Nefertiti, Michelle Moran (book review+ my illustration / ogled knjige i moja ilustracija)

I'm getting used to painting on book pages. It is a fun thing to do and it allows me to combine two things I love: reading and painting. The book I used for illustrating this time is Nefertiti by Michelle Moran. Today I will just do this one quick book review.  As I said, I'm keeping longer reviews for my other blog. It's been a while since I read Nefertiti by Michelle Moran, so recently I decided to reread it. I ended up giving up  because I concluded that the book isn't worth a reread. It isn't terrible, but it isn't very good either.  Lately I haven't had much luck with  the historical fiction genre. 

Navikavam se na slikanje na stranicama knjiga. Zabavno je, a osim toga mi omogućuje da kombiniram dvije stvari koje volim: čitanje i slikanje. Knjiga koju sam koristila za ilustriranje ovaj put je Nefertiti Michelle Moran. Danas samo jedan brzi ogled knjige jer kao što sam rekla ti duži ogledi se bolje uklapaju u drugi blog. Prošlo je dugo vremena od kada sam pročitala Nefertiti od Michelle Moran, pa sam je nedavno ponovo uzela u ruke, ali sam odustala jer mi je nije toliko dobra da bi je mogla ponovo pročitati. U zadnje vrijeme stvarno nisam imala sreće s knjigama koje spadaju u povijesnu fikciju. 

Basically, the issues I have with this novel are the same I have with the majority of historical fiction I have read to this point. The main issue for me is that it  completely fails to transfer a feeling of time past. Another thing that annoys me that authors of historical fiction always claim that have done a tremendous amount of historical research. They always go on how they have fallen in love with history as kids, but few of them seem to know that a few visits to the library doesn't make one a historian. Well, to be honest I think that most times the author aren't to blame. It is the marketing that tries to sell every historical fiction as a 'new historical discovery'. I know that publishing is a very competitive industry, but someone needs to tell them to tone it. For the record, Nefertiti's tomb wasn't found (despite what some catchy headlines suggested), it is unknown to what family she belonged (some even suggest she was a foreign princess). We don't have her DNA nor that of her family members so most speculations about her will remain just that- speculations. The biographical claim of this book is therefore ridiculous. 

Uglavnom, glavna zamjerka ovom romanu je ista koju imam sa većinom povijesnih knjiga koje sam pročitala u zadnje vrijeme. Ključni problem je što nimalo ne uspjeva prenijeti taj neki osjećaj prošloga vremena. Još jedna stvar koja me živcira da pisci povijesne fikcije uvijek tvrde da su napravili veliko povijesno istraživanje. Uvijek pričaju o tome kako su se zaljubili u povijest kao djeca, ali malo njih shvaća da par posjeta knjižnici ne pretvara osobu u povjesničara. Doduše mislim da tu nisu sami pisci krivci. Marketing je taj koji pokušava prodati svaki povijesni roman kao novo povijesno otkriće. Znam da je izdavaštvo industrija u kojoj je natjecanje svakodnevnica, ali netko bi im trebao reći da ne pretjeruju. Činjenica je da grobnica Nefertiti nije pronađena (bez obzira na to što su neke naslovnice tvrdile), nepoznato je kojoj je obitelji pripadala prije udaje (neki čak govore da je bila strana princeza). Nemamo njen DNA niti onaj njene obitelji tako da će većina predviđanja o njoj ostati samo to- predviđanja. Tvrdnje da je ova knjiga biografska su stoga smiješne. 

 Even if you don't know a lot about the culture of ancient Egypt, you have probably heard of Nefertiti. Even if you can't remember having hear about Nefertiti, you must have seen her famous bust sculpture  at least once. It is one of the most copied ancient Egypt's art works. This world famous bust  turned Nefertiti into a timeless beauty icon.  On the other hand, if you're familiar with Egyptian history, then you will understand why Nefertiti fascinates us so. If for nothing else, she was a queen in one of the most interesting and turbulent times of ancient Egyptian history. Her husband, the pharaoh Akhenathen (known also as Amenhotep IV), abolished the state's religion in favour of worshiping one God.

Čak i ako ne znate puno o kulturi drevnoga Egipta, vjerojatno ste čuli za Nefertiti, a čak i ako se ne sjećate da ste čuli njeno ime, sigurno ste negdje vidjeti njenu poznatu bistu jer je to jedna od najpoznatijih svjetskih skultura. To je jedna od najkopiranijih umjetničkih djela iz razdoblja drevnoga Egipta, a samu Nefertiti pretvorila je u vječnu ikonu ljepote. S druge strane, ako ste upoznati s egipatskom poviješću, onda vam je jasno zašto nas Nefertiti toliko fascinira. Ako ništa drugo, bila je kraljica za vrijeme koje je među najzanimljivijima i najturbuletnijima u povijesti drevnoga Egipta. Njen muž faraon Eknaton (poznat i kao Amenhotep IV) , ukinio je državnu religiju i utemeljio štovanje jednoga Boga.

The fact that the author decided to turn Nefertiti into a villain was something I could have lived with but I can't forgive the author for turning her into a simpleton. The way Nefertiti is described is very one-dimensional and quite frankly that ruined the novel for me. In general, the characters are not well developed. The story is actually about Nefertiti's sister Mutnodjemet and told from her point of view. This isn't problematic as such, but this character is portrayed as such a goodie two shoes....honesty, I found it quite annoying. Not only was Mutnodjemet often naive but the novel itself- for example this girl often cures serious illness with mint tea. She is supposed to be this herb healer but it doesn't seem very convincing. 

Činjenica da je autorica odlučila pretvoriti Nefertiti u negativni lik je nešto što nije problematično samo po sebi, ali joj ne mogu oprostiti što ju je pretvorila u glupaču. Način na koji je Nefertiti opisana je ograničen, prikazana je jednodimenzionalno i iskreno to mi je pokvarilo cijeli roman. U globalu, likovi nisu dobro razvijeni. Sama priča je iz zapravo o njenoj sestri Mutni i ispričana je iz njene perspektive. Nemam zamjerku tome, ali ovaj je lik takva dobrica da mi je stalno išao na živce. Nije samo ona naivna već često i sam roman, naprimjer ta djevojka često liječi bolesti s čajem od mente. Trebala bi biti nekakva travarka, ali nekako se to ne čini uvjerljivo. 

The writing style is actually solid, but the story, the plot and the characters failed to move me. The whole novel reads like a soap opera. I didn't care much for it, but if you don't mind the oversimplification of characters, you might actually enjoy the story. It's not terrible, it's just not my cup of tea. I can't say that I liked it. Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised by all the good reviews it received but on the other hand, I can't say it is dreadful. I won't give up on this author, I think she has potential and I believe she can write better. I might give her another chance in near future. 

Stil pisanja je zapravo u redu, ali sama priča, zaplet  i likovi nisu me nimalo dirnuli. Cijeli roman mi je kao sapunica. Nije mi se svidio, ali opet ako vam ne smeta taj nedostatak složenosti likova, možda vam se sama priča i svidi. Nije grozna, jednostavno mi ne odgovara. Ne mogu reći da mi se roman svidio. Zapravo, donekle su me iznenadile sve te dobre kritike, ali s druge strane ne mogu reći da je grozan. Neću odustati od ove autorice zasada, mislim da ima potencijala i vjerujem da može pisati bolje. Tako da joj u bliskoj budućnosti planiram dati još jednu šansu. 


  1. humm nice

    New post

  2. Lovely review, Ivana! Looks like another good read, babe! xoxo

  3. I love ancient history and I was reading this book:-)And also I think that she could write this better ;-)

  4. Nice review and illustration sweetie
    Have a wonderful day besuty! xxx

  5. This is so nice!

  6. sembra interessante questo libro, ho preso nota, se trovo il tempo lo leggerò

  7. You're pretty much talented, and indeed, very creative too! Great work, Ivana! :) Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

  8. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :) xx

  9. great blog dear x
    i'm following you ♥

  10. hahah you are very critical hahaha but.. you are probably right, the same is with historical movies. Those which are really good were made but directors who bothered investigating. Have a good week - Margot :) :) :)

  11. Sempre interessanti i libri che ci proponi, sono così affascinata dall'antico Egitto!
    Bellissima l'illustrazione, of course!
    Kisses, Paola.

  12. By using your books for your illustrations, it will be really nice when you open them up again to find your works. I haven't read this book but I agree that the best types of historical works are ones in which you feel like you're actually transported back to the time which is depicted in the story. You have a great critical eye when you write your books reviews and I always appreciate your candid point of view.

  13. Thanks a lot :D

    this book sounds really interesting dear :D Love it!

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  14. Dearest Ivana,
    I think it's a wonderful Idea to make an art work out of a book that you don't want to read any more! So you can say you give a second (may be a better) life to your book.
    So considered, your post is well suited to link it to ANL (A NEW LIFE) - if you like: I would be glad!
    (This is the link to ANL - and under my Name you find the link to my current post.)
    I especially like the eyes of your painted girl - they are so expressive!!!
    Lots of hugs,

  15. Biografija, ha? :)
    Budem preskočila, hvala na recenziji.
    Povijesne knjige, pisane na ovaj način, imat će veće čitalačko tijelo od "pravije" povijesne knjige, jasno mi je čemu prilagođavanje štiva publici.
    Zadnje što sam čula o Nefertiti je da su joj našli tijelo, bilo je raskomadano i po raznim muzejima jako dugo. Nisam sitgla provjeriti je li to istina.

    1. mislim da nikad neće moći biti sigurni kada je njeno tijelo u pitanju, uvijek će to biti pretpostavke.

  16. Sounds like a good read, Ivana. Loved your illustration. Happy new week, girl.
    New update: Excited

  17. This is a really great idea! And it also saves on paper XD It's a really nice way to relate two things you like! It's a shame about this book though! :) xx

  18. This is a really interesting post. I love your drawing of her.
    Thank you for sharing. Hope you are doing well:)

  19. I love your paintings on book pages! They really look good. Love the story of Nefertiti.

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  21. Nažalost danas će gotovo svaki izdavač predstaviti novu knjigu kao nešto novo, zapanjujuće, dosad neviđeno itd. a istorijske teme su dobra podloga. Nekako samo ime Nefertiti će učiniti da knjiga ima dobru prodaju. Iako sam veliki ljubitelj istorije, a staroegipatske naročito, uvek uzimam sa rezervom ono što se priča jer zapravo većina su nekakva tumačenja. Meni je ona možda i simbol misterije koju Stari Egipat predstvalja. Sećam se da me i u arheološkom muzeju u Kairu upravo ona najviše fascinirala. Kao da nije bila sa ove planete. Što se knjige tiče, nekako već vidim da bih imala slično mišljenje, mada ko zna, možda bih svejedno mogla da je pročitam :)

  22. Sve u svemu, rado bih je procitala. A, jako mi se dopada ilustracija i sama ideja da ukrasavas knjige koje citas. Sjajno!

  23. I am not a fan of fiction, but honestly I love reading through each lines of your book reviews. You make them sound interesting.
    Love these illustrations too!
    Have a Lovely Weekend Dear.


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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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