Why is fashion often a dirty world? / Zašto je moda često prljava riječ?

Is fashion a dirty world? Why is it something that is not supposed to be debated among seriour or even decent people? Why it is not something that most of us would consider as a job choice? Is it because we think it is unapproachable or because we're kind of ashamed of wanting to work in fashion? Is there something wrong with liking fashion? Or why are we so often ashamed of our interest in fashion? If we admit that we like it, we often get this feeling of forbidden pleasure. Why is fashion often seen as a modern demon? Is there something that makes it fundamentally bad and wicked or is it all in our heads? Why do we demonize those working in fashion? Why do we assume they’re mean and shallow? Why do we find it so easy to believe that it is all about ‘mind games’ (as portrayed in Devil wears Prada) and less about work and talent? For if we are going to be honest, fashion is about work and talent. Do you really think that someone can last years working in an industry that is all about the next thing without genuine work ethics and talent? Still, this aspect of it gets often ignored.

 You know, you can often hear people saying things like:

- I'm not really interested in fashion, I'm interested in couture.
-I’m not really interested in fashion, I only care about street wear.
-I don’t care about fashion; I’m only interested in aesthetics.
-I buy fashion magazines because of photography.
- I watch fashion shows because I’m interested in designs.
- I collect fashion illustrations/ fashion photography because I love art.

But, really…. isn’t fashion all of these things? Isn’t it a business as well as design, couture as well as street wear, fashion illustrations as well as selfies, fashion photography as well as market research diagrams? Isn't it composed of all those things?

 Fashion is as artistic as it is kitsch. Sometimes a starlet plays as much as a role in promoting a certain brand or designer, that a whole team of PR experts and hardworking journalist. Maybe it is not fair but it is so. It is probably not easy for those working hard every day to feel so overlooked, but that is reality that can’t be ignored. Fashion exists on so many levels it is insane. In one way it is wonderfully democratic. Everyone gets to have a say in it and sometimes just about everyone does. You could say it is not so, you can saw that kitsch is not real fashion, that it isn’t arty enough but who gets to say what is real fashion and what is fake one? Do you know what I really  think? IT IS ALL FASHION.

It is all fashion. Fashion can be art but it can also be incredibly vulgar. Most of the time it is both at the same time. It is the fashion editor with years of experience and some Hollywood A star choosing a gown for a red carpet. Both of them will influence buying options of millions. It is all fashion.  It is the it starlet of the moment,because as much as some people hate it, that starlet will sit the first row at fashion shows and her saying will carry weight. Fashion is a fashion photographer with hundreds of awards and some guy in a suit who only cares about profit. Fashion is the women who sews the clothes and the designer that designs it. Fashion is an investor and the buyer. Fashion is what people are wearing on the streets. Fashion is as much about what you see on catwalks during fashion weeks and what you see people wearing to those fashion shows. Fashion is a girl who will start the next start without knowing it.  It happens every day and it is not only about what some market developer says it should be. 

Thousands of designers work on new collections daily and fashion industry employs millions, but in a way everyone gets to have their say. Fashion trends are born not only in mind of creative and business people, but they come alive on streets and sometimes they explode globally. All of us that write about fashion without ever having been a part of fashion industry or having worked a day in a fashion magazine, are a part of it too. It is weird when you think of it, but in a way it is also kind of cool. How everyone can inspire everyone. How we can support one another. What is not so cool is how we can  bring one another down…. all with fashion because like just in every field of great human interest, there are plenty of snobs and manipulators in fashion. Perhaps that is how fashion got its bad rap, but no I don't believe that fashion is to blame for anything. There is nothing in the business of designing beautiful clothes that is wrong, what is wrong is the human need to humiliate others to feel better, but this happens everywhere and always, and is in no way restricted to only fashion.

 Internet has certainly had a major impact on the fashion. We all get to have a say, we get to interact with brands and among ourselves. We’re all part of it too. All of us bloggers, instagrammers, twitter users and people expressing their point of view on whatever social platform. Some may say it is not fair, but it what it is. Fashion is an industry. Fashion is elitist. Fashion is democratic. It is all of those things at the same time. Fashion is a paradox.  Fashion is insane and irrelevant. Fashion is important and serious. Fashion is impossible to define. Is it any wonder it fascinates us so much?

P.S. We shall do a lot of talking about fashion on modaodaradosti in the next few days, so stay tuned.

Dress/ Haljina: Galeb
scarf worn as belt/ rubac nošen kao remen: vintage
bag/torba: vintage
shoes/ cipele: Nosens
*Location/ Lokacija: Čapljina, BIH


  1. I love your dress Ivana, thanks for sharing, you look stunning!!!

  2. Questo vestito è davvero particolare e ti sta benissim!o!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???
    Jadea Giveaway!!!

  3. Dear Ivana, I really like you with your yellow look! And as usual you are right with your words: fashion has indeed not that good reputation and I wonder myself sometimes for the reasons for this. I think people like it to show that they are serious and not superficial and as obviously many people consider fashion as the opposite from this they don't admit that they are interested in fashion. Honestly I think this is a pity because interest in fashion is for me sign that people are interested and open for beautiful things - and I ask myself what can be bad in the context of such an interest?
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you Rena, I agree, I think people are afraid others won't take them seriously if they show interest in fashion.

  4. I guess people get uncomfortable talking about it because it is considered a form of vanity. I know my husband thinks I think far too much about what I wear. In fact, we were having a bit of a discussion with his brother about it and the brother and I were saying it is nice to compliment someone on their clothes because you are acknowedleging their choice and tastes. My husband disagreed. Boo to him! I enjoy it though. I like the mixing up of items and the excitement of knowing what works adn finding something you really like. It's fun! And it's nice to be able to compliment someone on their taste!x

    1. I agree, it's exactly that, people see it as a form of vanity, perhaps that is why Oscar Wild said he makes up for being overdressed by being overeducated.

      It is nice to compliment someone on their style, I totally agree.

  5. Lovely words and outfit.<333
    Have a nice week...

  6. Thanks for opening up this discussion about fashion. I think fashion can be considered negatively because of it's close association with artifice. I think the interpretation much like that of beauty is highly subjective. It can definitely be elevated to art but it can also be meaningless. You nailed it when you said that it is impossible to define and indeed that is what makes it so fascinating! Happy new week my friend!

    1. yes, I really think it is impossible to define because it is a sum of so many things.

  7. Lovely words beauty! I totally agree with you hun!


  8. And why is there something called a "fashion plate" when it has nothing to do with food? The term always makes me hungry :) If there is one thing that my time spent on blogs has made very clear to me, fashion people are very intelligent and creative creatures. Of course I adore the gorgeous images but it has been amazing to get to know them beyond that. There are so many artists in the fashion community, impressive and bright. Speaking of brights, nice, sunshiney dress there, dear!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. thank you Shamu...yes fashion plate is a funny phrase. I agree that there are many creative people in the fashion world and not all those who are interested in fashion are shallow.

  9. Very wise words Ivana! Love your styling of this yellow dress too! Wish you an amazing week!

  10. Pretty dress, very fresh color, love it
    IG @grace_njio

  11. I love this post, everyone has really there own point of view about fashion and for me Fashion is love :)
    Stay in Style
    Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot

  12. Ohn dear, me too :D They are so so comfy :D

    You look amazing and I'm totally agree with your words :D

    NEW COOKING POST | Cinnamon Rolls.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  13. You look so lovely in this dress! Gorgeous look and very wise article!


  14. wonderful outfit! :)
    love this dress <3
    and thanks for your comment, i followed you back now :)

  15. E draga moja, koliko sam ja puta upala u tu rupu zvanu 'nemoj pisati o modi i objavljivati svoje outfit postove jer te ljudi neće shvaćati ozbiljno i govoriti će da si egomanijak' jer se ja bavim kao strašno drugačijim i 'ozbiljnijim' poslom, a film i moda naprosto ne idu jedno bez drugog, samo ajde ti to objasni nekim pojedincima. Nikad neću razumjeti to omalovažavanje mode kao umjetnosti (jer meni ona to jest) i stalno podbadanje zašto ću potrošiti xy kuna za hlače u koje sam se zaljubila jer su to 'samo glupe' hlače , a realno čak i da te nimalo to sve ne zanima, opet se u nešto moraš obući i to odjeću opet biraš prema nekakvim sviđa mi se - ne sviđa mi se parametrima tako da kako god okreneš - moda je prisutna u svačijem životu i umjesto da naučimo uživati u njoj, zabavljati se i eksperimentirati (dobro, mi to sve jako dobro znamo haha), ne znam zašto omalovažavamo jedni druge i rugamo se interesima oko kojih smo strastveni. Da li je u pitanju ljubomora, neznanje ili sveprisutna ignorancija...ne znam, ali znam da mi strašno ide na živce što uz to što me često gledaju kao budalu kad kažem da vodim blog, još me dodatno poklope stavovima o ponekim outfit postovima.

    I jako mi se sviđa kako si iskombinirala maramu s ovom super haljinicom (znaš već koliko mi se svidjela), doslovno izgleda kao su zajedno iz dućana išetale :)

    1. hvala, zapravo sam morala staviti maramu jer sam imala nekakvu upalu i trbuh mi se napuhao, a na kraju je ispalo slatko...

      i da čudni su putovi ljudski kada je moda u pitanju:)

    2. Nadam se da je prošla upala, ali je u modnom pogledu dobro poslužila :D

  16. I just wish I knew the answers to those questions :)

    You look beautiful in yellow!


  17. Nemam pravi odgovor, a takođe mi se ta tema vrti u glavi. Iako npr. moj blog nije isključivo vezan za modu, koliko puta osetim predrasude negde između redova od strane pojedinaca koji imaju taj neki apsurdni stav pa sve vezano za tu temu spuštaju na neki banalan nivo. U redu, ne interesuje to svakoga i to je ok, ali utoliko više mislim da takvi ne treba da omalovažavaju nešto u šta se ne razumeju. Moda je svakako mač sa dve oštrice, od kiča, do vrhunske umetnosti, a svima nama je data mogućnost da se s njom igramo negde na toj skali. Kažem igramo jer baš nam to svima treba, malo više igranja u ovom svetu gde je previše teških stvari. Ljudi treba iskoče iz tog nekog kalupa gde je sve crno ili belo. Moda je segmet, umetnost, industrija, biznis i sfera naših života kao i bilo koja druga. Meni je žao što se globalno omalovažava i vezuje za neku "plitkost" jer ona to uopšte ne mora da bude... Sjajno si se dotakla te teme. Već možeš da pretpostaviš da mi se mnogo sviđa žuta haljincia a marama oko struka je baš dobra fora :)

    1. da, nekim ljudima je sve banalno osim njih samih:)...to je kao kada ja nekad kažem da je dosadnim ljudima najdosadnije, nekako svi mi samo oblikujemo svoju stvarnost, na jedan ili drugi način, pa se nekada treba malo i potruditi i dati svrhu nečemu pa što god to bilo.

      hvala ti :)

  18. You look stunning in yellow! I love this dress, but the bag and shoes are also adorable :-)
    The background is also beautiful, the river is a lovely spot to relax, I guess :D

  19. Nice blog!

    Follow me back? www.fantailflo.com

  20. Yellow is a very nice color for you, dear Ivana, I loved it! Very sweet photos and you look - as usual! - beautiful with the lovely yellow ensemble! You are right, all is fashion, fashion is art, it definitely influences many people, there are investors, buyers, etc... it's a big part of our society and it was like that in the past as well. It shows the evolution of humankind along the centuries! I am curious to know what you will write about! Hope you have a very nice week ahead, full of art and joy!

    1. thank you Denise. I wrote a bit about fashion illustrations today:)

  21. Ivana, your thoughts about the subject are very curuios but interesting and profound. An inquiring essay!
    You look great in yellow!

  22. Such a sweet dress, I love the colour!! And I completely agree with you..Fashion is all these things and its fun!! Being able to express one's self in what you wear is great!! xx

  23. these divine, you enchant me.

    Would you like us to keep us blogging? I keep reading, kisses

  24. Istina! I samoj mi jos uvijek predstavlja problem priznati da vodim blog. Ili kada mi netko dodje i kaze da je vidio moj blog a meni bude... jooooj! Sto je u biti ekstremno glupo i ozbiljno radim na tome da sama sa sobom poravnam da JA VOLIM BLOG I VOLIM MODU I ZABOLI ME DZON STO NETKO DRUGI MISLI. E sad, treba doci do toga ali mislim da napredujem. U biti, znam. Na samim pocecima nisam zeljela ni oblaciti neke kombinacije da ne izazovem nepotrebnu paznju dok me sada bas briga. Ljudi su ljudi i ako se nece mijenjati oni, zasto mi ne bi. O marginalizaciji modne ind.govori i cinjenica da se dizajn ne moze zastiti kao intelektualno vlasnistvo sto nije fer prema mnogim kreatorima ako se mene pita...Da, nadam se promjjenama u buducnosti...

    1. ja sam se iznenadila kada sam saznala za taj zakon koji je na stazi u SAD-u a i u nekim EU zemljama, kao moda je funkcionalna pa može kopirati što kod hoće koga kod hoće koliko god hoće...a ako staviš ime brenda ona je to problem, ne smiješ ni u šali napisati ime nekoga brenda odmah će ti njihovi agenti sve zaplijeniti. Brand i logo su bitniji od kreativnosti. Luda kuća! Nije ni dizajnerima lako, trudiš se napraviti nešto unikatno, a svatko te ima pravo kopirati i ne smiješ ni zucnuti.

  25. Love your yellow dress - and what a clever idea with the scarf!! I have to admit that I catch myself needing to explain to people why I like fashion (or why I blog about it) because many people seem to find it difficult to believe as I'm a scientist. While really, that makes no sense at all! Why shouldn't I have that as a hobby? I think many people only see the commercial/shallow side of the industry and totally negate all the creativity and expression that's behind it.
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  26. Ivanice, sve pohvale za ovaj clanak! Toliko si sve lepo objasnila da mogu apsolutno da se slozim sa svim napisanim.
    Ljudi sa naseg podneblja imaju predrasude o mnogim stvarima, pa i o modi u velikoj meri. I sama se cesto nadjem u situaciji da mi je neprijatno da nekim ljudima kazem da vodim modni blog, jer znam da to nece shvatiti na pravi nacin. Ali, ipak tako je bilo vise na pocetku. Sada sam hrabrija i zasto bih skrivala nesto sto me toliko usrecuje i zahvaljujuci cemu upoznajem neke nove divne ljude, medju kojima si naravno i ti.
    Jednostavno volimo modu, nismo njeni robovi vec je "konzumiramo" u meri koja odgovara nasoj licnosti.
    Ps. Preslatka ti je haljinica :-***

  27. great to see you back in the city and on the riverside. you wearing a nice yellow summer dress, with a very cute handbag - i like this combo a lot!

    in my region i cant wearing short clothings like this currently. we have temperature around 4°...;-(



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