
Showing posts from March, 2013

Hand painted Easter Eggs/ Ručno oslikana Uskršna jaja

Malo je rano za pituravanje (pardon bojanje) jaja, ali sutra putujem tako da sam se danas malo zabavila sa time. Još sam neke stvari izrađivala, ukrašavala i tako to...Što vam se čini? Nije zabavno ako ne uprljaš ruke:) Sretni blagadni! It's a bit early to be decorating the Easter eggs but I'm travelling tomorrow so today was the day to do it. Anyway, I always enjoy doing things like this so it was fun. What do you think? Happy holidays to you:)

no one is perfect/nitko nije savršen

Taking my photo while I'm blowing my nose is somebody's idea of fun (guess who it could be?)...and you know what? Considering how stressful the holidays can be( at least for those of us who try to make everyone happy) it may be a good thing to make fun of ourselves a little bit...After all, this is a pretty realistic photo since I really am blowing my nose all the time (damn that cold). So, here it is to the imperfection! Here it is to chipped nails and messy hair...and a perfect day I had last Sunday regardless of it all. This was taken while the boat (that took us to that little island you can see in the background) was arriving.

no place like home (outfit post)/ kod kuće je najljepše

No matter how much I love colour sometimes I go for (almost) all black outfit...There is something very attractive about the black. It is the colour of mystery and  night. Sometimes wearing black makes me feel tough....Anyway, I  know I'm getting boring with these nosens shoes but reality is they're so comfortable I want to wear them all the time.  Bez obzira na to koliko volim boje, ponekad volim obući se skoro skroz u crno...Nešto je privlačno u toj boji noći i tajanstvenosti, a ponekad se u njoj osjećam baš opako....i da znam da sam dosadna s ovim nosens cipelama, ali stvarno su preudobne pa ih stalno nosim.

A city you should visit/ Grad koji biste trebali posjetiti...

Do you like to travel? One of the cities that I warmly recommend (for a visit or a stay) is Sibenik. The city center is as beautiful  as it was in the middle ages, so it will give you a feeling of stepping out of the time machine and finding yourself in another time and place. Volite putovati? Jedan od gradova koji biste trebali posjetiti je svakako Šibenik. Centar grada je srednjovjekovni i više manje netaknut, tako da je poseban osjećaj prošetati njime, osjećate se kao da ste zakoračili u daleku prošlost. If you ask me, the first place to see is the city Cathedral of Saint James. It left quite an impression on me.  The stone decoration (that you can see behind me) is as fine as lace!  The Cathedral of St. James is the most important Renaissance architectural monument in Croatia and it has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2000. It is utterly beautiful, I cannot think of a better way to describe it than that. Prvo što biste trebali vidjeti je...


summertime Most people love summertime, right? It makes sense. Today I'm feeling nostalgic about summer perhaps because it is raining. One thing that I especially like to wear in the summer is the maxi dress (preferably a cotton one). What about you? What do you like to wear in the summer? Većina nas voli ljeto, zar ne? Ima to smisla. Danas mi baš nedostaje ljeto, valjda zbog toga što pada kiša. Ljeti najviše volim nositi duge haljine, po mogućnosti pamučne. Što je vama najdraži odjevni predmet ljeti?

gypsy / ciganka

colourful maxi Gypsy  look...What do you need for it? I think that a voluminous maxi skirt (or dress) is a must. This colorful skirt I have had for ages and I love it to wear it. The photos were taken some time ago, but soon I'll show you photos of one amazing place. Ciganski izgled...Što je potrebno? Prvenstveno duga (i široka) suknja (ili haljina. Ovu šarenu suknju imam već godinama i još je volim nositi. Ove fotografije su slikane prije određenog vremena, ali uskoro ću sa vama podijelit slike jednog nevjerovatnog mjesta.  Yesterday I had done a lot of sight seeing and I'm tired but happy....I don't have the photographs yet but as soon as I have them, I'll post some. In the meantime I leave you with these photographs taken in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). It is always amazing how in this city (Mostar) one can feel as if being some magical  place , all you need is to come near to amazing Neretva river. Jučer sam puno toga razgledala, ...

street style (Italy)

pepita tights interesting coat tartan scarf tartan skirt

Shopping ban (today's outfit)/Zabrana kupovine( današnja odjevna kombinacija )

About a year ago I read an article in German Vogue  about girls who decided to give up shopping for a year. I'm not exactly fluent in German but I understood why they did and long story short I decided to do it too (at least for the spring). Limitation can make us more creative. I'll keep you posted:)Btw Thank you for your kind wishes, I still feel a bit under the weather but I can't stand being indoors any more. xoxo Prošle godine pročitala sam članak u njemačkom Vogeu o djevojkama koje su se odrekle kupovine na godinu dana. Nije mi baš njemački najača strana, ali uspijela sam razumijeti zašto su odlučile to i ukratko i ja si uvodim sličnu zabranu barem ovog proljeća. Nekad su ograničena izvor kreativnosti. Usput hvala na lijepim željama, još se osjećam pa ne baš najbolje, ali ne mogu više biti u kući. Pozdrav POST UPDATE: I STILL WEAR THIS LEATHER JACKET ALL THE TIME!  MOSTAR: A VINTAGE LEATHER JACKET

mirror, mirror on the wall....ogledalce, ogledalce...

Ciao cari, come state?  To tell you the truth, I haven't been feeling well these days. I caught a cold, had high fever and drank (perhaps) too much tea. It doesn't feel like the spring has come, it's still so cold. Lipi moji, šta ima? Iskreno da kažem ne osjećam se baš najbolje. Prehladila sam se, imala temperaturu i ovih dana popila (možda) previše čaja. Ne čini mi se da je proljeće, još je hladno. all black tucked in blazer this and that

Blog recommondations/ Preporuke blogova

Today as you can guess from the title, I want to recommend some blogs to you( and this time not only fashion blogs.) The photographs that I have "borrowed" for this post belong to the authors of the blogs listed here. Kao što možete vidjeti iz naslova, danas vam želim preporučiti neke blogove, a ovaj put to neće biti samo modni.  Fotografije koje sam posudila za ovaj post, vlasništvo su autora navedenih blogova. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides being an amazing cook, Ely is also a very talented writer! I just love her blog! Denisa is a very creative fashion blogger that often does DIY projects. Matea is a great fashion and photography blogger from Croatia. If you follow his blog you will sure see many amazing places (and outfits.) http://digolubovic.blogs...

a visit to the nature park Hutovo blato/ posjet parku prirode Hutovo blato

Nature park Hutovo blato (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a home to  hundreds of bird species. I'm really concerned for its future, because the government is doing nothing (or very little) to protect it. Balkan (unlike the rest of Europe)  is a place where nature is for most part  untouched any yet so little is being done to protect it. Park Prirode Hutovo blato (smješten u Bosni i Herzegovini blizu Čapljine) je dom stotina ptičjih vrsta. Zaista me brine njegova budućnost jer vlada (ili vlade) ne čini ništa da ga zaštiti. Čini mi se da su vlade na Balkanu lijene po pitanju zaštite prirode, što je ironično jer netaknute priroda je upravo ovdje najčešća ( za razliku od ostatka Europe), pa bi je baš zato trebalo zaštiti. Zar se nešto treba uništiti da bi se sačuvalo?  Hutovo blato Swamps are really important for preservation of nature and eco balance. a sunny day  in a nature park/sunčan dan u parku prirode  warm and co... "Four days of fashion"- part 1/ Četiri dana mode na prvi dio

Today I want to talk about fashion event that took place in Zagreb (Croatia) and that I haven't personally attended so all the photographs from the fashion shows will be taken from the site fashion. hr. The fashion shows lasted for four days and  gave 16 designers the chance to present their work. If you want to learn more about it visit the site, they organized the event and covered it in detail. In short here are my impressions: Evo danas nešto (ukratko ) o četiri dana mode u organizaciji portala fashion hr. (odakle sam preuzela i fotografije jer sama nisam bila tamo), koja su pružila priliku 16 modnih kreatora da pokažu svoj rad. U kratko evo mojih dojmova: Ivica Klarić Ivica Klarić ( the designer that ) had closed the fashion event this year. Having celebrating his ten years as a desgner this way,  (everyone seems to agree that) he was the icing on a cake.  Ovaj divni modni kreator je zatvorio modni događaj svojom kolekcijom i čini se da se svi sl...