Painting with make up (fashion illustrations) + FAQ / Slikanje šminkom (modne ilustracije)+ česta pitanja

What is painting with make up? What it is like? Is painting with make up even possible?

 Sure it is possible. You can paint with pretty much anything that leaves traces on paper. In fact, depending on the product you can both paint and draw with make up. It is something that can be done.  I've done it without ever googling it or reading about it, without seeing a tutorial or researching it.  I rememeber how natural it felt to make the first make up paintings and illustrations back in 2014 (here and here). To this day I haven't really researched this subject because it was so much fun figuring it out for myself. No need to follow my example, though. Internet is packed with ideas and tricks that can make our lives easier.

What does it feel like to use beauty products to create paintings?  

Well, it is fun but it is also a bit challenging. You take some make up product (mascara, lipstick, eyepencil or eyeshadow) and you play around with it. It can be very entertaing as long as you don't stress about it and learn to enjoy the process itself. It might take you some time to figure it out, but everything does. Whatever else it may feel like, you can be sure it will feel fresh. Something fresh, something you haven't tried before- isn't that a good thing? Painting with make up on paper is something most of us have never done. Your brain will respond to it. Doing new things is the best way to keep our brain active and supposedly that helps to fight off depression. So, even if you end up hating what you painted, it won't be  a waste of time. Have fun!

Što je slikanje sa šminkom? Kako je slikati sa šminkom? Je li uopće moguće slikati s šminkom? 

Naravno da je moguće. Moguće je slikati s bilo čime što ostavlja tragove na papiru. U stvari, ovisno o proizvodu moguće je i crtati i slikati s šminkom. To je nešto što se može. Ja sam to napravila bez da sam ikada potražila to na internetu ili čitala o tome, bez da sam pogledala ikakav tutorial ili istraživala o tome. Sjećam se kako mi se činilo prirodnim napraviti prve slike i ilustracije (ovdje i ovdje)  sa šminkom 2014.godine. Do danas nisam uopće istraživala o ovoj temi zato što bi je bilo toliko zabavno sama sve otkrivati. No, to ne znači da biste i vi tako trebali. Internet je pun  ideja i trikova koji nam mogu olakšati život.

Kakav je osjećaj koristiti kozmetiku za stvaranje slika?

Pa zabavno je, ali može predstavljati i izazov. Uzmete neki kozmetički preparat (maskaru, ruž za usne, olovku za oči ili sjenilo) igrate se s njim. Može biti jako zabavno dok god se previše ne brinete i naučite uživati u samom procesu. Možda će vam trebati malo vremena da sve shvatite, ali tako je sa svime. Kakav god još bio osjećaj, biti će prisutan osjećaj novoga. Nešto svježe, nešto što još niste probali, pa zar nije to nešto dobro? Slikanje sa šminkom je nešto što većina nas još nije probala. Vaš će mozak reagirati na to. Isprobavati nove stvari je najbolji način da održimo mozak aktivnim, a navodno pomaže i kod depresije. Tako da čak i ako vam se ne svidi ono što se naslikali, to neće biti gubitak vremena. Uživajte!

Do I need to buy make up in order to paint with it?

No, you don't. That's the beauty of it. You can use old products, the ones that you don't use or need anymore. You can recycle them. Instead in the bin, let them end up on your desk. Put the make up in a nice glass, mug  or some container and give your desk might a lovely make over. Place a paper on your desk and you're ready to go. Spend these beauty products in a creative way, by creating something meaninful ( a painting, a remainder, a birthday card) on paper. Big plus: you don't ever need to worry about feeling guilty about not using up a certain make up product. It may not feel like much, but it can make you feel a bit better about yourself. Some women just can't make themselves get rid of a certain beauty product, even after it is past its expiration way. Well, this gives you an excuse to hold on it a bit longer and not only so that you can admire the packaging. 

Trebam li kupiti šminku da bi s njom crtala?

Ne, ne trebaš. U tome je ljepota. Možeš koristi staru šminku, onu koja ti više ne treba ili je više ne koristiš. Možeš ju reciklirati. Umjesto u smeću, neka završi na tvome radnome stolu. Stavi je u lijepu čašu ili neku zdjelicu i možda ti radni stol poprimi divan nov izgled. Stavi papir na stol i spremna si. Potroši šminku na kreativan način, tako da stvoriš nešto značajno (sliku, podsjetnik, rođendansku čestitku) na papiru. Veliki plus je to što se ne moraš brinuti oko osjećaja krivnje jer nisi iskoristila neki određeni make up proizvod. Možda se ne čini kao puno, ali ćeš se vjerojatno osjećati malo bolje. Neke žene se jednostavno ne mogu prisiliti baciti određenu šminku u smeće, čak i kada joj je prošao rok. S ovim imaš izliku da je još malo zadržiš i ne samo kako bi se divila pakiranju.

Is painting with make up difficult? Is it more dificult than painting in general?  Is painting with make up easier that painting with regular make up? 

That question is not easy to answer. I'm obviously not an expert. However, it is something I have been doing for a while so I would like to convey to you my experience. I don't really have a simple answer to this question because painting with make up can be both easy and difficult. It depends on what you're trying to do. Painting a complex painting is never easy, it always takes a lot of energy and it is terribly draining. Basicially, my answer would be that sometimes it feels easy and sometimes it doesn't. There are times when something turns out the way I wanted it, but sometimes it doesn't and I feel quite frustrated and very annoyed with myself. However, sometimes it turns out better than I hoped it would and then I feel pretty good about myself. So, basicially just like regular painting. That is why I said you should enjoy the process. You can always attempt a more ambitious painting later ( and you may continue to fool around for as long as you like).

Je li slikanje sa šminkom teško? Je li teže od običnog slikanja? Je li slikanje sa šminkom lakše od običnog šminkanja? 

Nije jednostavno odgovoriti na ovo pitanje. Očito nisam neki stručnjak. No, to je nešto što radim već neko vrijemo pa bi voljela prenijeti vam svoje iskustvo. Doista nemam jednostavan odgovor na ovo pitanje jer crtati i slikati sa šminkom može biti i lako i teško. Ovisi o tome što pokušavate napraviti. Naslikati neku složenu sliku nije nikada lako, treba tu uložiti jako puno energije i to poprilično iscrpljuje. U stvari, moj odgovor je da se nekad čini lako a nekada ne. Ponekad stvari ispadnu onakvima kakvima sam željela da ispadnu,  ali ponekad i ne pa se onda osjećam dosta frustirano i sama sebe živciram. Ponekad pak, ispadne bolje nego što sam se nadala i onda se osjećam poprilično samozadovljno. Tako da je to kao i obično slikanje. Zato sam rekla da treba uživati u samom slikanju. Možete uvijek kasnije pokušati ambiciozniju sliku kasnije (zafrkavajte se dok želite).

gel eyeliner and eyeshadow on paper

How to paint with make up? 

My answer is just go with the flow. Take all the time you need. There are no wrong and right answers. Maybe you'll  be the first to do something. Take some product and see what you can do with it. When you start, everything will feel diffrent. You won't be sure how to draw a straight line. Shading will become a mystery. Oh, but what fun you'll have!

Kako slikati sa šminkom?

Moj odgovor je da se jednostavno prepustite. Uzmite onoliko vremena koliko vam treba. Nema pravih i krivih odgovora jer možda ćete napraviti nešto što još nitko nije. Uzmite neki kozmetički proizvod i vidite što biste mogli sa njim. Imate svo vrijeme da to smislite. Kada počnete, sve će vam se činiti drukčijim. Neće biti sigurni kako povući ravno liniju. Sjenčanje će postati misterij. Ali kako ćete se samo zabaviti!


  1. Sviđa mi se jako! I slika i kombinacija s ružom za malo kontrasta u boji. Bravo!

  2. Excellent pics(as always)! Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo

  3. I really enjoyed reading this Q&A, very interesting, even if I'm not a painter :)

    xx, rebecca

  4. very nice sketches

  5. Great Work!

    lovely Greetings <3

  6. Great sketches dear!

  7. davvero stupendi i tuoi disegni, sei bravissima
    buona domenica
    <<< tr3ndygirl fashion blog >>>
    un bacione

  8. First illustrations is wonderful :)

  9. Ivana this is a brilliant idea, Loved it, you are like Van Gogh who introduced unique out of the box ideas for the whole world :)


  10. Oh my, sweetie.. you're amazing.. I can't stop to tell you this!! <3 <3 Painting with make up! So creative!! So funny!! And your creation is always wonderful! Congratulations, I want to visit soon your art exhibition!! <3 <3 Ti voglio tanto bene! (tomorrow I'll write you back, my dear!)

    1. you're the sweetiest! I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

  11. Good job dear! :)

  12. You are amazing Ivana <3 I love your painting !! Tou are so talented, you know this :)Im your absolutely fan forever dear <3
    I love your idea, you are gorgeous person with fantastic soul and big heart <3 I missed you, sorry for not beying here, but I had some troubles in personal life, but now its ok, I hope :)

    Kisses dear, and thank you so much for visit my blog :**

    1. thank you darling:) You're very sweet. Don't worry about not visiting, we all have lives outside blogging and we all visit when we can.

  13. Interesting concept, I never heard of this and it seems fantastic! Love how you've created paintings using beauty products. Cool!

  14. The idea of exploring new artists tools like makeup is really cool but in art anything can be a medium if you put it to use in that manner. Maybe I shall try this. Thanks for the inspiration Ivana!

    1. so true, everything can be a medium! when you have a free moment, give it a try. I found it to be lots of fun.

  15. I have never heard of that, so creative and the results are lovely!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  16. Geniale!!! Dipingere con make-up, interessante il concetto e bellissimo il risultato!!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  17. Sono meravigliosi!

  18. Gorgeous paintings - its so fascinating how they're done in makeup! x

    Viva Epernay | Win a 14 Day Teatox!  

  19. I love the first painting! Very talented Ivana

  20. Absolutely, my dear! Thanks a lot :D

    Incredible draws as usual. Keep it up with this fabulous work <3

    NEW TIPS POST | How To Prepare Your Skin for Summer.
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  21. Uvijek nas iznenadiš super idejama poput ove! Predivno! :)

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  22. Veoma originalno i izgleda bas super. Svidja mi se ideja da se od starog napravi nesto novo i korisno, tako da mi je ovaj post veoma koristan i pokusacu od stare sminke da napravim nesto slicno, iako nisam nesto talentovana za slikanje. Ali, bar cu se zabaviti :-)

    1. da, ne mora biti slika, možeš i napraviti neku čestitku ili neki citat na papiru...u zadnje vrijeme je u interijeru dosta popularno uokvirivanje natpisa ili citata, a to mi je baš lijepo za vidjeti.

  23. I do love your drawing so much.

  24. Croqui maravilhosa amei, tenha uma semana abençoada.

  25. Još jedan primer da se sve može kad se hoće ;) Mislim da je to sjajan način da se iskoristi šminka i na drugi način. Volim kad jedna stvar može da se upotrebi na više načina i da joj se samim tim produži "rok trajanja". Otkad sam se vratila bojenju i shvatila koliko me opušta i koliko uživam, mislim da ću se ohrabriti i u ovome. Neće to biti ni nalik tvojim ilustracijama ali što kažeš, makar će se mozak zabaviti novom situacijom i mogućnostima.
    Rezlutat je kao i uvek fantastičan i rekla sam ti više puta, ali zaista mi se čini da čega god da se dotakneš, to pretvoriš u malo umetničnko delo :)

    1. hvala ti draga. Isprobaj i ovo, mislim da bi se mogla šminka i za bojanje iskoristiti:)

  26. wow I never knew anyone that makes art with make up! then again, art is limitless, right? :) i love these!

  27. Amazing collage!!!
    Living, vibrant, and graceful, nice work as always!

  28. Odlično ti je ispalo, sviđa mi se kako je sveukupni dojam mekan i nježan, pogotovo na drugoj ilustraciji! I također je odlična ideja za korištenje stare šminke koja bi inače vjerojatno završila u smeću, kao što je kod mene uvijek slučaj.

    1. hvala...uvijek me veseli kada uspijem nešto reciklirati, to mi je uvijek zabavno.

  29. Love this! I like your photos so much. :)

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  30. I didn't know that, it is really interesting! Your paintings with makeup are really good! :)
    O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram

  31. It may be challenging but the result truly is beautiful :)

  32. What a cool idea, dear Ivana! You are such a talented and creative girl! I love the paintings with the rose.

    xoxo Nadine <33333

    1. thank you dear Nadine. I'm really happy you like it.

  33. Beautiful sketches! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Oh wow, this is so beautiful!


  35. wow! fantastic!! really creative!!

  36. First time I have heard someone use makeup for painting. Unique I must say. Talented and I enjoyed the post.
    Have a great week, Ivana. :)

  37. Hey, Ivana! What a great post and everytime I just detect that you're such a creative person. I've never used make up for painting but it's such a clever idea, this just get me to the idea that anything is possible when it comes to art: any texture, surface, method, etc... No limits when it comes to create!

    The result is unique and it looks like charcoal, but better in my opinion :)

    I'll try to use this technique soon and I'll tell you how it worked, thanks for the inspiration in this gloomy Monday! You're totally on fire and hope you can do more experiments, never stop doing art, dear!

    Have a lovely week :)
    Fungi Express blog

  38. Hello Ivana! I really like the idea to use old, make-up products to use them in new, innovative way, personally I haven't done it before, so you're right - why wouldn't try this? What's more, can't agree with you more that when you have done something for the first time, you help to your brain to remain active, honestly, I find it like perfect activity during rainy days! :) Thank you for this post, Ivana, because I got me inspired by your idea! :)
    Hope you're started lovely week, dear!

  39. clever idea! lovee the drawings! such a talented person!

    Please visit my Blog!

    Alessa Bernal :)

  40. Using makeup for painting is a brilliant idea and frankly, this is the first time I'm reading about it. What a great way of reusing old makeup instead of throwing them away. i felt awful when I purge my makeup stash twice but I needed to clear everything out..still it was such a waste.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I always feel the same way when I have to get rid of make up.

  41. Great work and beautiful post.

  42. Painting with makeup? Wow that's so creative!

  43. Thats really cool, I never thought of this...
    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin' ll Join the Secret Guide

  44. What a fun idea! I need to try this, first because I'm the one who keeps expired makeup ( I have some from my mom who passed in 2005 that I just can't throw out,) and because I love doing different things to improve my brain. These illustrations are beautiful and so creative!!

    1. I can understand why it must be hard to get rid of your mother's make up....and I tend to hold on expired make up too.


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