Close-ups and voices from inside/ Kadrovi izbliza i glasovi iznutra

Often we are so terrified of the fact we don't have answers that we tend to oversimplify everything. However, the truth is that there is no escape from the complexity of life. This world we live in is dreadfully challenging to comprehend and to make matters worse it is ever changing. Proposing that we understand and know just about everything is like believing we can collect sand with our hands. As desperately as we clutch our fists, it is a doomed attempt.  Sadly, we often try to do just that....try to assure ourselves that we have a good grasps on things, that we have learned much of what is there to learn.

Why do we do this? Probably out of fear. It is frightening to admit that we don't know something and it gets scarier as one gets older. It is so much easier to think we more or less know where we are and what to do. It is much more easier to think of life in a linear way. How tempting it is to assume life is a steady road we are taking and the more advanced in years we get, the more advanced are we on our journey. How tempting and how wrong! Life is more like balancing on strange currents, it is more like windsurfing. You never know where the sea or the wind will take you and every mistake can take you further away from the coast. But as long as we must  do it, we might as well make the most out of it. Lick the salt from your lips, inhale the ocean air and laugh in the face of the wind. 

Često smo tako prestrašeni činjenice da nemamo odgovore da težimo tome da sve pojednostavnimo. No, istina je da se kompleksnosti života ne može pobjeći. Grozno je teško shvatiti ovaj svijet u kojem živimo, a da bi sve još bilo teže, ovaj svijet je stalno u prevrtanju i promjeni. Pretpostavljati da znamo i razumijemo skoro sve je kao vjerovati da možemo skupiti pijesak u naše naše. Koliko god očajnički stiskali šake, to je uzaludan pokušaj. Nažalost, često upravo to činimo...pokušavamo sebe uvjeriti da više manje dobro sve razumijemo, da smo naučili većinu od onoga što se ima za naučiti.

Zašto to radimo? Vjerojatno iz straha. Zastrašujuće se sebi priznati da ne znam zašto i to postaje sve više zastrašujuće kako starimo. Puno je lakše pretposaviti da više manje znamo tko smo i što radimo. Puno je lakše misliliti o životu na linearan način. Kako je samo primamljivo pretpostaviti da je život pouzdana cesta kojom idemo i što više napredujemo u godinama, više smo blizu cilju našeg puta. Kako primamljivo i kako pogrešno! Život je više balansiranje na čudnim strujama, više kao surfanje na vjetru. Nikad ne znaš gdje će te more ili vjetar odvesti i svaka pogreška te može odvesti dalje od obale. Ali kada već to moramo, najbolje je iz toga izvući sve što možemo. Polizati sol s usana, udahnuti morski zrak i nasmijati se u lice vjetru. 

Photographs by mr. husband
fotografija: gospodin muž


  1. It is different with me, I became more relaxed with years, I take life in more easy way than I used to when I was younger. I don't know, perhaps, it is influence of living in Nepal and India where most people accept life as it is, not worrying much about things they don't know.
    Beautiful close ups!

    1. Thank you...With time I also become more relaxed because I realize there are things I cannot change...and I'm not afraid to admit there are things I don't understand.
      more and more, I'm realizing the values of improvisation.

  2. Bellissime immagini:) un bacione

  3. I love the pictures!
    You're pretty!
    beautiful Sunday!

  4. Love your close-up shots, sweetie! You've very nice straight hair, Ivana! xoxo

    1. thanks Shirley. It is naturally straight but most of the time I also give my hair a blow out, so it looks more neat.

  5. Baš si lijepa na ovim fotkama :)
    Ja sam se prije nekako više nervirala oko života i svega i onda sam spletom okolnosti i različitih promjena odlučila živjeti spontano, iz dana u dan, bez ikakvog planiranja. Pokušavam se ne nervirati oko stvari na koje ne mogu utjecati, kad mi je loš dan onda ga prespavam, motiviram se da se stalno trudim biti što bolja u onome što radim i te sitnice me vesele :) Naprosto sam uvijek živjela u nekom svom svijetu i ono van njega me nije pretjerano diralo i najvažnije mi je da pokušam sama sebi omogućiti onakav život kakav želim (nisam ni blizu toga još, da ne bi bilo zabune haha), a odgovore na neka velika životna pitanja sam prestala tražiti jer bi me uvijek odveli u nekom depra smjeru. Uživaj u nedjelji, nadam se da si negdje u prirodi! :)

    1. takva sam nekako i ja, odlučila sam se više improvizirati, manje mozgati.

  6. Perfect look! ;)


  7. Draga Ivana!
    Tvoj muž ima prvatiti lijepe slike.
    Ali zašto ti izgledaš tako tužno?
    Sve će biti u redu!
    Puno lijep pozdrava

    1. nisam nimalo tužna:) možda samo tako izgledam.

  8. Sometimes we just need to breathe and let go the negative stuff :)

    Inês Meireles

    1. yes, that is true. Sometimes we just need to do that:)

  9. śliczne zdjęcia!

  10. I couldn´t agree more, dear Ivana
    Pretty in the sun

  11. Great close-up shots of you, Ivana. Thoughtful written post, girl.

  12. Beautiful close-ups, Ivana! My favorite is the 2nd from the top - love the light in your eyes. You write beautifully, but I see it differently, my dear friend. I agree that from the point of view of the mind it seems this way. But there is another great instrument given to us all - the spirit. And it is the whole different perspective on everything, it's like a new undiscovered dimension. The difference between the two points of view is in our own hands - it's reachable to anyone. And judging from many of the comments you wrote before, and some of your posts as well, you do use this instrument from time to time. I think the secret of loving and peaceful people lays in learning using this instrument more often then not. Peace to you and much love xxxx

  13. Such deep words! And lovely close ups :) xx

  14. Dear Ivana, how beautiful you look on your pictures! Honestly for me it is so that I see the older I get the less I know. There are so many things in this world I don't understand and I don't have any problems to admit this. I remember when I were younger I thought about myself that I knew much more ... but this fact doesn't make me sad, mostly the feeling is relaxing for me that I'm only a little tiny part of this world and it makes me free to do what I want and gives me further the possibility to make mistakes :) Hopefully you enjoy the summer also like we do it here in Bavaria!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. wonderful words Rena...I totally agree with you:)

  15. I still stress lots about things. I wonder if that will ever change? You look very pretty up close and that is a darling nautical top. X

    1. I don't think that stress can be avoid completely....perhaps it is important that the way stress is not too overwhelming.

  16. Great photos sweetie, you look gorg!

  17. Mr Husband took some beautiful photos! You are so pretty and you look lovely in those strong colours. They suit your dark hair and eyes. I love your words too. I used to believe that I could and should control everything in my life. That I could just plan it all out and make it happen the way I wanted it to. Ha ha! Life will generally abuse us of that notion fairly quickly I suppose. I still struggle sometimes with frustration at what doesn't go the way I intended it to but living with a chronic illness is such a great teacher. I have become much better at making the most of what comes and not worrying about what doesn't. xoxo

    1. yes, having a chronic illness really makes us not take anything for granted. Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot to me.

  18. Nice post

  19. Oh those closeups are so lovely. Beings me, I enjoyed the last one most but I was so happy to see such a celebration of my lovely friend.

    As to the writing, very strong stuff. I see a nice design in what feels like just open thinking that gives it weight and direction. Life is certainly full of stress and questions, but all the big, important stuff couldn't be simpler. For each of us there is a song playing, oh so softly in the background, with words only made for us; a tune so pleasing and pure it shines like a beacon to our path. But it must be sought, it must be paused for, it must be given your full attention, if only for a short time here and there, and then you will feel it: a peace created solely for you. Life fights to keep us away from this song, now more than ever in history, but I promise you it is there. And the more we listen, the more we learn how simple life really is.

    1. your comment is pure poetry and wisdom!!!

  20. You look so contemplative in these photos. It is scary to think of all that we do not know but somehow it also presents a challenge for us to learn more at the same time I think :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  21. A beautiful piece and beautiful photos. Yes, I shall do my best to laugh in the wind and hold my arms out at my sides. Let's see where that takes me.

  22. Close up photos or not, you look lovely. I'm in love with what you wrote my dear. It's true, life is never easy and it gets more and more complex as we get older. It sometimes leave us with no choice but to go forward and keep going no matter how hard the situation is. I'm in love with the metaphor of your words <3

    love lots,

  23. It is not possible to avoid noticing the bad things but we should not forget there are positive things as well.

  24. I think that it's better to make yourself believe that everything is fine and you have a good grasp on things rather than feeling bad over all the things that you don't understand or aren't right. At least then, it pushes you forward rather than staying in one place because you are too afraid to move forward.

    btw, you look very lovely in your photos! :)


    1. I think it depends on a person. For someone it may be better to act in that way, but someone else the best thing to do is to say 'I don't understand everything, but it doesn't scare me. It makes me want to learn more.'

  25. I really like your close ups, dear! And I totally agree with you - we have to admit ourself that we're not able to control our life in 100%, but because of our choices we can decide what it could be. Moreover we have to accept that making mistakes is nothing wrong at all, because it these bad experiences could learn us a lot! Have a great week ahead, Ivana :)

  26. beautiful girl!!!
    especially love that you are not wearing that heavy makeup most (young) bloggers use to do (for photos)! the little swipes of black and pink are just enough to enhance your beauty!!!
    i struggled my whole live with this "the life is a linear line and we can and should control it" - this gave me (together with other stuff) heavy depressions - but since a few years i try to submerge in that "ocean" and see - i float! it is really like when we are in real water - if we are scared and we raising our arms and scream we will go under and down - but if we are calm and breathe our body is floating in a way that our head is always out of the water - just try it next time you go for swimming :-) xxxxxx

    1. thank you so much. I love the metaphor you is so true. We need to free ourselves from the fear in order to realize that things are not so bad....that we can float:) When the waves are strong, swimming can be a lot more difficult but also a lot more fun.

  27. Yes, definitely such strange currents and undercurrents. Sometimes we are in charge of plotting and steering our own directions and at others we are entirely at the mercy of all that is unpredictable...

    1. thank you true. Sometimes we ate at the mercy of life and no harm in admitting it is so.

  28. Hello lovely...I personally love not knowing means I have so much more to learn and I can keep growing and going. If we knew everything, that would be it and over. Sometimes it can be stressing or scary not knowing everything, but if we look at it in a different light, then the scariness fades over time. You look beautiful my dear...I hope you have a gorgeous new week :) xx

  29. Prelepa si na ovim slikama :)
    Sve je užasno komplikovano i tu se ništa ne može. Što više pokušavamo da shvatimo neke stvari i da tražimo smisao, postaje samo teže. Uporno učim da treba da iskoristim sve od života takav kakav jeste, nekad je lako i spontano a nekad je baš bezveze. Ali to je život ;)

  30. In life there is much uncertainty. Whatever will be will be. You can't control everything. You just have to breath and take things one day at a time.

  31. Lerpe su jako ovako izbliza, izgledas drazesno! Sjajno ti lila stoji :) Kisses <3

  32. It's quite to nice to hear the deep inner thoughts of souls like you who live so far away from me :) We all constantly have to learn that it's not about controlling life... it's about just going with the flow of where life takes you and making the most out of it by thinking positively. I used to try to control everything around me, and surely enough, unsuccessfully, it made me feel powerless and small. It's so much better to realize that everything will continue, whether we like it or not, and so we must try to live as being part of it with a smile on our faces.

    Great thought!

  33. these are beautiful portrait-pics from you.

    my fav. is pic no. 2 - your eyes and that look of it is such a pretty and strong thing!!! i like those pose too.


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