Oriana Fallaci (Illustrations of the day/ Ilustracije dana)

 Pencil sketch filled in with watercolours. I actually did a whole series of Oriana Fallaci's illustrations a while back, but I feel like I'm just getting started. Sometimes illustrations and sketches are just the first step leading to a more complex painting...and sometimes they're independent and exist as such. I usually don't know where will something will take me. I'm learning how to take my time with art. I'm trying not to rush the process of creating paintings. It takes a great deal of self-discipline to set time daily for something that will (realistically speaking) never bring you any financial or other gain, and it will be frustrating, tiring and draining. I don't think I have ever been fully satisfied with a painting I did. On the other hand, that is why I did so many of them. That is why I have hundreds (if not more) of sketches, illustrations and paintings in my home. That's life. You're got to keep trying even when you know you're failing. Maybe that is what doing something out of principle is.

Skica na papiru olovkom koju sam popunila vodenim bojama. Zapravo sam napravila cijelu seriju ilustracija Oriane Fallaci prije dosta vremena, ali imam osjećaj da tek započinjem. Ponekad su ilustracije i skice samo prvi korak koji vodi malo složenijoj slici...a ponekad su neovisne i postoje kao takve. Obično ne znam gdje će me nešto odvesti. Učim sebe uzimati dovoljno vremena za umjetnost. Trudim se ne požurivati proces stvaranja slika. Treba jako puno samodiscipline za odvajati svaki dan vrijeme za nešto od čega realno gledajući nikad nećeš imati materijalne ili bilo kakve koristi, a biti će frustrirajuće, umarajuće i uzimati puno energije. Mislim da nikad nisam bila posve zadovoljno s ijednom slikom koju sam naslikala. No, to je vjerojatno i razlog zašto imam na stotine skica, ilustracija i slika (ako ne i više). To je život. Moraš se truditi čak i kada znaš da ti nešto ne ide. Možda je to ono što zovu raditi nešto iz principa.

“And yet, or just for this reason, it's so fascinating to be a woman. It's an adventure that takes such courage, a challenge that's never boring. You'll have so many things to engage you if you're born a woman. To begin with, you'll have to struggle to maintain that if God exists he might even be an old woman with white hair or a beautiful girl. Then you'll have to struggle to explain that it wasn't sin that was born on the day when Eve picked an apple, what was born that day was a splendid virtue called disobedience.”

Oriana Fallaci, Letter to a Child Never Born

“To be good or bad doesn't count: life out in this world doesn't depend on that. It depends on a relation of forces based on violence. And survival is violence. You'll wear leather shoes because someone has killed a cow and skinned it to make leather.”
 Oriana Fallaci, Letter to a Child Never Born

“Lottate, ragionate col vostro cervello, ricordate che ciascuno è qualcuno, un individuo prezioso, responsabile, artefice di se stesso, difendetelo il vostro io, nocciolo di ogni libertà, la libertà è un dovere, prima che un diritto è un dove...."

“...who is the pioneer of modern journalism? Not Hemingway who wrote of his experiences in the trenches, not Orwell who spent a year of his life with the Parisian poor, not Egon Erwin Kisch the expert on Prague prostitutes, but Oriana Fallaci who in the years 1969 to 1972 published a series of interviews with the most famous politicians of the time. Those interviews were more than mere conversations; they were duels. Before the powerful politicians realized that they were fighting under unequal conditions--for she was allowed to ask questions but they were not--they were already on the floor of the ring, KO'ed.”
 Milan Kundera, Immortality

“What's the point anyway — Of suffering, dying? It teaches us to live, boy. A man who does not struggle does not live, he survives.”
Oriana Fallaci, A Man

“I've found what I was looking for, Child: what people call love between a man and a woman is a season. And if, at its flowering, this season is a feast of greenery, at its waning, it's only a heap of rotting leaves.”

“One day you and I will have to have a little talk about this business called love. I still don't understand what it's all about. My guess is that it's just a gigantic hoax, invented to keep people quiet and diverted. Everyone talks about love: the priests, the advertising posters, the literati, and the politicians, those of them who make love. And in speaking of love and offering it as a panacea for every tragedy, they would and betray and kill both body and soul.”
 Oriana Fallaci, Letter to a Child Never Born


  1. Very creative! :))

    Lu | www.balgarka.co.uk

  2. Great painting

  3. Lovely illustration! It's so great :)

    xoxo Ivana ❤
    Melania | modeintechnicolor.blogspot.com

  4. Oriana Fallaci? I think I ordered that at an Italian Restaurant once. And this kind of looked like my waitress. How did you know? ;)P

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I know you're joking, but imagine her reaction , the feminist she was, to your comment (if she was still alive, I bet she would have made an interesting comment:))

  5. Verujem da bih se i ja osećala isto jer uvek mi se čini da mogu više, da treba ovako, ne onako. Nekad me perfekcionizam izludi i prosto moram da naučim da dam sebi oduška. Samokritičnost je valjda najveći kritičar. Kada bi ta kritika samo bila malo konstruktivnija, a ne toliko osuđivačka... Verujem, ipak, da to što samo mi vidimo, drugi ne primećuju i da koliko god ti bila nezadovoljna jednom ilustracijom, biće nas kojima je ona savršena baš takva kakva jeste :)

    1. i mene taj perfekcionizam nekad ubije u pojam...često ga i zaboravim, a onda me uhvate dani kada sve gledam kroz povećalo i valjda ništa što sam napravila u životu mi se ne sviđa.

  6. Very nice mixed media illustration! I feel the same way about photography as you do about your illustrations but we have to keep trying even when we're not satisfied in order to get to a place where we are.

  7. Hey Ivana, how are you? I hope everything is going right!

    I really love how you mix different kind of things in your illustration, that's something very interesting in an artist and I feel happy for you because your illustrations are beyond the limits ;)

    And well don't worry about the rush or the money, remember that you have to do your passion for the right reasons, and little by little if you really push these amazing strokes the good things will come by themselves ;)

    That's my advice!

    Have a lovely weekend! Now off to comment the new post you shared :D

    Fungi Express blog

  8. Una grande donna e splendida scrittrice!

  9. Većinu smo života sami sebi najgori neprijatelji i često smo previše strogi.
    Ilustracija je odlična i stvarno si svakom novom sve bolja i bolja! :*

  10. Hey Ivana,

    I like this series. And it's true about art and passion and hobby. It takes so much time and we are never happy with just one and we would press on. I agree on how time consuming it is to pursue art. For me, drawing and colouring requires inspiration and once I have it, I put everything aside to do it.


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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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