How to be Parisian Wherever you are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits (book review) Kako biti Parižanka u bilo kojoj prilici (ogled knjige)

How to be Parisian Wherever you are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits is a charming little book. In many ways it reminded me of Garance Dore's bestseller that I already reviewed here on this little place of mine. I'm not saying that Love x Style x Life plagiarized this one, but there are certainly many similarities between the two, even in the terms of graphic design and font choices for this book. I can't say that it bothered me, but I couldn't help noticing. That's just modern design- one might say. I'm not saying that isn't so, all I'm saying is that I noticed a striking similarity. However, I did like this book- I read it in a heartbeat. Filled with gorgeous illustrations and photographs, tasty recipes, tips on being chic, and chit chat about Paris , it is a pretty cute book for sure. Most of all, it seems to be a book about what it is like to be a woman in Paris. I don't mind reading about what it is like to be a women in Paris. If you do...