sažetak manicura i uradi sam " pisanje teksta pjesme na košulji"

Yesterday it was time for philosophy and today I'll keep it simple. First thing that I want to show you are  some manicures that I have done, nothing spectacular as I'm obviously no professional, but still you might find some of them interesting. Jučer je bilo dosta filozofiranja, danas su na redu jednostavno stvari. Prvo, neke od mojih manikura, koje nisu ništa posebno, ali eto možda vam pokoja bude zanimljiva.                                                       DIY- inspired by Blondie When it comes to rock, there is only one Blondie for me. That blondie is Deborah Harry that together with Chris Stain founded the legendary rock band Blondie. If I had to pick a favourite song by them, it would be Maria. That song never fails to make me feel better. So, without further ado, this is my DIY inspired by the lyrics of the song in que...

working out philosophy/ filozofija vježbanja

With arrival of spring, many of you will decide to start working out. Not that there is anything wrong with that. However, the fitness industry (as the diet industry) is most of the times aggressive and not always truthful.  So, here is what I have to say. - There is no such thing as a perfect work out for everyone. Depending on your age, job, responsibilities, health etc... a certain exercise regime may or may not be good for you. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration. So, don't chose the work out that promises a certain result, chose a work out that works for you! - Exercise to get rid of stress, don't stress over exercising The truth is that human body need physical activity. Any kind of exercise will do really. When you're cleaning the house, it counts...when you're running after a toddler, it counts...when you're shopping all day...yes that burns calories too! and fulfilling martial duties is also good exercise;...

Ruffles and flower print (outfit post) / Volani i cvjetni uzorak (odjevna kombinacija)

Ruffles are one of the spring trends that I really like. I don't wear them often and to be honest I think ruffles can be a bit tricky to combine (or perhaps I just need additional practice). When this trend is concerned, a little goes a long way I would say. Ruffles create volume so you might want to be careful with that. The trick I think is to have them in the right places (peplum dress being the ideal example). When I think of ruffles, I get this idea of femininity in my head...just like when I think about floral print. So when I saw (last spring) this shirt  that combines the two I had to have it. The rest of the outfit I had kept pretty simple with minimal jewellery (wedding ring, watch and tiny earrings). This skirt is very practical and I like the length.  It can also be worn lower on the waist but if you ask me a high waist is a women's best friend. This is the first time this year that my legs are bare and I have to say it is funny to see them this pale...