
Showing posts from June, 2013

What does a woman want? (outfit post)/ Što žena želi? (odjevna kombinacija)

"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is what a women wants?" Sigmund Freud When I had read one voluminous book (the one about dreams) by our dear Freud , what I enjoyed most about it was the way he mind works. He was as curious as a little child and I think that is a good quality to have. We should be hungry for knowledge, for life and for love. Therefore, perhaps it is a good thing that we women are sometimes mysterious or even that we want so many things. We are complex creature and there is nothing wrong with that...never let alone tell you there is. xoxo

colours (outfit post) / boje (odjevna kombinacija)

Yesterday I watched a fascinating documentary about colours. Supposedly, lots of animals see more colours than we do...I do wonder what the world looks like for them...alas, I will never know. Perhaps in the future some mad scientist will invest cool glasses that allow us to see things we haven't seen before (in terms of colour) and the fashion world will never be the same....who knows what awaits us in the future? ...and speaking of colours I  love to watch birds. I'm always fascinating by how gorgeous they are, especially the colourful ones. Yesterday in the documentary I told you about they showed a bird that has feather pigmentation that comes off when soaked in water- luckily the natural water does her no harm ( the bird lives in rain forest), but if you dipped her feather in the pipe water, the colour would come off....Interesting how everything in nature is so perfectly balanced. Once I read ( I think it was in Dylan Dog's comic books from all places) that bi...

Split (photography) / Split / (fotografija)

  I will never get tired of this city. In my eyes it will always be perfect. Here are some photos that I have taken this morning. xoxo Nikad se neću umoriti od ovog grada. U mojim očima uvijek će biti savršen. Evo nekih fotografija koje sam snimila jutros. Pozdrav
How are you my darlings? I'm all nice, cozy, sleepy and happy to have put some things (that needed to be done) behind me...Finishing up another Amos Oz's novel and wondering at the effortlessness with which he writes and the mastery he seems to have with the words, but at the same time I have to say that I love the writers that seems to struggle with writing, the ones that you have a feeling gave everything into it...but before going further with this, I'll just cut it you can see, Aba ( Malena didn't stick- long story) is so adorable that I will forgive her for all the marks that her paws and teeth have made on my skin, but as I said this breed requires some attention. The shirt is DIY and this lovely bag was a, the shorts...I've found them in the closet and then my mum said " Hey, I wore that shorts in my post natal phase." Thanks mum! Really, this is what you wore after you gave birth?... but whatever doubts they might ...

Park prirode Hutovo blato( fotografija) / Nature Park Hutovo blato (photography=

I have showed you this place before, but one more time it won't hurt. Već sam vam pokazivala ovo mjesto, ali još jednom neće naškoditi.

Croatian designers...Hrvatski dizajneri

No. 1 Alexandar Žarevac These pants are by Alexandar Žarevac and I find them to be really interesting. They remind me a bit of the Lara Croft and the nineties. I think that they could be styled in many different ways. Stripes are obviously a big trend right now, but this version of them looks original. What do you think? Ove hlače Alexandra Žarevaca su mi baš zanimljive. Malo me podsjećaju na Laru Croft i devedesete. Mislim da ih se može nositi na više načina. Pruge su očito veliki trend sada, ali ova verzija mi je baš nekako orginalna. Što vi mislite? No. 3 Aleksandra Dojčević Aleksandra Dojčević...This is just so lovely! high waist pants I love, especially in the sandy shades. The blouse is so feminine and the pattern is really nice, looks a bit like a cross between polka dots and animal print. Very elegant combination, perfect for almost any occasion. Ovo je stvarno divno. Uvijek sam voljela hlače visokog struka pogotovo u nekakvim pješčanim nijansama. Bluza je ja...

Summer Sunday (outfit post) / Ljetna nedjelja (odjevna kombinacija) MOSTAR

Summer days.... I love summer so everything about being wearing no make up...Is there anything that beats weekend in the summer time? Summer Sunday, now that even sounds  good! How was your Sunday? I've finished mine with a nice long walk with my puppy. She is so full of energy that I have to walk her a lot...and already I work with her, training her every day, which I don't mind because I really like animals. Besides, one day she will be a really big dog and I must be able to handle her by then....btw I really like this top so much, my mum made it...isn't she great? xoxo If you have any questions or want to comment on Kako volim ljeto! stalno biti nositi šminku...Ima li što bolje od vikenda ljeti? Ljetna nedjelja...kako to dobro zvuči:)  Kakva je bila vaša nedljela? Moje je završila sa lijepom dugom šetnjom sa malom vučkom. Tako je puna energije da je moram često šetati...i već sam počela r...

Summer hats- be stylish and stay safe!/ Ljetni šeširi- budite stilski osvješteni i sigurni!

If you want to protect yourself against the sun, a summer hat is worth a consideration. Not only are they stylish, they can protect your skin. According to US National Library of Medicine, most skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. They actually recommend wearing a hat and sunglasses. As you can see, I cited them below.  Wear a Hat and Sunglasses Wide-brimmed hats that shade the face, ears, and back of the neck provide the most protection. Tightly woven fabrics, such as canvas, provide the best protection; straw hats with holes that let sunlight through do not provide adequate protection. A darker hat may offer more UV protection. In addition to a hat, sunglasses that block as close to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as possible can provide extra eye protection. Most sunglasses sold in the United States, regardless of cost, meet this standard. Wrap-around sunglasses work best because they also block UV rays from the side.* * Here's an...

Spalato... nel cuore della costa dalmata....

(sorry today's post is only in Italian)  Che dire di Spalato? Mi stancherò mai di questa città.   Spalato  è un luogo da vedere.... Oggi voglio condividere con voi le mie fotografie ... e alcuni fatti da la mia città. Spalato  (in  croato   Split ), dal latino  Salonae Palatium. (  La Spalato romana è rappresentata dallo sfarzoso  palazzo dell'imperatore   Diocleziano , fatto costruire nel  295 - 304  d.C.) Spalato è  capoluogo della  regione spalatino-dalmata , principale centro della  Dalmazia  e  seconda città del Paese ( Il primo  è Zagabria, la capitale) . Spalato è anche sede  universitaria  e  arcivescovile . Spalato è famosa soprattutto per il  Palazzo di Diocleziano , la  porta Aurea  e la cattedrale con il suo celebre  campanile .   Certo il  Palazzo di Diocleziano  è da vedere. Ma è soprattutto da vivere:...