How to style a coloured blazer for spring? Today I'm sharing with yet another spring outfit proposal. With April coming to its end, we can say the spring is in full swing. If you ask me, a coloured blazer is a great choice for spring. This time I styled my red blazer with a blue turtleneck, navy flare pants and statement accessories. I wore an oversize hat completed with statement earrings and a necklace. Sometimes accessories make all the difference. These photographs were taken on planinica hill where the cherry trees still blossom. The cherry trees in our city are already filled with cherries, but since it's colder on the hill, the flowers are still there. Lovely, isn't it? Thank you all for lovely wishes for my birthday. I spend my birthday cleaning the house, preparing the cakes and so on, and somehow I hurt my back in the process. I suffer from scoliosis (another chronic illness I'm blessed with) so I'm not supposed to carry anything heavy, but...