
Showing posts from February, 2013

Fashion illustration Friday

Fashion illustration Friday has a nice ring to it, don't you think? As you can see, I still dream of colourful winter, at least as clothes and accessories are concerned. As for weather, I don't mind the white Christmas (yet I rarely dream of white Christmas to be honest) or the snowy winter, but I'm not sad that we haven't had any snow this year...and really happy about the sunny days and arrival of the spring. Kao što vidite, još sanjam šarenu zimu, barem što se odjeće i modnih dodataka tiče. Što se vremena time, nemam ništa protiv bijelog Božića ili snijega, ali nisam tužna što nismo imali snijega ove godine...i jako sam sretna zbog sunčanih dana i dolaska proljeća.                                                                                DIY Ring   ...

Outfit Post: Tartan pants- Odjevna kombinacija : karirane hlače

Hello dear readers! In this post, I'll share an outfit that features a pair of tartan print trousers (or pants). This outfit is absolutely sustainable, as all clothing items in it are either vintage, second hand or handmade. Tartan and plaid are prints that have a special place in my heart.   I'm not Scottish, but wearing tartan makes me feel like a  brave heart ( reference to the movie intended). Why? I guess because wearing tartan can be a challenge especially if you want to dress it up. Tartan will definitely not make you look slimmer  but in may make you look fabulous if you give it a chance. If not, you can always chose this pattern for accessories.  You might have noticed that I have a special place in my heart for tartan. What to say about the rest of the outfit? 3 words that make me happy: leather, turtleneck and tartan. Well, this long coat is a faux leather piece and so is the belt. Turtleneck are my stemple piece and this one ...