
Showing posts from February, 2013

Fashion illustration Friday

Fashion illustration Friday has a nice ring to it, don't you think? As you can see, I still dream of colourful winter, at least as clothes and accessories are concerned. As for weather, I don't mind the white Christmas (yet I rarely dream of white Christmas to be honest) or the snowy winter, but I'm not sad that we haven't had any snow this year...and really happy about the sunny days and arrival of the spring. Kao što vidite, još sanjam šarenu zimu, barem što se odjeće i modnih dodataka tiče. Što se vremena time, nemam ništa protiv bijelog Božića ili snijega, ali nisam tužna što nismo imali snijega ove godine...i jako sam sretna zbog sunčanih dana i dolaska proljeća.                                                                                DIY Ring   ...

outfit post: tartan pants- odjevna kombinacija- karirane hlače

I'm not Scottish, but wearing tartan makes me feel like a  brave heart. ( reference to the movie intended)  Why? I guess because wearing tartan can be a challenge especially if you want to dress it up. Tartan will definitely not make you look slimmer  but in may make you look fabulous if you give it a chance. If not, you can always chose this pattern for accessories. You might have noticed that I have a special place in my heart for tartan. What to say about the rest of the outfit? 3 words that make me happy: leather, turtleneck and tartan. *tar·tan  1     (tär tn) n. 1. a.  Any of numerous textile patterns consisting of stripes of varying widths and colors crossed at right angles against a solid background, each forming a distinctive design worn by the members of a Scottish clan. b.  A twilled wool fabric or garment having such a pattern. 2.  A plaid fabric. [Middle English  tartane ...

Diploma (odjevna kombinacija) ---M.A (outfit post)

 My outfit today is really colourful. I didn't used to be so comfortable with mixing colours but I guess that my taste has changed. Wearing different materials and patterns is what I go for lately. As of today I hold a master's degree in: - Crotian language and literature - English language and literature It is not that I'm bragging. Education is after all a matter of privilege. Everyone who wants to study and can afford it can have a degree of his choice. If  I hadn't had  financial support I would have never had the chance to study and hence graduate so it is not like it is only my personal achievement. Still, I'm very happy today and I want to share it with you. HUMANISM AND ACTIVE VIRTUE , QUOTED FROM  BRITANNICA Humanism , system of education and mode of  inquiry  that originated in northern Italy during the 13th and 14th centuries and later spread through continental Europe and England...

New in: ski jacket...Današnja sportska odjevna kombinacija

Spring is almost here and I bought a ski-jacket. What?! In my defense  I really like how it looks. Besides, sunny as it has been these past two days it is still cold and I have a violent cough...and I can't resist tartan (as you might have noticed). I love patterns but for tartan I just go crazy. There hasn't been any snow in either Mostar or Split ( I live in both of these cities as you might have noticed) this year and probably there won't be any. However, ski jackets are great because they're really warm and water resistant (being made for snow).  I like being warm so it is really a match made in heaven. In addition, I love mixing styles so matching this sporty jacket with something more girly will be a welcomed challenge. Kupila sam jaknu za snijeg. Da, tamo gdje se kupuju sportska i snježna oprema, iako nemam nikakvu namjeru ići na skijanje ili igdje blizu snijega. Znam da je proljeće skoro tu, ali meni je još hladno, pa bilo sunčano svaki dan. Što m...

funny video/ smiješni video

I have made this video a year or so ago to make fun of the journalist who always make a such a drama out of everything to the point you have a feeling they're only happy when something bad happens. Here I'm trying to talk in the manner of tv reporters but I just end up laughing. O vaj video je nekakva zafrkancija na temu novinara koji uvijek dramatiziraju. To ide do toga da se čini da su najsretniji kad se dogodi neka katastrofa. Sjećam se nekog reportera koji je obukao čizme i ušao u pet centimetara vode negdje u Slavoniji. Uglavnom tu sam ja pokušavala pričati o poplavi Neretve, ali sam se nasmijala naravno pa nije baš uspio pokušaj.

Denim and leather says.... Sunčan dan uz Neretvu

I woke up in Mostar today and the day was so sunny I had to go for a walk and take photos of Neretva (the river in the background). So I finally have  found my perfect denim shirt...In my closet, the left over from my bro's adolescent years before he grow up to be NBA player kind of tall. What does the combination of denim and leather says to you? To me one thing: rock! Rock in the sense of that positive chaotic energy and carelessness I associate with this kind of music. Probudih se danas u Mostaru, a dan sunčan i krasan da ne može biti krasniji i naravno morala sam slikati Neretvu. Konačno sam pronašla košulju od jeansa, u svom ormaru, ostatak od vremena kad mi brat nije bio visok skoro dva metra pa je mogu preuzeti bez problema. Što vama kaže kombinacija jeansa i kože? Meni jednu star: Rock! U smislu te pozitivne kaotične energije i bezbrižnosti koju povezujem sa tom vrstom glazbe.

The Left hand of Darkness...Lijeva ruka tame...

It seems that lately I take outfit photos after dark. The thing is that I take them when (and where) I have the chance which mostly means a willing photographer and somewhat suitable location (in this case my sister in law and the parking of the mal a few hours ago). Now about the title... The Left Hand of Darkness is a 1969 novel by Ursula K. Le Guin that I have managed to finish today and that I would like to recommend. I'm immensely impressed both by the writer's writing skill not to say anything about the complexity with which she creates her fictional universe. Tolkien, you have found your match! “Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light. Two are one, life and death, lying together like lovers in kemmer, like hands joined together, like the end and the way.”   Ursula K. Le Guin,  The Left Hand of Darkness About the outfit: I'm wearing the same tights that I did last night just this time with a shorter skirt. The jacket y...