
Showing posts from October, 2016

Fashion illustrations of the day /Modne ilustracije dana 31.12.2016

Hi, how are you this evening? I'm fine, the cold (or perhaps a virus of some sort) is still bugging me (that is why I started posting less), but I'm managing. I can't believe it's already the end of the month. Lately I've been thinking a lot about balance. I'm trying to find balance. It's a tricky thing- finding balance in life. Not as easy as it might seem. If you think you know too much, you blind yourself and you close the path leading to knowledge and realizations. If you think you don't know anything, it is easy to become depressed and let the desperation take over. After all, we all need  foundation to build on. In order to build something (even if that something is ourselves), we need to start somewhere and make some assumptions. We should be able to see the good that exists within us, not only the bad. As important as self-critique can be, we shouldn't be overly harsh with ourself. We all have to start from somewhere.  Tonight, I've ...

Time for reading..... The Golem's Eye by Jonathan Stroud (book recommendation and review)

Does this novel has a cool cover or what? It came really handy when I accidentely dropped the book in the sink while I was blow drying my hair.  Well, fortunately this 3D cover protected the book from being damaged by the water (a good thing since I borrowed this book from the library and would hate to give it back in bad state). Anyhow, a lesson learned there!  Take it from me, it is not possible to blow dry your hair and read at the same time. It simply isn't possible. We don't have 3 hands, so no we can't hold a brush, a hair dryer and a book at the same time. Unless we can do magic. This is what this book is all about. It is a fantasy novel, a sequel to The Amulet of Samarkard (published in 2003) that I actually mentioned about a year ago on this blog. It is my second novel by this British author but not the last one because I do plan to read all the sequels, and perhaps others works by Stroud as well. Jonathan Stroud seems to me my kind of writer. There are a lot of...

Painting of the day (A Lioness) / Slika dana (Lavica)

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was walk to the kitchen. Naturally, I was there to make coffee (can’t start a day without it) but while I was at it, I decided to also make a nice cup of warm chocolate. I figured that one can’t have too many warm drinks when the weather is misbehaving. Plus, I wanted something to drink right away, and because preparing coffee my style takes a while (wouldn’t be caught dead drinking instant coffee;)) I opted for warm chocolate first and it was nice but I have to remember to make my own instant coffee again, I’m sure that stuff they sell in shops are full of all kinds of unhealthy stuff. Speaking of health, I have had a cold for a week now, my throat is still sore and my vocal cords are in pitiful state.  I'm not a big fan of my voice right now, but most people seem to like it. Well, at least I’m unique this way. I can always tell people that I was out partying the previous night. Anyhow, while I was preparing my coffee/hot choco...

For the love of reading....Za ljubav prema čitanju....Sylvia Plath

Today I shall talk (or should I say write) about two things. Poetry and prose. Not poetry and prose in general, but the poetry and the prose of Sylvia Plath. It might come as a surprise (or even shock) to you, but I didn't care much for The Bell Jar , the only novel that Plath published. I will explain why in this post, as briefly as I can, (you can read my 4000 words long review here ). I do consider Sylvia Plath to be a great writer, I just have some issues with that one book. I can't help wondering whether her untimely death had something do to with the novel's success. I've been thinking about that issue for quite some time. Like many times before, I find myself wondering just where does art stop and an artist begings and vice versa. Can we seperate Sylvia Plath from her life? Should we forget about her tragic suicide? Should the power of her poetry be more important than the story of her life? Or should we study both? Perhaps we don't have to choose. Indeed,...