
Showing posts from 2012

my cam and me wish you all the best in 2013!

Are you excited about the New Year?  You know what is following right? I wish you all the best in 2013, as much happiness as joy as you can handle and more. Be blessed with all the right things! Today I'd like to show you a couple  things, first of which is the camera I'm using. What are you plans for this evening? I'be home, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get dressed up. 1. cam (nikon coolpix p80) Is there such thing as an addiction to camera? If there is I may have it. I'm sure taking a lot of photographs for someone who only does it as a hobby. If you interested in my photography, you can see some of my works here: 2. outfit(s) post This is what I wore the other day. I really like this dark pink skirt and I'm really enjoying wearing the shoes I got for Christmas (they came with heat warmers and now I wear that with everything) and now another outfit

Etno selo i mrvica filozofije

Ja sam jako nova u  bloganju ili kako se već kaže, blogam tek mjesec, dva, ali moram reći kako su mi zasada iskustva posve dobra,  mislim kako čak postajem blago ovisna o praćenju i čitanju svih tih zanimljivih blogova o modi. Uživam u čitanju komentara i komentiranju. Drago mi je vidjeti koliko kreativnih ljudi ima i premda nemam ništa protiv modne industrije kao takve ovaj svijet modnih blogera nekako mi je više zanimljiv zato što mi se čini više osoban no o tome nekom drugom prilikom. Mislim kako je vrijeme za jedan post samo na hrvatskom, što vi mislite? Ja volim sve slavenske jezike pa ni moj vlastiti nije izuzetak. Jezici su mi velika ljubav. Slijedi nekoliko fotografija, ukoliko nekoga zanima vrsta fotoaparata koji koristim spremam se objaviti post o tome.  Mjesto radnje je etno selo u Herzegovini blizu Međugorja, predivno nešto. Vrijeme radnje je prošla godina, ali ubijte me ako znam koji je mjesec bio, recimo samo da sam poprilično sigurna kako je ljeto u pitanju jer nosi


Now, you know that you can buy special fabrics for glass but this is a low cost alternative. Besides, ladies I know you have a nail polish you don't use somewhere in your cosmetic bag. Why not use it on this even if you do use all the nail polishes you have?I finished this vase yesterday after doing my nails(previous post).    Naravno postoje posebne boje za staklo, ali ovako s lakom za nokte je jeftinije  Hajde moje dame znam da imate negdje lak za nokte koji ne koristite, a ako ga i koristite zašto ga ne koristiti i za ovo. Jučer nakon što sam nalakirala nokte ukrasila sam i ovu vazu. Ugodan dan svima vam želim. Yours truly wants a lovely day to all of you!


I'll be frank, I'm not a beauty expert. Howeever, ocassionaly I do get some ideas for make-up and nails, so why not share them with you? I think that blue and gold go well together. I did something similar with red and gold nailpolish in one of my posts. If you're looking for a festive nail idea, why not try this one? I still have gold fever as you can see:) xoxo

Badnjak u Splitu/ Christmas Eve in Split/La vigilia di Natale a Spalato

Today it's raining cats and dogs in Mostar. I just got back home from the library and I'm soaking wet not to mention that I managed to slip down  and almost injured myself (I'm not so crazy about the rain right now). Anyway  I'm in Mostar again (the photos I took for the last post were taken here). However, the photographs  I want to show you were taken in Split on Christmas Eve. It was one of the most beautiful days ever, sunny and warm. I decided to have some fun so I mixed different colours and patterns together.  On top of it all I wore a dark (sort of grunge ) corduroy  coat I haven't worn since High school. (not that  I needed the coat during the day.)  Danas kiša pada kao iz kabla u Mostaru. Vratila sam se i knjižnice skoro pokisla do kože. Usput sam se uspjela i poskliznuti i skoro se razbiti tako da nisam baš luda za kišom u ovom trenutku. Kao što rekoh, u Mostaru sam opet i one fotografije iz jučera

Današnje ruho/today's outfit (MOSTAR)

Hello readers and fellow bloggers.  I'm wearing shoes I got from my husband for Christmas. I have to say they just might be the most comfortable shoes ever. I like mid skirts, so this velvet one really works for me.  Lipi moji, kako ste? Danas evo nosim božični poklon, cipele koje sam dobila od muža i moram reći kako su to najudobnije cipele ikad. Ova suknja je jako topla, inače obožavam pliš, a i ova dužina mi odgovara. POST UPDATE 2024 DO YOU WANT TO SEE MORE OF MOSTAR? PRADO MUSEUM OPEN AIR EXHIBITION ON STREETS OF MOSTAR HISTORICAL VILLA IN MOSTAR  SUMMER 2024 IN MOSTAR SCARVES (SUMMER STYLING)     FIND MORE PHOTOS FROM MOSTAR AND MORE POSTS ABOUT MOSTAR OUTFIT POST, MOSTAR APRIL 2024 ONE OF MY  LAST POST FROM MOSTAR HERE ZRINJEVAC PARK IN WINTER  PHOTOS OF NERETVA RIVER  & SPORTY STYLING 2023 OUTFIT POST FEATURING  A LEATHER JACKET IN MOSTAR CITY SPANISH SQUARE IN MOSTAR CITY WHAT HAVE I BEEN WEARING IN MOSTAR?  ŠANTIĆEVA THE MOST PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY STREET IN MOSTAR  20