Making Of a Pencil Drawing + Two Fashion Illustrations (Special Occasion Dresses: Blue and Purple)

Hello there! How's life been treating you? Are you enjoying Spring? I thought that today I might show you some of my art. I don't know about you, but I always love to see the 'making of' tutorials, videos and posts. I always enjoy seeing the effort that goes into creation of anything. My fascination with seeing the creative process is not limited to art, I love seeing the 'making of' of just about anything, but creative creations can be especially interesting. Today I will share with you the 'making of' a (coloured) pencil portrait drawing, done in fashion illustration style. I hope that you will find it interesting.  In addition, I will share with you two coloured pencils fashion illustrations. I've been working on my developing my art skills a lot lately. I know I've been saying that a lot, but really it's true. I've been spending a lot of time drawing and illustration. Maybe it is the spring that makes me feel so creative? Scroll down to see more.

I think that you've already noticed that I love drawing faces. When I do fashion illustrations, I love to draw all the details. I often draw backgrounds as well. I like to create fashion illustrations that are as much about the 'vibe' as they are about the clothes themselves. I drew this portrait style illustration without using a reference. As you can see, I used mostly coloured pencils. I only used a marker to draw the eyelashes because I didn't have the right shade of brown among my pencils. Most of the coloured pencils I have are really cheap (not good at all), so I had to use a marker a bit. I've run out of markers btw, I need to buy some but I don't think I'll buy copic markers yet. I'm running out of pencils too but I'm not sure will I buy any new ones right now because I'm working on some other art and I should probably try to do some research before I buy new pencils. I feel like I'm doing research all the time, there is just so much to learn about different drawing techniques! However, I think buying inexpensive art supplies can actually be good for practice. For some specific project you will need to invest in quality art supplies, but it is a great feeling to create something from practically nothing. Do you know what I mean? When I take the lowest quality pencil that exists and still make a pretty good drawing, I feel like my art skills must be pretty good.  Not that I don't spend a lot of money on my art supplies. I have spent a lot of money on my oil and acrylic supplies, not to mention canvases. These things are extremely pricey. But when I'm practicing drawing, I often use the cheap stuff and while there is definitely a difference in quality of art supplies, one thing is for sure. If you have art skills, you'll be able to make art with anything. Investing in quality art supplies is not only preferable but often it is necessarily, especially for professional artists. However, we shouldn't become dependent on a certain brand or whatever. We shouldn't rely on a certain tool. That's what @zoehong always says anyway. Don't become dependent on art supplies, on a certain brand or tool. I couldn't agree more. With time you realize that there is no such thing as magic paints or magic pencils. There are only magic hands. To get magic hands, you need to practice a lot. So, investing in art supplies is good, but by itself it will mean nothing if you don't work on your art skills. You can't buy art skills, you have to develop them.

Making Of a #PencilDrawing ( A Portrait Drawing)

Making Of a Pencil Drawing ( A Portrait Drawing) +

Making Of a Pencil Drawing ( A Portrait Drawing) #artblogger
Brunette With Blue Eyes

Another thing I love doing is drying flowers, but I think you already noticed that. Does it has anything to do with my love for recycling? Perhaps it does, for I hate to see anything goes to waste, but honestly I think that dried flowers are extremely beautiful. Moreover, they make for a lovely home decor accessory and can function as a photography enhancement. There is something nostalgic and artistic about dry flowers. Sure, fresh flowers are always beautiful, but dry flowers are something you can rely on. I think they can even be used to add something to our photography.  Do you agree? Do you use dry flowers for photography? In the past, I often created 'art' with both dry and fresh flowers. You can see an example here and here.  I'm really fortunate to live in a climate that makes drying flowers quite easy. So, I can't really offer that much advice on the process itself. However, drying flowers is not the most complicated thing. If you live in a cold climate, it might be more tricky, but I'm sure there are many tutorials and instructions out there. Today we can find so much 'how to do' information online. Isn't it wonderful? In this day and age, it is like we don't have the excuse to learn everything.  Anyhow, I love to photograph my dry flowers with my art. You might expect to see more of it in the future. Speaking of photography, I'm not sure have I mentioned this or not, but I usually use a yoga tablet to take photographs of my art. We didn't buy it with taking photographs in mind, but I find it really useful for indoor photography.

#MakingOf a Pencil Drawing ( A Portrait Drawing) + Fashion Illustration

Making Of a #PencilDrawing ( A #Portrait Drawing)

Fashion illustrations of the day - Special occasion dresses

These two coloured pencils sketches are actually from last year, but I didn't have a chance to share them with you before. They are both drawn without a reference. The first one is a cocktail dress in two colours: blue and purple. I intended it as a dress for a special occasion, i.e. more on the formal side. Seeing it now, I really wish that I had the time to make it. The same goes for the other purple (burgundy purple) gown I'm sharing. That one was also drawn without a reference. Purple is one of the hot trends for this year and I can't wait to jump on the wagon. Thank you for reading! Have a lovely weekend!

 Two  #Fashion #Illustrations (Special Occasion : Blue and Purple)

#fashionillustration #moda

 Two  Fashion Illustrations (Special Occasion : Blue and Purple)

Making Of a Pencil Drawing ( A Portrait Drawing) + Two  Fashion Illustrations (Special Occasion : Blue and Purple)


  1. I'm so glad you decided to show the 'creation process' of one of your illustrations Ivana! Like you, I'm always curious about the steps that it took to achieve something - especially when it comes to artwork. Your process makes perfect sense; I've really enjoyed this post :) Have a fabulous weekend! x

  2. Really great idea to show how you make your gorgeous illustrations!
    Have a nice weekend:)


  3. Resto sempre incantata nel guardare queste creazioni.. complimenti ❤️

  4. I really enjoy 'making of' tutorials, videos and posts as well. The creative process fascinates me especially when it comes to disciplines that I'm not particularly skilled at like drawing and painting. Thank you for taking us behind the scenes of these two drawings. It's true that when one is skilled that the tools and supplies use matter less. Whenever people ask me about cameras, I always tell them it's more important to learn to use whatever camera they have properly.

    1. thank you Rowena. I was just thinking about how it is similar. Some people think that buying a professional camera is everything they need to do to take good photographs. They don't realize how much work goes into in, not to mention that learning how to use a professional cam takes time.

  5. Kochan, te Twoje rysunki maja niesamowity klimat! są cudowne! :)

  6. Thanks for the beautiful post! Nice photos!

  7. I love that you showed how your drawing progresses, it's remarkable to see how your illustration comes to life.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

  8. Si vede che ti stai esercitando molto Ivana, diventi sempre più brava!
    Il primo ritratto mi piace molto, ti sono venuti bene soprattutto gli occhi! Comunque hai mai provato le matite colorate acquarellabili? Secondo me ti piacerebberoo, dato che sono facili da usare e l'effetto che producono è davvero molto bello!

  9. A great post and thanks for sharing, great to see your fashion illustrations! I did illustrative as a part of my University course as well as fashion styling. Really inspired me to get drawing again! Thanks for sharing and inspiring :)

    Laura xo

  10. lovely illustrations, ivana! :)

    xoxo, rae

  11. Thanks a lot :D

    wooow :D so amazing!
    I'm really proud of your evolution :D

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  12. Mi piace il fatto che hai mostrato come nasce un ritratto step by step... il risultato è bellissimo!
    Kisses, Paola.


  13. Love your illustrations! The girls on them are really beautiful!♥

    Blog: Witty Sweety
    Instagram: @witty_sweety

  14. Love these pieces, thanks for sharing! I'm pretty terrible at drawing faces!

    Corinne x

  15. Spring definitely has a way of inspiring us all to do what we love. These drawings turned out beautifully!

  16. Wow, such a great drawer! Thanks so much for sharing x

    Adventures in May | Miss Nev

  17. Unos dibujos preciosos!!Feliz fin de semana precios@!❤💛💙

  18. This is another lovely illustration! I love it when you use dried flowers too :) xx

  19. As usual very interesting) Thanks a lot for sharing)

  20. Thanks a lot :D

    your evolution is amazing :D

    NEW OUTFIT POST | BREAK DOWN: It was a week too complicated!
    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  21. It is interesting seeing the progression of stages of your artwork, thank you for sharing! I really like that clutch in the last set of photos too! :)

    Hope you have had a great weekend! We had a quiet one to recover from being unwell last week. Hoping for a quiet week this week too!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  22. Dear Ivana, I think for drawing it is the same as for every other skill: you have to develop it. I remember in this context always that you need at least 10.000 hours until you are good in one skill and I absolutely believe this is true. I think you drawed already much more than 10.000 hours as you are very good in it and as usual I love also what you share here today. Thanks for the detailed description - you really know about what you are talking! Happy new week, dear Ivana!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  23. Wow, simply just wow. What a great idea to share with us. Your drawings are extremely beautiful and I must say the portrait ones are my favourite. Great job and thanks for sharing :)

  24. Hello Ivana, hope you're having an awesome Monday and hope you're enjoying Spring season, it hasn't arrived to Barcelona but at least I can still wear my favorite jacket haha.

    I really enjoy to see the process that is behind your work, not only the process of taking the pencil and drawing but the whole process of developing a concept and put it down into the paper, sometimes we just see the pretty part on Instagram but creative works takes a lot of effort and of course time and I think we should really embrace artists and creatives :)

    Is good to see your process and to spot the things that inspire you the most to create your drawings, what I like the most about illustration is that anything could be a source of inspiration and references can be spot anywhere :D

    Have a great week ahead and again thanks for your support

    1. thank you for your amazing feedback as well.

  25. Estupendo post!!!Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog!!!Feliz lunes!!!

  26. Ciao Ivana la tua arte riempie il cuore !!!

  27. Dearest Ivana,
    that's a great "Making-of-Story"! And a wonderful, pretty face! It's true: "You can't buy art skills", but you developed them very well.
    Hugs, my dear,

  28. wow so nice

  29. These are so amazing, Ivana!! I loved to see how the drawing went step by step!!

  30. You're so good with details & coloring (complexion).

  31. i love your step by step making of. it shows us how you make all that good looking drawings.

    keep painting and drawing my dear!!!



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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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