DIY necklace and a floral dress (outfit post)/ Uradi sam ogrlica i cvjetna haljina ( odjevna kombinacija)

DIY projects
Dress: no name, necklace: made by me, belt: made by me, bracelet: Serena Kuhl , tights: Jadran, heels: no name+ DIY

All of you that follow by blog have probably noticed how much I enjoy DIY projects. Not only when it comes to clothes, but pretty much applied to anything else. To know that I can make something by myself makes me happy just as this 'little place to call my own' does. Today I'm showing you an outfit with two DIY features. One is a green necklace you already had a chance of seeing here and the other one is the pair of shoes on which I have drawn circles (because I love patterns and hence shoes that have them)

The floral dress I'm wearing you already had a change of seeing in an outfit post  here and here and here. The dress itself has proved itself to be quite practical, it requires no ironing and can be worn in all seasons (if you layer it properly). Plus I'm really happy because I have bought it two sized bigger that the one I originally tried on, so it's quite nice and comfortable (and I feel good about the length) and perfect for those extra warm spring and summer days. For me it was somewhat of a revelation to discover that you can actually experiment with sizes. Size is just a number really, you should always try different sizes to see which one works best for you. ( I know that is tiring, but the effort might just be worth it.)

Lately I've been feeling rather low spirited because of some ongoing health problems. There was a period in my life when I had fever for an entire year and it so happens that I've had a fever for entire last week (not a very high fever but fever still which can be so exhausting) and it got me thinking: 'Not that again!'. My test results were rather bad this entire winter and spring so that didn't help to keep my spirits up either. However, I realized that nothing of that really matters. It's just numbers. Life is more than just numbers and statistics fortunately. Maybe I'll be fine, maybe I won't. Just like anyone else on this planet I have no way of knowing what will happen (and for the better). There is not point in worrying about things I cannot influence.  I take as good care of myself as I can under the circumstances I live in and that is all anyone can really do. I'm so through with feeling guilty about everything. 

Svi vi koji pratite moj blog ste vjerovatno primjetili koliko uživam u uradi sam projektima, ne samo kad se radi o odjeći nego o bilo čemu. Dobro je znati da mogu napraviti nešto sama i to me veseli kao i ovaj blogić. Danas vam pokazujem odjevnu kombinaciju u kojoj nosim ogrlicu koju sam sama napravila i cipele koje sam mala ukrasila krugovima (jer volim uzorke i cipele s uzorcima i bojama). Haljina s uzorkom cvijeća koju danas nosim imali ste već prilike vidjeli tri puta (linkovi gore u engleskoj varijanti teksta). Pokazala se jako dobrom, prvo jer je ne treba peglati, a zatim jer je se može nositi cijele godine (uz odgovarajuće slojevito odijevanje). Jako mi je drago jer sam je kupila u dva puta većoj veličini nego što sam je probala jer je tako baš vrlo ugodna i udobna (a i dužina mi je tako draža) i savršena je za one veoma tople proljetne i ljetne dane. Za mene je bilo gotovo nekakvo otkriće shvatiti da se sa veličinom može eksperimentirati. Veličina nije zapisana u kamenu, to je samo broj, uvijek bi zapravo trebali probavati različite veličine da bi vidjeli koja nam najbolje pristaje. (Znam da je to naporno, ali ponekad se trud isplati.)

U zadnje vrijeme sam se osjećala pomalo depresivno zbog nekih stalnih zdrastvenih problema. U jednom periodu života imala sam temperaturu cijelu godinu, a sada imam temperaturu od prošlog tjedna (malu, ali ipak temperaturu a to zna biti tako iscrpljujuće) i počela sam razmišljati: "Oh, ne opet!" Nalazi su mi bili poprilično loši cijelu zimu i proljeće tako da me ni to nije baš razveselilo. No, shvatila sam da ništa od toga nije zaista važno. To su samo brojevi. Život je više od brojeva i statistika srećom. Možda ću biti dobro, možda neću...kao i svatko na ovom svijetu ne znam i nemogu to znati ( i bolje). Nema smisla brinuti se o stvarima na koje ne mogu utjecati. Brinem se o sebi onoliko dobro koliko mogu s obzirom na uvjete u kojima živim i to je sve što itko može zaista napraviti. Više sam umorna od osjećaja krivnje oko svega.  


  1. Your shoes and necklace are very beautifule! :)

  2. La collana è bellissima e tu stai da dio con questo vestito!

  3. Joj žao mi je čuti da se tako osjećaš u zadnje vrijeme, stvarno se nadam da ćeš biti mnogo bolje i to ubrzo :) Šaljem jedan veliki zagrljaj :*

    I ova haljinica ti sjajno stoji, trebala bi je stalno nositi :D

    1. bolje mi je, srećom prošla je temperatura pa je odmah lakše:) hvala ti!

  4. Draga Ivana, izgledaš stvarno prelepo! :) Haljina je divna i sama obožavam haljine koje mogu da se nose cele godine. Kad ste ti i DIY u pitanju, tu nema greške, zaista, uvek je nešto što bih i sama nosila ili posedovala :)
    Nadam se da što se zdravlja tiče nije ništa ozbiljno u pitanju, ali to je tako, svako od nas ima nešto i muči neku muku, važno je uraditi ono što možemo, a što ne možemo, proći će, sve prođe...

    1. točno, svatko od nas ima neku boljku i važno je napraviti što se može...kako si ti ono bila jednom rekla- biti realni optimist ...i ja se slažem da je to moguće.

  5. Dear Ivana, this is a wonderful summer outfit, this floral dress is really cute and you look so beautiful and happy in the pictures! How good that it's not necessary to iron your dress, this would also be a clear advantage for me :) And what I really love that you always show here such great DIY! Wish you a wonderful week <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  6. Sei stata bravissima sia con la collana che con le scarpe, sono deliziose!
    E tu sei carinissima con quel vestito, ti sta davvero bene! :D
    Spero che ti rimetta presto in salute, Ivana, magari il sole ed il caldo ti aiuteranno! Non ti demoralizzare! :)

  7. Che bella che sei Ivana! Fantastico look! Caterina

  8. Molto carino questo diy! Bello anche il vestito, ti sta benissimo!! Spero tu stia meglio ora!

    The best way to wear WHITE(30 OUTFITS) on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog

  9. I know what you feel, I love doing something with my hands too:) Probably, you have much more ideas than I have, though. I;ve got to say you look super lovely in that floral dress and red shoes, which you've decorated by yourself.
    I didn't know you haev some problems with your health, but your are right there are such things which we can't really changed, all we need is chance and piece of luck. To tell the truth, my mom is very ill during 8 years and now the situation is really really bad, so I understand peope who are ill quite well, especially the way their relatives may feel. It's a real tragedy when your nearest one have such problems with health and it's awful to know that we can do nothing about it. God bless all of us. Take care, dear Ivana! Get well and never give up.

    P.S. Today I saw in local TV news that out city authorities organized special account where all the citizens may donate money for the welfare of Serbian, Croatian people, regarding to the horrible flood which took place. So I'm really glad that my fellow countrymen could not afford to stand back! That sounds really inspiring.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your mum and her health problems, it must be really hard for all of you as well. My husband always say that the hardest thing in life is when someone you care for is unwell and you cannot do anything to help them. Sometimes all we can do is keep our courage and pray for the better.

      It is really inspiritng that your people are thinking about those affected in the floods. Such actions (and I have witnessed them) make me believe in humanity again. Where there is love, there is hope...that's what I always say.

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

    2. There is always love and hope, I agree. It's beyond politics, science and standardization. Our focus should always be on the enduring fundamental principles of life that ennoble mankind. Thank you for you good wishes as well, your husband is so right saying that where is no more terrible thing, than to see our close ones being severely ill.

    3. yes, I agree...there is always love and hope.

  10. You look so classy! Have a great day!

  11. I so love your dress! Really colorfull!
    Kisses babe,

  12. Stai proprio bene con questo look Ivana e che belli gli accessori che hai creato! La collana mi piace molto e anche le scarpe!

  13. Bas mi je zao Ivana da muku mucis sa zdravljem...nadam se da lijecnici znaju o cemu je rijec te da ces uz njihovu i Bozju pomoc biti ubrzo bolje! :) Uostalom, mislim da si ti jedan veliki pozitivac unatoc usponima i padovima te da te ni sve ovo nece i ne moze slomiti!
    Haljinica je divna i predivno ti stoji...nozice su mrak! Ogrlica je jako lijepa i super ide uz haljinu... :)
    I da, ja isto volim komotniju odjecu pa nekad cak i pretjeram pa plivam u istoj :)

    1. hvala puno draga, osjećam se bolje...mislim da će me ovo ljeto spasiti, jedva sam ga dočekala, zima mi je bila tako naporna da bi je najradije zaboravila...ali kako sam čula jučer na htv-u.... nije svaki dan dobar dan, ali ima nešto dobro u svakom danu- to je neki muž napisao ženi dok je bila u bolnica i baš mi je slatka ta misao vodilja.

  14. You look wonderful doll, love the necklace and dress too. I do hope all of these health issues will be able to cease, so you won't have to think of them popping up again. Take good care of yourself as you can. Wish you lots of blessings and love xx

    1. thank you dear Kizzy! I'm feeling better:)

  15. You're really good at those DIY projects :)

    I really hope you get better sweety! But I'm glad you're keeping that positive attitude!

  16. Ciao Ivana, il tuo vestito è delizioso. Spero che tutto si sia risolto per il meglio cara!!!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  17. Il vestito è molto carino e ti sta d'incanto!

  18. Ripasso :) Caterina

  19. Ciao IVana, sei molto carina con questo vestito e sei sempre bravissima con i DIY! Mi spiace tanto abbia problemi di salute, spero possa stare meglio presto ed essere felice. Un bacio cara!:*

  20. Baš ti je lijep blog :) super outfit i ogrlica :)

  21. I know your dress already from another post of you - it´s reaaly great that the thing...;-) That floral print looks very cool and colourful. your diy necklace is another great piece of accessory - made by you....!!!




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