A Commissioned Painting: Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Medium: Acrylic Paints on Canvas)

As promised, today I'm sharing a commissioned family portrait, the one I have recently written about. The painting is all finished and I'm quite happy with the result. I was supposed to draw three people: grandmother, daughter and the daughter's baby (i.e the grandson).  In addition, I also needed to portray one animal and that's would be the family dog. As you can see, it is a very busy painting. Basically, it is a portrait of a grandmother, a daughter and a grandson with the family dog. I had spent a lot of time studying the photograph I was given and deciding on the proportions and the composition. Before I even started working on the painting, I had made three pencil sketches and one carbon sketch on paper. Only then did I proceed to do make a final carbon sketch on the canvas. Besides the obvious challenges, there were also many details I needed to pay attention to. The light was especially challenging. I have spent so much time doing the drapes and trying to capture the light coming through the main light source and the drapes themselves, that I'm still tired. However, I think the end result was more than work the trouble.

The composition of the painting was a challenge, and as you can imagine it took a lot of work to get it right. I worked on this painting for a whole week. I have put about 20 hours of work into it, if not wore. That's really a lot. The grandmother (the lady holding the baby boy), the mother (the girl feeding the baby) and the baby are all sitting in front of a glass patio door. Behind the glass, the family dog looks after them. In the background, their garden is visible. Very sweet scene, isn't it? In every way possible, it was a challenge to paint, but the painting captures such a precious family moment, it makes all the hard work seem worth it. Do you know what I mean? Do you think hard work pays off? Did it pay of in this portrait? Have you ever commissioned a family portrait? Do you have any family portraits at home? How do you like this portrait?

Family Portrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Acrylic Paints on Canvas)
a finished painting, acrylic paints on canvas

Family Portrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Acrylic Paints on Canvas)
first sketch drawing

Family Portrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Acrylic Paints on Canvas)
separate sketch of the dog

#blogger #artblogger #modaodaradosti
second pencil sketch

#FamilyPortrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog #modaodaradosti
carbon sketch on paper (final sketch before sketching on canvas)

Family Portrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog #Canvas
carbon sketch on the canvas itself (fixated with an adhesive spray)

first layer of paint

Family Portrait: A Commissioned Painting- Grandmother, Daughter and Grandson With the Dog ( Acrylic Paints on Canvas)
(approximately) fourth layer of paint 

I was feeling a bit stressed while I worked on this one, and not only because it is a huge responsibility to paint a family portrait. Everyone knows that painting a portrait from a photograph is not the way to go. Moreover, I was given a very dark photograph to work with. I tried lightening the photograph, but it didn't work, the photograph was taken with a cellphone and was very unclear. Fortunately, I'm able to read colour no matter how dark it is. I'm also able to tell what the colour will look like under different lighting. The darkness of the photo didn't make the portraying impossible, but it complicated things. When it comes to people and animals portrayed, it all worked out in the end.  I've seen the dog earlier, so that made it easier to draw it.  The dog is a Malinois, i.e,  a short haired variety of Belgian Shepherd dog breed. In the case you didn't know, it is a very intelligent dog breed and I have done my very best to capture that. I researched the breed a bit, so I can render it better. The grandmother  portrayed in the painting was the person who commissioned the painting. Since I met her, portraying her wasn't that difficult. I was feeling uncertain about the portrait of the daughter and the grandson because I haven't seen them before. However, I got to meet them  by accident this very Sunday, just as I was finishing the painting. My husband and I went for a walk, and we ran into them. What a coincidence! Having meet them, I was feeling confident that I can complete the painting. Soon after, I added the finishing touches and the painting was finished. So, that's my story about this painting. Do tell me what you think about it. The weekend is almost here. Do you have any special plans? I'm attending a wedding party tomorrow, I can't wait.

fourth layer of paint

a completed painting
 As always, thank you for reading. I'm always looking forward to reading your comments. Have a nice day everyone!




  1. Posso dirti che è BELLISSIMOOOOO!!!!!! Emozionante, colori stupendi e proprio mi piace da matti!!!
    Brava ivana!!!!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  2. Beautiful painting! So tender and sweet. it makes me want to look at it more and more closely to feel it the fullest!

  3. Tantisimi complimenti Ivana, è un dipinto bellissimo e davvero tanto dolce ed espressivo!
    Hai fatto un'ottimo lavoro, anche se ti è costato un bel pò di fatica, alla fine ne è valsa la pena, no? :)

  4. Such a gorgeous painting, I like the colors and expression! You are so talented!

  5. Allora non disegni solo abiti alla moda!!! Sei davvero creativa...complimenti! Un bacio (e grazie della visita),

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Your perfect bag is here

  6. Thanks for the interesting post) Have a nice weekend)

  7. Bravissima!!! E' bello vedere tutte le fasi del lavoro... complimenti, ottimo risultato!
    Un bacio

  8. Thanks a lot :D

    amazing evolution my dear <3

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  9. estupendo trabajo!feliz fin de semana!💚💚💚

  10. You are very talented.
    Love this drawing and art

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  11. Davvero emozionante questo dipinto Ivana complimenti davvero !!!!

  12. My dear, you've done an AMAZING JOB! I love the finished portrait, and I hope the family who commissioned it is HAPPY! Congratulations on your professional gig!!! Is it your first one? I can see many many more coming!

    I love the colors you have picked A LOT! The portrait of the dog is wonderful, and I don't think it's especially easy to paint animals, unless maybe you spend a lot of time with them. I also loved the daughter's portrait - there is something in the lines!

    I hope you understand what I mean by this, but the unfinished painting with the first layer of paint is a work of art in itself!! I am in love with the lines, the energy (very, very alive) and the few color splashes on it - I think it's an absolute perfection! I of course understand that the commission was for fully painted version, but I really love this unfinished one. Maybe you will explore this style more, of course if it resonates with you - I know it resonates with me a lot! I've just came back from our travel, and I was so lucky to visit a great art museum, one of the best collections in the world. And your unfinished painting really reminds me of some impressionistic ones I've just seen - to be precise, some Cezanne's works.

    Lots of love and again - congratulations, what a wonderful achievement!!!!!

    1. thank you. I sold paintings before, but I think this is my first commissioned portrait. I hope they will be happy with it too. They still have to stop by to pick up the painting. Yes, animals are not easy to draw, unless they are our pets or we see them at regular basis.

      I'm glad I remember to take a photo of the unfinished painting since you like it so much. I like it too and I might explore that style more in the future. SO great you got to visit a wonderful art museum. I love Cezanne and the impressionists so thank you for the comparison:).

  13. I have seen the parts you showed on Instagram but finally I have gotten to some blog reading so now I can see all of your work. I love the feeling of movement and energy you captured and the colours you used. The light on the floor is wonderful! I am sure the family will love this painting and it's very exciting to have done some commissioned work. Well done!

  14. Apsolutno savrseno! Jos kad sam videla na Instagramu, odusevila sam se :***


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