Nature park Hutovo blato (part 1) / Park prirode Hutovo blato (prvi dio)

In my last two posts, I talked about some current issues with the textile/fashion industry.  In one of my posts, I mentioned how many feel that a good way to support ethical fashion is to make your own stuff (clothes/jewelry etc). Why, I rather like that idea! So, I present to you this DIY necklace. I made it almost ten years ago but it still looks brand new. The majority of material I used is recycled stuff (such as the plastic flower for example) and I think this is a good example how something doesn't have the be expensive to look good (the other materials I used include fimo, wood beads and wire). 

U svoje zadnje dvije objave, pričala sam o nekim trenutačnim problemima u tekstilnoj i modnoj industriji. U jednoj od objava, spomenula sam kako puno ljudi smatra da je dobar način za poduprijeti etičnu modu pravljenje vlastitih odjevnih komada, nakita i sl. Naravno da se meni ta ideja sviđa. Predstavljam vam ovu ogrlicu koju sam sama napravila prije deset godina, a još uvijek izgleda kao nova.  Većina materijala koju sam koristila je reciklirana (kao naprimijer plastični cvijet) i mislim da je to dobar primjer kako nešto ne mora biti skupo da bi izgledalo dobro ( drugi materijali koje sam koristila uključuju fimo, drvene perlice i žicu)

There is another DIY  in this look and that would be these lovely heels that I hand painted myself. My shoes often have a short life span because I'm a terrible driver which basically means I have to walk everywhere but I've found ways to recycle my shoes (one of them is fixing them with paint). As far as that important 'Who made my clothes?' question goes, I'm not able to answer that (with certainty) when it comes to the skirt and the heels but I can vouch that the tee I'm wearing is an ethical product. The t-shirt I'm wearing is from Galeb, they are a leading Croatian underwear brand but they also make tees, shirts and dresses. I often buy their products because the stitching is really good and that's one thing I'm really particular about. They are a fair trade brand and if you want to know more about what that means read this (basically a list of safety and eco certificates Galeb posses). 

Postoji još nešto što sam sama doradila (kad već nisam mogla napraviti u cijelosti), a to bi bile ove divne cipelice na petu koje sam sama oslikala. Moje cipele obično ne traju dugo jer sam grozan vozač pa svugdje idem pješice, ali pronašla sam načine kako da ih recikliram ( npr. tako da ih sama oslikam).  Što se tiče pitanja "Tko je izradio moju odjeću?" koje je ovih dana aktulano, ne mogu odgovoriti s sigurnošću što se tiče cipela i suknje, ali majica iz Galeba je zasigurno etični proizvod jer oni ne samo da šivaju proizvode u Hrvatskoj, već ovdje i proizvode materijale, a brojni certifikati koji imaju dokazuju njihovu ekološku ispravnost. Ja često kupujem Galebove proizvode jer su im šavovi kvalitetni ( po tom pitanju sam malo izbirljiva, stvarno me živcira loše zašivena odjeća). 

Finally, let's talk about location. This nature park in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been featured on this blog a number of times and hopefully this will not be my last visit. If you remember, I even got you all to sign a petition for it once!  Anyhow, this beautiful nature park is an important place and I would just like to stress that it is quite known for its bird life (any bird lovers among you?). If you have more questions about this park, I'm always happy to answer. Look how happy I am on these photographs! That's the best proof that this lovely nature park is the place to visit for sure. I decided to end the post on a bit of a feminist note, you will figure out for sure what the last photographs is inspired by/ alluding to.

Konačno, pričajmo malo o mjestu snimanja. Ovaj park prirode u BIH je već puno puta bio na ovog blogu i nadam se da mi ovo nije zadnji posjet. Ako se dobro sjećate, čak sam vas navela da jednom za njega i potpišete peticiju! Uglavnom, ovaj park prirode je veoma važno mjesto. Dosta je poznat po pticama koje tu obitavaju. Imate li kakvih pitanja, spremna sam da na njih odgovorim. Pogledajte samo kako sam sretna na ovim fotografijama! To je najbolji dokaz da je to stvarno mjesto koje vrijedi vidjeti. Odlučila sam završiti ovu objavu pomalo feministički, shvatit ćete na što zadnja fotografija aludira i čime je nadahnuta.

source: wiki
We can do it!


  1. Amazing!!! You are in great form! Love the stripe shirt!

  2. Vidim da vežbaš ;) I meni cipele ne mogu dugo da izdrže, osim ako ih ne nosim puno- uvek imam jedne ili dvoje koje nonstop nosim pa te najviše pate, a ostale stoje u ormaru. Super je videti veselu osobu, od sve odjeće, osmeh je najlepši detajl outfita :) xx Maja

    1. da i kod mene je nekako tako, uvijek mi je jedan par najdraži pa ih nosim dok ih ne iznosim, ostale rotiratim, ali trudim se barem pokoje sačuvati da imam neke koje nisu ofucane kada je neka prigoda ili kad se želim srediti.

  3. Great looj
    love the skirt

    New post :

  4. Looks like you had a great time. xa

    1. Yes, I had a wonderful time. Thank you sweet Denise.

  5. You are in a great form, indeed. Do you go in for sports? Are you a sport fan? I rarely do sports, I don't really like this, unfortunately. But I even envious of people who has both desire and strengths to engage in sports.
    I also like the way you look, the outfit turned out original and pretty. I would love to see this handmade necklace a bit more closer:) Ten years have passed but it still looks good and fancy:)
    Have a nice day, dear Ivana!

    1. I like sports, but how much I engage in them generally depends on my health and the amount of free time I have, so sometimes I do work out a lot and really push myself towards some goal I set ... but if I can't find time or the energy to work out, I don't worry about it. I don't think is necessary to work out a lot to be healthy, sometimes we can do more hard than good to ourselves when we push ourselves too hard. I try to do at least a few back exercises every day, so that I avoid back problems...that's useful for everyone because we all spend too much time sitting down (because of work) nowadays.

    2. I quite agree with you, it's not necessary to work out much to be healthy. Huge muscles and six-pack abs still doesn't mean to be healthy, which is much more important than being muscle-bound:)
      Good luck with all your stuff, take care!

  6. interesting photos :)

  7. Sei stata bravissima sia per la collana che per le scarpe, sono molto carine! Bel look, location e foto!:) Conosco quella campagna, brava tu a sostenerla!

  8. Opa kakva mačka! Kakvi mišići! :)) Odlične slike, baš si mi simpa. Jako lijepo izgleda tamo, voljela bih ga jednom posjetiti. To je negdje u Hercegovini? Možda ovo ljeto na putu prema moru, tko zna.. I ja sam svuda pješaka. Sad si me podsjetila kako smo prijateljice i ja lakirale cipele auto-lakom u garaži svaki vikend, kako nam je pasalo za outfit za tu večer :D

    1. lakiranje cipela auto-lakom....genijalno!!!!

      sad sam vidjela da na onom znaku iza mene piše da je 11 km od Metkovića, dakle dosta blizu...ako budeš dolazila u većem društvu, odlična je vožnja brodom u brodu, a kad se podijeli na više ljudi nije neki trošak tako da to preporučujem probati.

  9. I love yout pumps! And last pic is so funny :D :D

  10. Hehehe, love the last pic Ivana and I love the red and stripe influences in your outfit <3 Beautiful!

    Serene xoxo

  11. imaš super liniju!
    poznate su mi prugaste Galebove majice :)
    park prirode mi se sviđa, priroda je super :)

    1. hvala, draga:) da, prugaste Galebove su mi najdraže.

  12. Ciao Ivana, sei una sorpresa continua. Quei muscoli? Complimenti! Non mi ricordo della petizione, ma quel parco è senz'altro un paradiso naturale da preservare. Con questo outfit ci dimostri come sia possibile essere fashion utilizzando abbigliamento realizzato eticamente. Quanto ai DIY, tu sei un'artista e indubbiamente saresti in grado di realizzare i tuoi stessi abiti. Quanto all'industria dell'abbigliamento, l'argomento è vasto e complesso. Per esempio, chi ha tessuto la stoffa di cui è composto un indumento realizzato da un'azienda eticamente corretta? Si può veramente controllare tutto? Temo di non avere abbastanza cultura sull'argomento, per questo mi sembra tanto complesso! Un bacione Ivana!

    1. sono d'accordo... è un temo tanto complesso!

  13. I love these photos, you look beautiful, toned and full of the joys of life.
    I'm delighted that park was saved, too many open spaces are getting carved up and sold to developers.
    The necklace you made is lovely. How clever and ingenius. xxx

    1. thank you so much:) Yes, the park is least temporary...I hope it will always remain this lovely.

  14. Ivana, you have amazing muscles! You also looked like you were having SUCH fun in the photo shoot here- was some swing dancing going on? There's definitely a lovely vintage sailor feel to these outfits and the red necklace (which is super, and you made it yourself???) is reminiscent of a red scarf which sailors might often wear round their neck! Very pretty xx

    1. Yes, there was some swing going on... I tend to swing when I'm happy...I don't know why:)!!!

      Thank you...yes, I made the necklace...and I always loved that sailor look (blue striped shirt and red scarf) I guess this is my feminine interpretation of it.

    2. Hi Ivana! This was me but I was accidently logged onto my school blog address! OOops! Big secret, ha ha!

  15. What a wonderful photoshoot! You look like you're having a blast, the backdrop is seriously stunning, and your outfit is great :)

    I totally get what you mean about ethical fashion and using proper textiles/materials. I've been getting really involved with this realm of fashion since starting my internship, we've been repping some really cool brands that are all about organic materials and ethical production. Really cool you're into that sort of thing too!


    1. that's so great to hear! Organic materials are increasing in popularity lately...thank you for your visit.

  16. Amazing biceps ;-) I'm also planning a couple of DIYs, and I got a sewing machine as a gift so I got to learn how to sew...scary!

  17. Your DIY necklaces are always so cool. You look like you're having so much fun in these photos in that cute outfit as well. I used to make my own necklaces but it has been awhile. It was mostly beaded ones and I would sell them as well. This park is a really pretty backdrop. I don't think I would mind seeing it again and again :)

    I love that you and your husband also have a lot of nicknames for each other. My husband and I almost never call each other by our real names either. It's sometimes hard to remember to do so even when we are in public haha. I also have to be conscious to use his name when I'm talking about him to other people. We also have nicknames for some of our family and friends and also different types of nicknames for people we don't like. We're so bad ;p

    Hope the new week is off to an amazing start for you my dear!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. the two of us have nicknames for people we don't like too! I think I have made up a nickname for just about any Croatian politician and some of them have spread on- either that or other people thought of the nicknames independently from myself!

  18. Oh watch out there muscles :) So glad to read about your efforts in ethical fashion and to keep your pretty part alive. These are my favorite outfit shots of yours ever! Your hair looks so great like that, you look amazing in the top, wonderful closer looks at the tights and shot 11 is incredible!! Enjoyed it so so much dear :) You are so lovely and such a beautiful exciting figure!! Wow!!! Thanks for sharing these and also a big thanks for your sweet comment!! Love these shots so much!!! xoxo

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  19. This outfit of yours is so nice especially the shoes <333

    Have a great day!


  20. You look amazing doll, love this look and ethical fashion and shopping is very important. Stunning stunning photos :))) I hope you have a marvellous new week :) xx

  21. Adorei!! Novo post no blog! Se gostares segue <3

  22. Ono što ja volim kod tebe (osim ideja, slika, tvoje kreativnosti itd.) je to što imam šta i da pročitam, i to na različitu temu (što je retko za videti). Uz to, stojiš i iza svake reči. Ja sad ne bih znala da ti kažem da li me je oduševila više tvoja kreativnost, kombinacija, mesto, ti i način na koji zračiš na ovim slikama. I bravo za poslednju sliku i svaka čast na liniji! ;)

    1. a komplimenata, da nisam tako crna sada bi se sigurno zacrvenjela:)
      hvala ti puno!

  23. Wow bome si fit, svaka čast! Morati ću i ja malo poraditi na sportskim aktivnostima, da mi nema Fride, ne bi se micala sa stolice / kauča / kreveta...grozna sam :) Super izgledaš, prugice ti super stoje, a ogrlica se savršeno uklopila u čitavu kombinaciju :D

    1. slaba sam bila ovaj mjesec s sportskim aktivnosti, sve nekako odgađam, ali dođi će valjda i to vježbanje na red. Frida je znači i višestruko korisna, ne samo preslatka i dobro društvo:)...Ja razmišljam o nabavci psa, ali teško mi se odlučiti, pogotovo što izgleda da ću se morati seliti kroz par mjeseci.

  24. Beautiful necklace and skirt, you look gorgeous! Women can do everything, 'cause what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :) xo

  25. This look is definitely one of my favorites of many of yours. The fitting of your top and skirt with your hair tied up shows your inner and physical beauty. Love your dance moves too :). Very cute post and adorable necklace. You are beautiful Ivana.

    1. thank you Busola, you're very sweet:) A lot of people have been telling me that this type of hairdo suits me, while in fact I usually wear it to hide bad hair days:)

  26. Ivana, you're looking super fit! I love how you take care of yourself and your toned arms definitely showed that. I think this is the first time I saw you in short sleeves without a coat and I must say you look fantastic!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. It felt good to finally be in short sleeves.

  27. Such a fun outfit and photoshoot. I really like this skirt and those heels! You look amazing x


  28. Srepitose queste foto Ivana! Complimenti sia x la collana che x le scarpe!!! Brava a sostenere questa campagna!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  29. Wow, dear Ivana, you are really well in shape! And the pictures you show here hangs in our laundry room and it motivates me each time I have a look on it :) I agree that it makes sense to wear those kind of clothes you describe and I think you are really examplary in this context! I love your necklace and can't believe it is already ten years and the idea to paint the shoes is also a good one. The park where you took the pictures must be a wonderful place and I understand that you want to visit it more often. Hope you had a lovely weekend and I wrote you an email :)
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
    International Giveaway: Zatchels Bag as Thank-You for the Supporter of my Hobby

    1. so cool we have the same motivator!
      thank you for your comment and for your email as well.

  30. Fai benissimo a supportare questo parco! Belle foto e bella collana.

    How to wear CULOTTES-SPRINGY mood
    lb-lc fashion blog| Bloglovin'

  31. You are filled with energy, nature do that, the love for it, I love birds too. Great look, have something french, something spanish, thank you for sharing these photos, made me smile. xoxo

  32. Love how you had fun with the shoot. You look wonderful and so pretty. :)

  33. Qué fotos más chulas, me encantan!!!!!

  34. Yay for recycling/upcycling/making oneself/sustainable and ethical designers and brands. And yay for great locations too. Loved this post.

  35. One of my favorite Outfits so far! You look super beautiful :)


  36. Such lovely pictures!!!! You look so happy!

  37. Such a beautiful place and pictures! I adore your necklace and your shoes are gorgeous. You look fantastic and you are in great form!


  38. Ma predivna si mi ovdje! Sve mi se sviđa (ogrlica i cipelice su vrh) a pogotovo tvoje raspoloženje... volim kada se smiješ... uvijek imaš tako iskren i lijep osmijeh! pusa

  39. Hey Ivana, you look like a Korean pop star doing some K-dancing! Love your energy, dear! xoxo

  40. Amazing Pictures!

  41. You look positively radiant! I can literally see you dance in front of my inner eye and hear you laugh. Ethical clothing suits you well my dear :) When I was a little girl my mum used to make so much jewellery with fimo and knit clothes for me...I wish I had inhereted her creative gene.

    Jasmin xx

  42. Divno mesto za posetiti vidim da ti je bilo zabavno!
    A sto se tice garderobe i obuce pa vec i sama znas da smo po tom pitanju slicne obe volimo da dodamo svoj licni pecat komadima zar ne!!! ;)

  43. Great Styles & hair/ bag are awesome....
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  44. Love your fun photos! :) Your necklace is very pretty too, you are very talented and creative! Yes you can indeed! :)

    Away From The Blue

  45. Aww. You look so cute and simple! I like your photos. ♥︎ The park looks so nice too. I've been jogging again these past few weeks to keep myself healthy (and happy, because it's a part of the things suggested to me so I won't be depressed) and seeing the scenery makes me want to jog there! :) I hope I'll be able to find a place like this where I can jog peacefully. xx

    Roxanne ♥ | Awkward Turtle

  46. Kako je ovo lepo - slike su predivne! :)

  47. Love your beautiful and fun pictures Ivana. You are as pretty as always!

  48. One of my favourite posts of yours :) You look really beautiful in the second picture!

  49. Very pretty and elegant. Your photos are gorgeous <3

  50. I am very impressed with those arm muscles! So sad to have lost mine :( boo hoo. You look so light hearted and like a dancing forest fairy but then we see the muscles and know we had better not mess with you! xoxo

  51. a like this pics a lot - so funny and a can see you dancing, so cute...;-)

    lovely simple outfit.


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