Pink and blue dress (fashion illustrations on book pages) / Ružičasta i plava haljina (modne ilustracije na stranicama knjiga)
What do you do when you feel like drawing but you run out of paper?....draw on what you have at hand. Illustrating on book pages is certainly not a new concept, but I think this illustration was my first conscious work of this sort. I did draw on books before, but it was more doodles than anything else. Moreover, I usually did it absentmindedly. This time I just thought to myself- why not? So, I made this fashion illustration with markers. This lovely lady is wearing a strapless heart shaped pink gown. I wouldn't mind having something like this in my closet. Actually I just remember that I bought a similar dress once. Unfortunately, the quality was so bad that I never wore it out of the house. As soon as I brought it home, I saw that purchasing it was a mistake. The sticking was terrible and the dress was practically transparent. That is the last time I'm trying something on in a shop that doesn't have proper lighting and mirrors. A lesson was learned there. Never shop in a hurry, ladies and gentlemen. Always make sure you're buying something you can actually wear. Anyway, a pink dress is always a lovely idea. As long as the quality of the dress is decent! Pretty in pink, as they say. Do you like pink? I sure do. Pink comes in so many lovely shades. For a while, pastel pink was my favourite shade. Right now I'm craving a clothing item that would come in a more intense pink. Something like this dress I illustrated. Often I draw things that I would like to have. Makes sense doesn't it? We draw what we like.
Što napraviti kada vam se crta, a ostanete bez papira za crtanje?...Crtajte na onome što vam je pri ruci. Ilustriranje na stranicama knjiga nije ništa novo, ali mislim da je ova ilustracija moj prvi svjesni rad ove vrste. Jesam i prije crtala na knjigama, ali to su bile više nekakve črčarije nego nešto drugo. Uz to, obično nisam bila ni svjesna toga što radim. Ovo puta ja sam si rekla, zašto ne? Tako sam napravila ovu modnu ilustraciju s markerima. Ova lijepa dama nosi haljinu srcolikoga izreza. Ne bi imala ništa protiv toga da mi se neka ovakva haljina nađe u ormaru. Zapravo sjetila sam da sam jednom kupila sličnu haljinu. Nažalost kvaliteta je bila tako loša da je na kraju nikad nisam nosila izvan kuće. Čim sam je donijela kući, vidjela sam da je nisam trebala kupiti. Šav je bio loš, a haljina je bila pa prozirna. To je zadnji put da kupujem nešto u dućanu koji nema dobru rasvjetu i ogledala. Naučena lekcija. Nemojte nikada kupovati u žurbi, dame i gospodo. Uvijek budite sigurni da ćete doista nositi ono što kupite. U svakom slučaju, roza haljina je uvijek dobra idea. Barem ako je kvaliteta haljine pristojna! Lijepa u ružičastom, kao što kažu. Volite li rozu? Ja je volim, a dolazi u toliko divnih nijansi. Neko vrijeme mi je pastelno roza bila najdraža nijansa. Sada bi voljela neki odjevni komad u jarko ružičastoj. Nešto kao haljina koju sam nacrtala. Često crtam stvari koje bi voljela imati. To ima smisla, zar ne? Crtamo ono što volimo.
One of my new year decision was to draw less. Needless to say, this arrangement isn't quite working out! The main reason why I wanted to take a rest from drawing is that I started to have a lot of back problems. Now, I'm trying to work out a new work out regime (accidental word play) that would help me with this problem. I do have a special work out regime that one great therapist devolved for me years ago, but with the amount of sitting I do, it is just not enough to undo the damage I guess. That's modern life. We all spend so much time behind our desks. I enjoy walking, but sometimes walking isn't enough. The reality is that, biologically speaking, human body is made for movement. Our spine won't thank us for spending hours sitting down- no matter how much we might enjoy the end result of our work that can be done only sitting down. So, I'm trying to figure out something. I might have to stop painting and drawing. I hope that I will be able to work something out. One of alternatives I'm considering is blogging less often, that could save me a few hours daily. Perhaps both will be needed. It's been more than four years since I started blogging, perhaps time has come to slow down a bit and blog less often. I might develop a new more relaxed blogging schedule in the future.
Jedna od mojih novogodišnjih odluka bila je crtati manje. Možda nije potrebno to napominjati, ali nekako mi to ne odgovara. Glavni razlog zašto sam se htjela malo odmoriti od crtanja je da sam počela imati probleme s leđima. Sada pokušavam razviti neki program vježbanja koji će mi pomoći s ovim problem. Imam jedan poseban program vježbanja koji je prije puno godina odličan fizioterapeut prilagodio za mene kada sam išla kod njega zbog problema sa skoliozom, ali valjda stvarno toliko sjedim da ni vježbanje više ne pomaže. Možda treba više vježbi za poništiti štetu nastalu sjedenjem. To je moderni život. Svi mi provodimo previše vremena iza radnih stolova. Volim šetanje, ali ono samo po sebi ponekad nije dovoljno. Realnost je da je biološki gledano ljudsko tijelo napravljeno za kretanje. Naša kralježnice nam neće zahvaliti za sve te sate koje provodimo sjedeći, bez obzira na to koliko uživali u tom nekom radu koji se može napraviti samo sjedeći. Tako da pokušavam nešto smisliti. Možda ću morati i prestati slikati i crtati. Nadam se da ću nešto smisliti. Jedna od alternativa o kojoj sam razmišljanja je i manje objavljivanja, to mi bi moglo uštedjeti dosta vremena. Možda ću trebati oboje iskombinirati. Prošle su više od četiri godine otkada sam otvorila ovaj blog, možda je vrijeme da malo usporim. Možda u budoćnosti razvijem novi manje učestali raspored objava.
If I were to turn this dress into a reality, I would probably add a nice belt. Perhaps I would sewn in sequins that would look like a belt. Something like these plastic sequins you can see below. I made a few necklaces with these kind of sequins. I think I only have one left. I'm not sure where are all the others. I did donate a few of them. Usually I donate my stuff around Christmas time to some association that is doing fund raising, so that it can be sold for charity. I must have given the other necklaces away as well. Perhaps I will make a few more in a future. If I manage to find time. Anyhow, that would be my pink dress illustration. I'm not very keen on markers, but I like how this illustration turned out. These are ordinary ones, I have never tried copic markers. Those things cost an arm and a leg. Every time I post something on Instagram, there is someone advising me to try out copic markers. No, thanks. I'm already spending more than I can afford on my art hobby.
Ako bih pretvorila ovu haljinu u stvarnost, vjerovatno bi dodala i lijep remen. Možda bi ušila ukrase koji bi izgledali kao pojas. Nešto kao ovi plastični kristalići koje možete vidjeti ispod. Napravila sam par ogrlica s ovakvim kristalićima. Mislim da mi je samo jedna ostala. Nisam sigurna gdje su ostale. Nekoliko sam ih donirala. Obično oko Božića doniram svoje kreacije nekoj od udruga koja u to vrijeme skuplja novac, tako se mogu prodati u dobrotvorne svrhe. Druge sam ogrlica valjda isto poklonila. Možda ih napravim još nekoliko u budućnosti. Ako pronađem vremena. Uglavnom, to bi bila moja ilustracija ružičaste haljine. Nisam ljubitelj markera, ali sviđa mi se kako je ova ilustracija ispala. Ovo su obični markeri, nisam nikada probala takozvane copic markere jer su za moj pojam preskupi. Svaki put kada objavim neku sliku na Instagramu nađe se neki pametnjaković koji mi kaže da ih moram obavezno probati. Ne hvala, ionako previše trošim na svoj hobi slikanja.
So, that would be all about the pink dress, now let's talk about my painting of a blue dress. Yes, today I will present another fashion illustration to you. The medium for this second one is watercolours on book paper. I was worried that the paper will break because you know book paper isn't suitable for watercolour but I managed to make it work by being very careful not to use too much water. I love books, so it is important to me not to damage them. Even those books I don't care for. I actually hate this novel whose pages I used for painting (my review on goodreads here, I plan to write more about it on my other blog someday), so I'm happy that I managed to turn this terrible book into something useful. I will most surely not read it again, but now I can flip through its pages and enjoy the images. As far as the first illustration is concerned, I didn't cover anything important with it, just references from one of my SLA ( Second language acquisition) teaching books.
To bi bilo sve o ružičastoj haljini, sada pričajmo o plavoj haljini ili bolje rečeno mojoj slici plave haljine. Da, danas vam predstavljam još jednu modnu ilustraciju. Medij za ovu su vodene boje na papiru od knjige. Malo sam se brinula da će papir puknuti jer kao što možete zamisliti taj papir nije prikladan za akvarel, ali uspjela sam to izvesti tako da sam jako pazila da ne koristim puno vode. Volim knjige, zato mi je važno da ih ne uništim, čak i one knjige koje mi ništa ne znače. Zapravo ne podnosim ovaj roman čije sam stranice iskoristila za slikanje (napisala sam ogled na goodreads-u, a bit će nekad i na mom drugom blogu), tako da mi je drago da sam uspjela pretvoriti ovaj grozni triler u nešto korisno. Sigurna sam da ga neću ponovo čitati , ali sada ga mogu preslitati i uživati u slikama. Što se tiče prve ilustracije, nju sam nacrtala za poleđini stručne knjige, preko popisa literature, tako da opet nisam ništa bitno prekrila.

I just love the end result. The hair and the face look exactly how I wanted them to look. I must admit that I didn't pay as much attention to the rest, but I think it turned out pretty nice anyway. It is not a proper fashion illustration, but it has an artistic vibe that I really like. Most of my illustrations are not made to present them to potential clients (because I'm obviously not a designer). Instead, they're made because I love drawing and painting clothes. This blue gown is another item I would love to have in my closet. I love to drew this type of classical long dresses. Those kind of dresses look good on everyone. Anyway, I've taken a liking to drawing on book pages, you can expect more illustrations in this style. If I manage to solve my backache.
Jako mi se sviđa kako je ova slika ispala. Kosa i lice izgledaju točno onako kako sam željela. Moram priznati da nisam obraćala toliko pažnje na ostatak, ali mislim da je ispalo poprilično dobro svejedno. Nije to "profesionalna" modna ilustracija, ali ima taj umjetnički pečat koji mi se sviđa. Većina mojih ilustracija nije napravljena da bi ih predstavila potencijalnim klijentima (jer očito nisam dizajner) nego ih pravim iz nekakve ljubave prema crtanju odjeću. Ova plava haljina je još jedan odjevni komad koji bi voljela imati u ormaru. Volim ovaj klasični tip dugih haljina. Takve haljine dobro pristaju svima. Uglavnom, svidjelo mi se crtanje po stranicama knjiga. Možete očekivati još takvih radova, ako uspijem riješiti bol u leđima.
Let's connect on other social media / Družimo se i na drugim virtualnim mjestima:
I love the creativity you put into your work.
thank you<3
DeleteI love these illustrations on print! They are so pretty. I'm glad you did this, because they turned out really gorgeous. I both sell and donate my clothes also. I really try not to throw away.
thank you Kim:)
Deletesai che è proprio una bella idea quella di disegnare sulle pagine di un libro? Sono venute entrambe benissimo ed entrambi i vestiti mi piacciono moltissimo!
I love these illustrations on print too! xx
ReplyDeleteAdorei esses desenhos em páginas de livro! Nunca tinha visto!
ReplyDeleteÓtima terça!
Beijo! ^^
DeleteOltre ad essere bravissima non sei mai banale, anzi assolutamente creativa!!! Bellissima la tua idea!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
I like how you drew on top of the writing that's so unique.
ReplyDeleteAh drawing inside the pages of your books sounds like a wonderful way to combine your love of drawing and reading. I'm sorry to hear about your back issues. That is something that is definitely exacerbated by long periods of siting. I hope your new work out regimen will help. I used to have back pain before I started doing yoga and stretching regularly so it will be good if your exercise can strengthen you back and improve your condition. No matter what sitting for long periods of time is not good.
ReplyDeleteI do yoga but it seems it's not enough:(
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI love those illustrations, so perfect!:)
DeleteI hope you get well soon
DeleteVery nice! Have a lovely Day! ❤️❤️❤️
DeleteSviđa mi se ova ideja o crtanju po stranicama knjiga, baš si im fino dala još jednu dodatnu dimenziju! Predivne su mi obje ilustracije i žao mi je čuti da imaš probleme s leđima, nadam se da ćeš uspjeti naći neki dovoljno dobar program vježbanja koji će ti omogućiti da mirno nastaviš sa crtanjem jer se ti stvarno toga ne smiješ odreći! :)
ReplyDeletehvala, danas sam pretjerala sa vježbanjem pa sam postigla suprotan učinak.
DeleteWhat a nice idea, combining your artwork with your passion for reading is a lovely way of bringing two interests together! The sequins are a very pretty touch. I hope you find a happy balance with your new blogging schedule Ivana, I suppose our schedules need to speed up or slow down depending on what's going on in our lives at that time :) have a lovely week!
yes, totally! we should always adjust our blogging schedule to fit our life.
DeleteDa, taj sedeći stil života i njegove mane kad tad svakog od nas sačekaju iza ćoška. Meni isto jako smeta u poslednje vreme, naročito za gornji deo leđa. Ono što radim su pauze na svakih 20-ak minuta pa makar to bilo i na minut, a isto tako kada vežbam redovno gotovo nemam smetnje. U poslednje vreme nisam baš bila disciplinovana pa eto i probelam raznih vrsta. No čim me prođe glupi virus koji me je napao, probaću da se bolje organizujem. Nadam se da će ti vežbe prijati i da te leđa neće ometati da radiš ono što voliš.
ReplyDeleteIdeja o crtanju preko stranica knjige je baš pun pogodak! Možda pokreneš neki novi pravac umetnosti ;) Mislim da nije ni bitno sredstvo, pa bio to papir, marker ili šta god. Treba čovek da ostane veran sebi i da improvizuje i tako možda i pomeri neke granice, pre svega svoje. Ja bih rado nosila i roze, i plavu haljinu! <3
da, svatko bi trebao raditi te pauze, moram i ja to početi prakticirati...ponekad se dosta malo protegnuti, ali eto zaboravimo pa leđa pate...
DeleteI actually think the letters frame the illustrations beautifully :)
DeleteSo cool!
DeleteIvana mi dispiace moltissimo per i tuoi mal di schiena io soffro di ernia al disco quindi ti capisco benissimo,spero che ti passi in fretta! Comunque i disegni sono davvero belli :)
ReplyDeleteShopping Girls
Sorry to read about your back issues, Ivana. Hope that new work out exercise will sort it out. Love the pink dress illustration and I love the presentation of it. You always have very creative ideas, girl.
latest look: Flowing Black In Mid Winter Wind
my new work out exercise managed to make it worse... I don't how I did it, but this time I really hurt my back.
DeleteDear Ivana,
ReplyDeleteI love the idea to draw into a book (although you run out of paper) and for sure both drawings. Yes, to own such a dress would be really fantastic! What a pity that the similar dress you bought had such a bad quality. You are right, we should really never buy something in a hurry.
I'm very sorry for your back problems! Yes, most of us sit too much behind our desks ... what is definitely not healthy. Hopefully your workout will help you. All the best to you!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
thanks dear!
DeleteI like these illustrations on print, really gorgeous!
Deletethank you<3
ReplyDeleteVery pretty - both of them - and a fabulous idea, to paint or draw fashion illustrations on book pages!
ReplyDeleteHugs again, Traude
ReplyDeletebellissimi entrambi :)
ReplyDeletebuon mercoledì, un bacione
<<< tr3ndygirl fashion blog >>>
DeleteAmazing illustrations, Ivana! You're very talented!
DeleteGreat illustrations! Kisses:)
thank you
DeleteBuona serata grande artista!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
Happy New Year dear Ivana ! I wish you all the best for 2017 ! Your drawings are gorgeous ! Kisses :)
ReplyDeletethank you Caro:) I wish you all the best too!
DeleteCute illustrations <3
DeleteYes , sitting, sitting, blogging, reading, sitting, writing, sitting - terrible. We will all have back problems. You are very young - you must control it otherwise you'll end up crippled !!!! Your dresses are very pretty - the added belt will look great in real life. Cheers - Margot :)
ReplyDeletethank you Margot<3
Deleteit is true...we will all have back problems:)
DeleteI love this combination, it's really wonderful. You can still read the words, but you have this gorgeous illustration over them. Beautiful. I like to donate my clothes or sell them. A good clear out is fantastic, I always feel so much better after :)) xx
ReplyDeletethank you dear, I tried to preserve the words as well:)...that is very true, donating is caring.
DeleteBeautiful illustrations! Love the designs and it is kind of cool that they are in the book over the words ❤️️
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day sweety xxx
DeleteOh yes, love those added jewels on the belt, dear! Have a great week! xoxo
ReplyDeleteGli abiti assolutamente garbati ed eleganti ma il disegno su quelle pagine è davvero sorprendente
ReplyDeleteun abbraccio
grazie <3
DeleteUna idea original la ilustración sobre el libro.
Deleteciao Ivana ripasso per un saluto
ReplyDeletenuovo post review sul mio blog <<< MyBeautyBox – Shine beautiful like a diamond >>>
buon giovedì, un bacione
Awww gorgeous art pieces babe! Love that jewel detail on the pink dress :) Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteXO Jessi,
DeleteI love your drawings! Using recicled paper is not bad, when I was little I used to draw everywhere!
ReplyDeleteAnswering your comment, thank you for tell me your preferences of recipes, I will post them as soon as I can (I must buy the food, and cook it while I take pictures!) thank you so much!
And the city of Sitges was so crowded, now I see I published just a few pictures of people... hahahah!
:) I thought that it wasn't crowded at all, I guess I didn't read carefully enough.
DeleteDear Ivana, sorry that I didn't come here before, but I had quite a hard week! I loved the illustration of the pink dress, and on a novel you hated :) And it's true, when paper runs out, draw on whatever you have! And a belt would be very nice! Then I am sad that you said you would draw less, since your back aches :( I hope it is better soon! I loved the blue outfit, that illustration is really artistic! Hope you have a very nice weekend, dear Ivana!
I hope that it gets better soon too. I tried to work out more but it only made the problem worse.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! :) xx
ReplyDeleteÓtima sexta!
Beijo! ^^
Deletebellissimo il disegno sui libri
DeleteThis is inspiring!! Thanks for sharing! <3 -
DeletePink and it's cousin purple are my favorite hues of all. I couldn't count how much i love them even if I tried. But this illustration right here though! Before I read, I scrolled and loved how artsy this looks against that background of text. Ingenious idea to do it this way. I also like the contrast of the pink up against the white book. The sequin belt is a total YES!
ReplyDeleteI like the word play but on the flip side, I'm so sorry to read about your back. We as humans have a tendency to keep pushing even when our bodies are sending different signals to us. I applaud you for how often you blog. Working with 5/6 yr olds is so challenging so when I tried posting twice/ week in the past I stated developing carpal tunnel so I slowed down, Now I feel 100% and I dare to attempt it again, smh. I pray that some rest or posture/ stretching exercises perhaps would help you some or relieve it completely. I'm probably speaking from a perspective of someone that loves your illustrations but your health is also paramount. Sending you good vibes Ivana.
P.S. I love the blue illustration too, cool structured shoulders!
thank you darling:) Sometimes all we need is to adjust our blogging schedule. I think I need to start blogging less often:).
DeleteThese illustrations are so different from your usual ones because they are on print and I love it! We usually donate our clothes seasonally because we clean our closet every few months. And do what's best for yourself, Ivana. I felt much better about blogging again as soon as I cut down my schedule.
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
I decided to cut down on my schedule too.
ReplyDeleteI would love to wear such a beautiful dress too, dear Ivana! And your "belt" is the icing on the cake ;-) What a shame, that your pink dress has such a bad quality.
ReplyDeletexoxo Nadine
Aww you are talented and resourceful at the same time my dear! I can imagine how beautiful those dresses would look like if they were real! :D
ReplyDeletelove lots,
Prelepe ilustracije Ivanice
ReplyDeleteWhat a super cool and creative idea! Love this actually...there's always some books I don't really read and making use of them like this is so unique.
ReplyDeleteChristina ♥
"So beautiful pink long dress,nice brand and nice dress. thanks for sharing ~
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