
Showing posts from October, 2014

Outfit of the day/ Današnje ruho

  (I have tied my DIY necklace where originally a bow was placed- just in case you've seen this necklace before and now you wonder how it ended up  attached on the dress) Do you ever get dress up just to make  yourself feel better? Today I did just that. I was feeling pretty down so I tried on this blue dress  that I've picked up from some store (price tag 5 euros)  while I was waiting for a friend to meet me- apart from that I don't remember when was a last time I bought a clothing item. Here is a fashion blogger that admits she doesn't like shopping! Let's call this outfit my version of a school girl uniform so I could have an excuse to join miss Papelicos  share in style ...theme of this one is Halloween ... I wanted to join in but as I don't really celebrate Halloween, this will have to be my compromise. Je li ponekad nešto obučete da bi si popravili raspoloženje? Danas sam upravo to napravila. Osjećala sam ...

Postcards from Dalmatia (island Hvar) / Razglednice iz Dalmacije (otok Hvar)

      All of these photographs were taken this summer. This is pretty much how my childhood looked like (in the summertime) . Southern bays of island Hvar. Not much has changed since then and for that I'm grateful. Sve sam ove fotografije uslikala ljetos. Ovo je zapravo prilično točan prikaz moga  djetinjstva (ljeti). Južne uvale otoka Hvare. Nije se puno izmjenilo i na tome sam zahvalna.

Autum tee (outfit post) / Jesenjska majica (odjevna kombinacija)

jacket: alpine pro, tee: won at giveaway, sunnies:DN, rest: no name Finally, I'm wearing the tee I won in Rena 's giveaway. I wore it many times, but the camera never happened to be around. What do you guys think? Isn't it fabulous? Who says you can't wear a summer tee when it gets cold? The key is always in layering. Konačno nosim majicu koju sam osvojila u Reninom darivanju. Nosila sam je puno puta, ali kamera nikada nije bila tu. Što vi mislite? Zar nije divna? Tko kaže da ne možete nositi ljetnu majicu kada je hladno? Ključ je kao i uvijek u slojevitom odijevanju.

my home / moj dom


Outfit of the day/ Današnje ruho

Ruho. Da, ruho. Da me bar Nives Opančić vidi;) Šalu na stranu doista jesam pročitala većinu njenih knjiga i jako je cijenim. Dosta je vremena prošlo otkada sam stigla objaviti objavu u kojoj se vidi , da još jednom prihvatim njen prijedlog, današnje ruho.  Zahladnjelo je naglo i sasvim dovoljno da skijaška jakna ne bude viška. No, tu su boje i uzorci, pa čak i osmijeh. Sanjate li još? Nekad su nam snovi potrebni kao zrak koji udišemo, da nas drže na životu i da nas pokreću. Ponekad pak nisu nam uopće potrebni jer živimo u tom prostoru između udaha i izdaha. U sadašnjosti...i to je također u redu. Postoji vrijeme za sve... Do you still dream? Sometimes we need dreams in a way we need air. To sustain us and to keep us  going. However, sometimes we don't need them at all. Because we exist in that space between one breath and another. In the present....and that's all right too. There is time for everything.... It's been a while since ...