
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lado (drawing of the day/ crtež dana)

Hello everyone! Have I ever talked to you about my love for folklore? I've always been keen on exploring folklore dresses and costumes, mostly because I find them to be very inspirational. In my view, folklore is one of the best fashion inspiration out there. The diversity and the beauty of international folklore dresses and costumes is enough to leave anyone impressed. Here I illustrated one of Croatian national costumes ( we have a lot of them), worn by Croatian national folklore dance ensemble Lado. As a reference for this drawing, I used a photograph from Lado's official catalog. The medium is coloured pencils on papers. Zdravo svima! Jesam li sa vama ikada pričala o svojoj ljubavi  prema folkloru? Uvijek sam voljela istraživati folklorne nošnje i kostime, većinom zato jer su mi toliko nadahnjujući. Po mome mišljenu, folklor je jedno od najboljih modnih nadahnuća koji postoji. Raznolikost i ljepota međunarodnih folklornih nošnji i kostima je dovoljna da svakoga ostav...

How to select an ideal dress for a special occasion?

When selecting an ideal dress for yourself, there are many factors that need to be taken into a consideration. For instance, you need to consider the occasion you're getting dressed for. If it is a a formal or  a festive occasion, it will require a dress that is more formal and festive.  There are events that require us to get dressed up. The advantage of such events is that they often give us an opportunity to feel like a princess. Who doesn't enjoy getting dressed up- at least once in a while? The only thing that sometimes presents a challenge is choosing  the perfect dress. To help yourself narrow down the choice of the perfect dress, you can think in practical terms. What colour suits you best? What colour is best for your skin type? What kind of cut is flattering on you? Answering these questions can help you narrow down your choice. Besides these practical questions, another important thing to consider is what you would actually like to wear. What ...

10 Things You May Not Know About St. Peter's Dome in Vatican, Rome

The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica dominates the skyline of Rome city. Indeed, while taking in Rome’s magnificent panorama, it is hard to miss it. All for the better, for it is hard to imagine that anyone would want to miss such a pretty sight.  The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica is, undoubtedly, one of the most impressive sights in Rome. Considering the amount of breath-taking wonders that this eternal city can boast of, that is saying something.   Recently I have finished a new oil painting that was inspired by St. Peter's Dome in Vacation.  Hence today (besides sharing this new painting of mine), I would like to share some lesser know facts about Dome of Saint Peter. This masterpiece of architecture is certainly worth a study. So, here are ten interesting facts about the St. Peter’s Basilica Dome. Ten interesting facts about the St. Peter’s Basilica Dome                           ...

Summer fashion illustration (swimwear )- Ljetna modna ilustracija (kupaći kostim)

Today I'm back with another swimwear fashion illustration. Well, actually it is more a sketch, but I like how it turned out. Lately I've been feeling inspired to draw swimsuits. Maybe it is because of the fact that I haven't had a single beach day this Summer, so I'm lusting after seaside. It is almost mid August and I haven't as much as dipped my toe in the sea. Lucky me, ha? Anyhow, this time I illustrated a green one piece swimsuit. The medium is coloured pencils on printing paper (not the best option, but I've been too sick to go to the art store). Danas sam opet tu s još jednom modnom ilustracijom kupaćega kostima. Zapravo je više kao skica, ali sviđa mi se kako je ispala. U zadnje vrijeme me hvata inspiracija za crtanje kostima. Možda je to zbog toga her nisam ovo ljeto nijedan dan bila na plaži. Skoro je sredina kolovoza, a ja nisam ni smočila prst u more. Baš imam sreće ove godine. Uglavnom, ovaj put sam ilustrirala jednodijelni zeleni kupaći kosti,...

Fashion illustration of the day- a two piece / Modna ilustracija dana - dvodijelni

Sorry for the long absence, I was ill. Today I will just share this drawing of a swimsuit (that I made about a month ago). I'm not sure when I will manage to get back to regular posting. I'm behind on everything, but well- that's life. Oprostite što me dugo nije bilo, bila sam bolesna. Danas ću samo podijetiti ovaj crtež kupaćega (koji sam nacrtala prije otprilike mjesec dana). Nisam sigurna kada ću se vratiti redovitom objavljivanju. U zaustaku sam sa svime, ali što se može-takav je život.    INSTAGRAM BOOK TWITTER GOODREADS LOOKBOOK YOUTUBE