Vivere a colori ( Fashion illustration of the day/ Modna ilustracija dana 24.11.2016)

Hi! Do you like colours? I sure do, but I think you already know that. So, this outfit I illustrated today shouldn't come of as a surprise to you. Yes,  it is time for another fashion illustration. It's been an entire 24 hours since the last one. Well, I did warn you that this week will be all about fashion illustrations. Today I'm positing something a bit different. This illustration was made with ordinary cheap  markers and water. As you can see it turned out a bit messy, but hey it was my first attempt at something like this.  I did use markers before and mixing them with water isn't new to me either, but this was my first attempt of trying to use only markers to achieve a watercolour effect in a fashion illustration. To be honest, it wasn't a complete success, but I'm happy with it anyway. Markers can be a bit unpredictable when they come in contact with water but I kind of like that element of surprise. If you are a regular follower of my blog, you know that as a painting tool I'm pretty much ready to give anything a try. When it comes to painting, I experiment a great deal. I'm always looking for new ways to express myself in visual arts. Not that I consider myself an artist. I've seen way too many exceptional painters to consider myself a painter in that sense. The title of this post is inspired by this song. My two years old niece loves Alessandra Amoroso, so I have to play this song on YouTube for her all the time. Well, at least this video  is appropriate for children, something that you can't say for the majority of today's music videos, but about that topic some other time.

Zdravo! Volite li boje? Ja ih volim, ali mislim da to već znate, tako da vas kombinacija koju sam danas ilustrirala neće iznenaditi.  Vrijeme je za još jednu modnu ilustraciju, već je cijeli dan da nisam jednu objavila. Dobro, pa i upozorila sam vas da će ovaj tjedan biti posvećen mojim modnim ilustracijama. Danas objavljujem nešto drugačije. Ova ilustracija je napravljena s običnim jeftinim markerima i vodom. Kao što možete vidjeti, ispala je pomalo neuredno, ali to je bio moj prvi pokušaj nečega ovakvoga. Koristila sam i prije markere i miješala ih s vodom, ali nisam nikada pokušala koristiti samo markere da bih postila efekt akvarela na modnoj ilustraciji. Da budem iskrena, to nije bio potpuni uspjeh, ali sam zadovoljna kako je ispalo bez obzira na sve. Markeri mogu biti malo neprevidljivi kada dođu u kontakt s vodom, ali mi se pomalo sviđa taj efekt iznenađenja. Ako pratite moj blog redovito, znate da sam spremna sve probati kao slikarski alat. Kada  je u pitanju slikanje, dosta eksperimentiram. Uvijek tražim neki novi način da se izrazim u vizualnoj umjetnosti. Ne da se smatram umjetnikom. Previše sam vidjela izvarednih slikara da bi se smatrala umjetnikom u tom smislu.  Što se tiče naslova objave, nadahnuće je ova pjesma. Moja dvogodišnja nećakinja obožava Alessandru Amoroso, tako da joj stalno moram puštati ovu pjesmu na Youtubu. Barem je ovaj glazbeni video prikladan za djecu, što se ne može reći za većinu današnjih, ali o toj temi neki drugi put.

Now, something about the outfit that I illustrated. Vivid colours are my things, even (and why not?) in Autumn. Another thing I always loved are pencil skirts and I do believe they're one of those items that always come in handy. In this illustration, I paired a classic item (pencil skirt) with trendy items that is a lace up top and long vest ( or sleeveless trench- if you prefer to call it that. What is the difference between a long vest and a sleeveless coat anyway? Perhaps somebody can explain but they look the same to me.). I think that matching classical items with trendy ones is always a good thing. That way we don't look to eager to follow all the trends. When I say classic, I mean whatever is classical for you. Some feel best in jeans and really there is no reason why a pair of jeans can't be your classical item. 

Sada nešto o odjevnoj kombinaciji koju sam ilustrirala. Jarke boje su mi uvijek drage, čak i u jesen, a zašto i ne uostalom? Uvijek sam voljela suknje olovka kroja i vjerujem da su jedan od onih odjevnih komada koji uvijek dobro dođu. U ovoj ilustraciji spojila sam klasični komad (suknju olovka kroja) s komadima koji su u trendu, dakle majicom na vezivanje i dugim prslukom (ili kaputom bez rukava kako ga neki nazivaju, mada ja iskreno nisam sigurna je li to samo drugo ime za dugi prsluk, koja je razlika te ima li je uopće). Uvijek mislim da je dobro iskombinirati neki odjevni komad koji je klasika s onima koji su u trendu tako da ne ispadne da smo previše opsjednuti praćenjem trendova. Kada kažem klasično, mislim da što god je klasično za vas. Neki se najbolje osjećaju u trapericama i zaista nema razloga zašto dobar par traperica ne bi bio vaš klasik.


I would say we all need some classical pieces in our wardrobe to fall back on.  There is nothing wrong in having favourites. Moreover, our 'staple pieces' can actually turn trend following into something a lot more easier and fun (not that I'm saying you need to follow trends, but if you want to, don't think you need to give up on your style to do it). If there is a piece of clothing you love (the way I love pencil skirts), by all means rock it and pair it with all the trendy (or not) pieces you want. Don't ever feel like you need to give up on things you love. Sure, in life we always have to make some changes and adapt things, but it is not the end of the world. Adaptation was the key of our evolution into human beings. There are many ways to adapt, depending on the situation, some are better than others. Yet we must remember that there is not an aspect of our inner life that you're not a creator of. What happens in the world, we cannot always control, but we can control  the choices we make. We can let ourselves enjoy the simple pleasure of life, like a cup of fresh coffee (tea) or an outfit that makes us feel good, and let those little things fill our batteries so that we can take on big challenges. Or we can overthink everything we do and end up feeling exhausted. There is a lot of sanity to be found in little things. Have a lovely day everyone and thank you for reading.  For those of you living in USA, I wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Mislim da svi trebamo imati neke klasične komade u našoj garderobi na koje se možemo osloniti. Nema ništa pogrešno u tome da imamo svoje favorite. Dapače. ti neki naši najdraži i prepoznatljivi odjevni predmeti mogu nam uvelike olakšati igranje s trendovima i uživanje u njima (ne kažem da morate pratiti trendove, ali ako to i želite, nemojte misliti da se zbog toga morate odreži svoga stila). Ako ima neki odjevni predmet kojega volite (onako kako ja naprimjer volim suknje olovka kroja) onda uživajte u njemu i nosite ga s svim komadima kojima želite, bili oni u trendu ili ne. Nemojte nikada misliti da morate odustati od nečega što volite. Istina, ponekad morate napraviti neke prilagodbe, ali to nije kraj svijeta. Prilagodba je bila ključ naše evolucije u ljudska bića.  Postoji više načina prilagodbe, ovisno o situaciji, neki mogu biti bolji od drugih. Ali moramo zapamtiti da ne  postoji aspekt našega unutranjega života kojega sami ne kreiramo. Ono što se događa u svijetu, ne možemo uvijek kontrolirati, ali možemo kontrolirati svoje izbore. Možemo dopustiti sebi da uživamo u malim zadovoljstvima života kao što su šalica svježe kave ili (čaja) ili kombinacija u kojoj se osjećamo dobro, te dopustiti da nam takve sitnice napune baterije tako da možemo preuzeti veće izazove. Ili možemo previše razmišljati o svemu i biti posve iscrpljeni. U malim stvarima možemo pronaći tu neku svoju dozu mentalnoga zdravlja. Svima vam želim ugodan dan i hvala vam na čitanju.

UPDATE 21.2. 2023

If you enjoyed this post, you may have a look at my more recent illustrations:


  1. Anche io adoro i colori Ivana e personalmente mi piace molto l'effetto che hai ottenuto con pennarelli e acqua!

    Shopping Girls

  2. beautiful art :)

  3. Sviđa mi se kombinacija boja.
    I meni je pencil suknja jedna od najdražih krojeva, i ide na sto stvari.

  4. I like how it turned out! Very colourful :) xx

  5. Spring and new life, vivid, bright hues to please the senses. So lovely!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  6. I'm in love with your art Dear <3

  7. I'm a colourful person, & colours do brighten up lives, don't they? Love the combination of vibrant shades, dear. xoxo

  8. Nisam čula tu pesmu ranije, pustila sam je dok sam gledala tvoju ilustraciju i čitala tekst, i mogu da ti kažem da se sve tako nekako divno uklapa i odiše pozitivnošću i bojama :) Mislim da ću postati kao tvoja nećakinja, stvarno je lepa pesma, mada ja to kažem za gotovo svaku pesmu na italijanskom :) Znaš i sama da volim boje i ta valjda sve moguće nijanse, a tvoj spoj je predivan. Još jednom se radi i kombinaciji koju bih i sama nosila. Sviđa mi se i frizura i položaj glave i ruke. Kao da će stvarno da zaigra :) Poslednji pasus mi se posebno sviđa. Apsolutno se slažem i nije uvek lako doskočiti mozgu, ali je nešto što može da se vežba. Uostalom, ništa nećemo rešiti ako prebacimo na sebe sav svoj i opšti teret i dozvolimo da nas nadjača. Male stvari su zapravo velike i imaju mnogo veću moć nego što to deluje. Ja kažem uvek kako je ta šoljica kafe moja zagarantovana doza dnevne magije i posle nje sve bude lakše ;) Pozdravljam te i želim ti lep ostatak dana i vikenda. Uživala sam u novim postovima iako si ti rekla da su to "samo ilustracije". Ne bih se složila ;) <3

    1. meni je talijanska glazba oduvijek draga i nije samo zbog jezika...nekako su još uvijek očuvali taj neki svoj stil pjevanja, dok mi je angosaksonska glazba nekako sva ista.

      Da, s našim mozgom nije lako:) je zapravo paradoks. Ako se ne brinemo nije dobro, a ako se brinemo previše nije dobro...uvijek treba neku ravnotežu tražiti, a to ponekad nije nimalo lako.

      Hvala ti na svim komentarima:)...kava nekad stvarno spasi dan:)

  9. Your colours are able to make people happy!

  10. Vivid colors during autumn are a welcome change since the tendency is to go muted. Even though you used markers, this piece still has a soft feel characteristic of your watercolor works presumably because you used water as well. You just can't get away from your signature style ;)

    1. I totally agree, they can be such a nice change.

      maybe I just can't:)

  11. I also love colors, dear Ivana, and I loved your illustration - in fact, this is the one that I choose as my favorite, no joke, Markers are difficult to work with, with water, and so I loved the illustration even more, sincerely. It shows maturity in your work, really! I didn't know you have a niece, so sweet! And yes, what's the difference between a sleeveless coat and a long vest? Maybe the fabric, fashion industry will say. The real difference is that the fashion industry has to launch novelties every year, so to sell things we don't need, but then people want to be "accepted" to a group, to have a sense of identification and belonging and so they accept anything that the industry says. :) I hope you have a great weekend! Loved the post!

    1. you're so sweet dear Denise. Yes, maybe it is the fabric- I'm not sure, but it makes sense. Perhaps the thicker the fabric, the more likely it is that it should be considered a coat.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hooray for a week dedicated to fashion illustrations! It's been lovely checking out your colourful creations. I would say from all the time, love and effort you put into your skill, you surely by now can call yourself an artist!? :) I love the depicted outfit, especially the blue cape!

  14. Amazing <3
    Have a nice weekend!
    New post:

  15. It may be a bit messy, but I think it turned out beautiful anyway. I like that it's a bit messy :)

  16. Anche io amo i colori ed apprezzo sempre i tuoi sketch così vivaci e stilosi! :)
    Magari stavolta l'illustrazione è un pò meno pulita rispetto alle altre, ma dai, per esser la prima volta che usi questa tecnica direi che è andata bene!
    Sono certa con con un pò di pratica diventerai bravissima anche in questo! :)

    1. grazie mille tesoro:) si, forse con un po di pratica....:)

  17. Dear Ivana, I really adore this illustration - obviously you used only colours I love absolutely :) Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend!
    Liebe Grüße, Rena

  18. Lovely! <3
    Have a nice weekend!

  19. Da piccolina mi divertivo molto a mischiare pennarelli e acqua, poi la mia vena artistica è sparita:)
    Mi piace come hai intitolato questo post, molto azzeccato!

    1. sono sicura che hai un bello senso artistico:)

  20. It wasn't a complete success? I don't know what you see as a pro illustrator but i see perfection. And boy do I love colors! They literally give me life.

    Thats so sweet that you spend quality time listening to great music with your niece. Haha, I think a vest and a sleeveless coat are one and the same thing.
    Honestly, I love everything this painting portrays. The pencil skirt, the lace up top and the vest are all up my alley. And I do have a pair of shoes that look very similar to those minus the ankle wrap. I think I'm one to consciously decide to stop every so often and smell the roses. I thoroughly enjoy life's little pleasures cos tomorrow is not guaranteed. Enjoy it all, in the time you have, while you can. Amazing illustration as always. I laughed out loud at 'it's been an entire 24 hours since the last one', haha! I had a great Thanksgiving, thanks darling!

    1. I know you love colours. In fact, I remember one of your outfits that reminds me of this illustration.

      yes, it is a lot of fun spending time with her. Thank you.

  21. You are quite right - pencil skirts are a must have and they look good on just about any figure. I love your idea of a big vest combined with lace top. Great colours. . :) Cheers - Margot

  22. You are quite right - pencil skirts are a must have and they look good on just about any figure. I love your idea of a big vest combined with lace top. Great colours. . :) Cheers - Margot

  23. E' bellissimo, mi piace molto come usi i colori!! :)

  24. So cute! I love colored outfits :)

  25. Ivana io amo tantissimo i colori vivaci e splendenti come quelli che hai utilizzato in questo dipinto
    Un bacio

  26. Jako interesantan miks boja! Veoma kreativno :-* Bas mi se svidja ideja o pencil suknji i dugackom prsluku.


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