
Showing posts from April, 2017

THE WORLD OF PENCIL (collaboration)/ SVIJET OLOVKE (suradnja)

This drawing is special because it was a collaboration between me and a two and a half year old baby girl. You  can see her drawing video  here . Her hand coordination is quite remarkable for her age. Most kids that age can't even hold a pencil properly.  I did most of the drawing obviously, but her contribution is pretty important.  If you look at that video carefully, you will see that she was actually trying to draw hair. She was drawing the hair in waves, meaning that she understood what the hair should look like. That just goes a way to prove you never know what kids are capable of if you don't give them the chance. I often let kids draw on my art. I think it's good to make them feel included in our daily activities. As you know if you follow this blog for a while, I have no kids of my own, but I often work with children.  Back to this drawing.  I used a cover from Avon catalog cover as a reference for this drawing but I changed it up a bit....

Mostar, the city of bridges / Mostar, grad mostova

The weather has been unpredictable lately. One day it is Summer, the next Autumn. Today I might be sporting short sleeves, tomorrow I might be wearing a winter coat. Layering is always a good idea, but when the weather is this crazy, it turns into a necessity. Truth be told, these images were taken about a month (maybe even two) ago, but I wore practically the same thing last night. It has been raining all day yesterday and while it is not  exactly cold outdoors, it isn't warm either. One doesn't feel too warm wearing a winter coat. Meaning: Spring is hiding itself. Not that I mind much. Most of the weather is pretty gorgeous here and I would be silly to complain of a few rainy days. Vrijeme je u zadnje vrijeme nepredvidljivo. Jednoga dana je ljeto, idućega jesen. Danas možda hodam u kratkim rukavima, sutra nosim zimski kaput. Slojevito odijevanje je uvijek dobra ideja , ali kada je vrijeme ovako ludo, onda je to nužnost. Istinu govoreći ove slike su uslikane prije mjese...

Inspired by (April recap) ...Nadahnuta s (presjek travnja)

      Hello! In this post I'm sharing my original fashion illustrations inspired by bloggers and their work!                                                              Inspired by...April edition                                                          Nadahnuta s../ Travanjsko izdanje                                                         POST UPDATE 2025 THIS POST WAS PUBLISHED IN 2017.....NOW IT'S 2025 AND I'M STILL PUBLISHING FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS AND ART REGULARLY ON MY BLOG FASHION ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY WATERCOLOUR: L...

Potraži me u predgrađu....Search for me in the suburbs....

This post is long overdo. Actually these photographs were taken as far back as last Spring. I know, they've been in the archives for a while now. All the reason more to finally share them here. The location where these photographs were taken is Rodoch. If you want to see more photographs from this place, you can check out this recent post of mine . Ova objava dosta kasni jer zapravo ove fotografije su uslikane prošloga proljeća. Znam, znam, već su dugo u arhivi. Razlog više da ih konačno podijelim. Lokacija za ove fotografije bio je Rodoč. Želite li vidjeti više fotografija iz ovoga mjesta, možete ih vidjeti u ovoj nedavnoj objavi . Ova dvorišta puna neba i ptica                         These yards filled with sky and birds uđu kao muzika stara                            like old music access a place nekad duboko u nas ...

Back in time (ethno village Herzegovina) / Put u prošlost..... (etno selo Hercegovina)

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time? Time travel is a very popular theme in science fiction. I can't tell you how many novels about time travel I have read so far. However, that is not what I wanted to talk about. Advancement of technology may very well allow us to physically travel back in time some day but there are other way to travel back in time. Our mind can take us anywhere, as long as we know how to use it. Yesterday I read one famous classic (my review  here ). While I was reading that outstanding classic, I felt like I was travelling back in time. Speaking of travelling back in time, some places might take us back in time. You know, every time I visit this little touristic village (still under construction) in Medugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina), I feel like I have indeed travelled back in time. I suppose that is might be one of the reasons why I keep coming back here.  Poželite li ikada da možete putovati u prošlost? Putovanje vremenom je ...