I've been working with pencil a lot lately. In fact, with all the drawing I've been doing, it has come to the point where my right hand hurts rather badly. Not that it is a serious problem, I'm sure that my hand will recover as soon as I give it some rest. Anyhow, today I'm posting a drawing that I have been working on forever. I was trying to strike a balance between realistic and 'my style'. How did I do? I'm not sure. Some of you said you find the 'painting/drawing process' interesting, so I've decided to include 'before' and 'after' photograph, even if the difference in this case is a subtle one. S
U zadnje vrijeme sam dosta radila s olovkom. Zapravo, uza sve to crtanje došla sam to točke u kojoj me desna ruka poprilično boli. Ne da je to neki ozbiljan problem, sigurna sam da će mi se ruka oporaviti čim ju malo odmorim.Uglavnom, danas objavljujem crtež na kojem sam dugo radila, pokušavajući postići ravnotežu između realističnoga stila i nečega što bi trebao biti moj stil. Kako mi je to pošlo za rukom? Nisam sigurna. Neki od vas su rekli da vam je zanimljiv proces nastanka slike, tako da sam odlučila uključiti prije i poslije fotografiju, čak i ako je razlika u ovom slučaj suptilna.
Beautiful sketches Ivana! have a wonderful hump day!;)
ReplyDelete♥☻♥☻♥ Jeanne
Fashion Recap: What I Wore in March
Fashion Musings Diary
thanks Jeanne
DeleteOmg these sketches are so beautiful you're getting so much better.
ReplyDeletethank you Naimah A.
DeleteChe volti dolcissimi, stupendo questo disegno!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
DeleteOh this is lovely, you did an excellent job with this.
ReplyDeleteAllie of
Deletefavoloso *_*
DeleteLooks very interesting! Thanks for the post)
thank you dear<3
Deletewow you are soo talented! its beautiful :)
How beautiful, dear Ivana, and I am loving your latest illustrations in pencil! I think that illustrations in pencil have something really pure about it, really "honest" and I really love them, they seem "deep" to me. I really loved the two ladies and you are always so talented! Hope you have a lovely day, dear Ivana, with more illustrations!
thank you Denise. I used to shy away from the pencil, but right now I'm all for it.
Deletethank you Eleine:)
ReplyDeleteThe thing I like the most is the hand, because it`s so long. It was the thing that caught my eye. I like the picture overall, I think you did nice work. I like the unrealistic aspect of it the most, but that is just my taste, I like surreal and unrealistic :)
ReplyDeleteCheck out my giveaway
thank you so much. I actually thought about shortening the hand, but then I decided to keep it long because I like surreal things too. Thank you for noticing:)
DeleteIt looks really lovely! I like it!! :)
DeleteI love it! Enjoy the day doll!
ReplyDeletePS: Do you want to follow each other? Let me know! ❤
Mary María Style
A me piace molto disegnare solo a matita (o a carboncino) perchè rende il chiaro-scuro al meglio, davvero credo sia la tecnica che più di tutti si presta a "prendere la mano" con la resa di luci ed ombre e relative sfumature!
ReplyDeleteed hai ragione, questo tipo di disegno è un work in progress continuo, magari lo ritrovi tra due mesi e decidi di cambiare le luci dei capelli o delle labbra, non finisce mai! ^^
Comunque hai fatto davvero un'ottimo lavoro, mi piace tantissimo la scelta del soggetto, il ritratto non è una sfida facile ma tu l'hai superata brillantemente! :D
si, hai ragione...con solo a matita possiamo rendere il chiaro-scuro devo ancora practicare questa tecnica...e si...perche dobbiamo finire un dipinto o un disegno?...forse in due mesi, ho una relazione nuova e voglio cambiare qualcosa...e perche no?
I can definitely see the elements of your personal drawing style combined with 'realism' as you say; and the outcome is lovely! Speaking of which, I really love how you have an identifiable drawing style of your own Ivana, it's very special :) I hope you're having a great week so far - fingers crossed for plenty of sunshine!!
This is a really lovely drawing Ivana! :) xx
DeleteIt's really interesting seeing the two versions! I really like them!x
ReplyDeletethank you dear Kezzie.
DeleteDivan, divan crtež - možda jedan od tvojih najljepših i najemotivnijih dosad! Sviđaju mi se radovi s olovkom, baš ih je fino vidjeti malo za promjenu i mislim da ti baš odlično pristaju! :)
ReplyDeleteMeni je fascinantno baš to što se uvek primećuje tvoj stil, a opet svaka od devojaka (bila ona stvarna ili izmišljena) zadržava nešto svoje što je čini unikatnom. Sviđa mi se i rad sa olovkom i rekla bih da ti takođe ide od ruke, mada s druge strane, kojeg god medija da se uhvatiš, vidi se da znaš šta i kako ;)
ReplyDeleteGet well soon. May be time to rest.
ReplyDeleteThis drawing of these two women are excellent. The woman on the right looks a little bit like the model Bella Hadid.