
Showing posts from November, 2016

Making of a painting (green eyes ) / Pravljenje slike (zelenooka)

First of all, thank you for your feedback about what femininity means to you, I really appreciate it.  My thoughts on this subject are very much like your own. I might write more about that some day, but for today I have actually prepared and planned something else. So, let's talk about my painting of the day. Some people asked me (a while back) to explain my drawing/painting process, so I decided to make a few videos. I already posted some of them on YouTube and I will probably make and post a few more. I don't think I'm really qualified to make art tutorials, so this is more a 'making of' for the benefit of those of you who are curious to see it. Painting is a subject I'm still learning about. If you want, we can study together, but it is not something I can teach yet. I'm qualified to teach and I actually studied to be a teacher but not an art teacher. I have my degree (and state certificate) in something else (I bet it isn't hard to guess what t...

My fashion illustration of the day (femininity) / Moja modna ilustracija dana (ženstvenost) 29.11.2016

What is femininity for you? For me it is more about how we wear clothes, than in the clothes themselves. Today's medium is coloured pencil on paper. Što je vas ženstvenost? Za mene ona je više u tome kako nosimo odjeću, nego u samoj odjeći. Današnji medij su bojice na papiru. COLOUR OF THE DAY: PURPLE, BLACK  AND BLUE ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA, PURPLE IS THE COLOUR OF FEMINITY, ESPECIALLY WHEN COMBINED WITH PINK Purple  is a  color  similar in appearance to  violet  light. In the  RYB color model  historically used in the arts, purple is a  secondary color  created by combining red and blue pigments. In the  CMYK color model  used in modern printing, purple is made by combining  magenta  pigment with either  cyan  pigment,  black  pigment, or both. In the  RGB color model  used in computer and television screens, purple is created by  mixing  red and blue light in ord...