Watercolour painting of the day (soul communication) / Akvarel dana (komunikacija duša)
Do you remember how only a few days ago (here) I said how I finally realized where I'm going with my paintings or rather what I'm trying to do? I realized that I'm attempting to make paintings that will look back at me. I'm not against selfies and modern photography trends as such, but I do miss the old kind of paintings and representations of women. When you had a feeling that an artist was trying to look into their souls. When there was more intimacy. When it was less about getting the perfect pose. When we looked each other in the eye. When we didn't turn ourselves and others into objects. Not that there aren't plenty of amazing photographers and artists nowadays. Don't get we wrong. I'm sure there are and I come across them often enough. What worries me are not the selfies or our desire to strike a pose. There is nothing wrong with that, with playing with the camera or figuring out our good angles. That is all fine unless it becomes an obsession. However, we shouldn't limit our communication to that. That kind of posing and selfie taking should be a fun activity rather than a way of communicating with others. We can't really communicate deeply by trying to look our prettiest. Selfies are fine, but they are for most part very light- they seldom convey a deeper message. We need to be always aware that we were meant for more. We need to remember that we also need communication. There is a place in our lives for both the light and the more profound kind of communication - and there should be. We need, at least sometimes, to feel that deep connection between souls. To do that, we have to get vulnerable. We need to let someone in. Well, nobody said it was easy.
Sjećate se kako sam prije par dana (ovdje) rekla kako sam konačno shvatila kuda idem sa svojim slikama ili točnije što pokušavam postići? Shvatila sam da želim praviti slike koje će gledati u mene. Nisam protiv selfija ili modernih trendova fotografije kao takvih, ali nedostaju mi te stare slike i način predstavljanja žena. Kada si imao osjećaj da je umjetnik pokušao pogledati u njihovu dušu. Kada je bilo više intimnosti. Kada je manje naglasak bio na savršenoj pozi. Kada smo gledali jedno drugo u oči. Kada nismo pretvarali sebe i druge u objekte. Ne kažem da danas nema puno nevjerojatnih fotografa i umjetnika. Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, sigurna sam da ih ima i često naiđem na njih. Što me brine nisu selfiji ili želja da poziramo. Nema u tome ništa loše, u igri sa kamerom i pronalaženu kutova koji nam laskaju. To je u redu osim ako ne postane opsesija. No, ne bismo trebali ograničiti našu komunikaciju na to. Takva vrsta aktivnosti i poziranja samom sebi bi trebala biti zabavna aktivnost, a ne naš način komunikacije s drugima. Ne možemo postići neki dublji kontakt tako što ćemo pokušavati izgledati što bolje. Selfiji su u redu, ali oni u većini slučajeva nisu posebno duboki- ne prenose neku dublju poruku. Trebamo se uvijek sjetiti da nam je namjenjeno više. Trebamo se sjetiti da nam je potrebna komunikacija. Postoji mjesto u našem životu i za laganu i za duboku komunikaciju. Trebamo, barem ponekad, osjetiti tu dublju povezanost dušu. Da bismo to mogli, trebamo biti ranjivi. Trebamo pustiti nekoga u naš život. Nitko nije rekao da je lako.
When I look at the old classical portrayals of women, I'm always amazed by the strength they radiate. So, many times I've caught myself thinking- those artists must have had really loved those women! Not as objects, not necessarily in a romantic way, but loved and respected them as human beings. I wrote about all this once already (here). I don't think that the times we live in are very different from those times, I don't think they are the worst ones, but I don't think they are the best either. I believe there was always beauty in the world, because every time period has at least one exceptionally beautiful soul. But to be able to know them, we need to look in their eyes. Their eyes, not our phones. Their eyes. Eyes are the windows of the soul. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need more soul communication. So, here is my watercolour painting of the day. Trying to make that eye contact.
Kada gledam stare klasične portrete žene, uvijek me oduševljava snaga kojom zrače. Toliko puta sam se uhvatila da razmišljam- ti umjetnici su sigurno morali doista voljeti te žene! Ne kao objekte, ne nužno na romantičan način, nego ih voljeli i poštovali kao ljudska duša. Pisala sam već jednom o tome (ovdje). Ne mislim da su vremena u kojima živimo puno drugačija od prijašnjih, ne mislim da su moderna vremena najgora, ali ne mislim ni da su najbolja. Vjerzjem da je uvijek bilo ljepote u svijetu, jer svaki vremenski period ima barem jednu izvaredno lijepu dušu. Ali da bismo ih mogli poznati, moramo ih pogledati u oči. U njihove oči, a ne u naše mobitele. U njihove oči. Oči su ogledalo duše. Pretpostavljam da pokušavam reći da nam treba više komunikacije između duša. Tako da evo moga akvarela dana. Pokušavam uspostaviti taj kontakt očima.
These are beautiful!! I love the added texture, very beautiful!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend doll x
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful:) I love your illustrations:*
ReplyDeletebeautiful painting:)
thank you
DeleteHi Ivana! I totally agree with your point of view about selfie pictures. Everybody knows that everything has evolved so fast, but in my opinion communication skills are getting regress. You're right that lovely pictures are fine, but they're not the most important thing - nowadays a lot of young people stare at theirs smartphones instead of visit and talk with friends. And to look in theirs eyes, not smartphones, just like you have noticed. What about your painting, I really like it - that girl looks like from fairly tale, but she looks quite sad, I think that it is result of your thought about poor communication.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely Friday, Ivana :)
thank you darling:)
DeleteCiao mia dolce Ivana,
ReplyDeleteNon posso che essere d'accordo con te su tutto. E ti confesso che io credo di essere una delle poche che detesta fare i selfie.
Ho osservato questo dipinto e ogni volta confermo ciò che penso: hai la facoltà di stupirmi ogni volta.
Un abbraccio
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
grazie mille Maggie
DeleteThanks a lot :D Your support and All words are amazing <3
ReplyDeleteDay after day you keep more tallented!
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DeleteGreat post you have such a unique blog. I love your way :)
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please don't spam.
DeleteBaš si lijepo ovo napisala, slažem se sa svime rečenim. Meni je kultura selfie-ja zapravo užasno iritantna i površna, u tome apsolutno nema nikakve dubine ni promišljenosti, ali jedina dobra stvar jest što u današnje vrijeme zapravo imamo mogućnost dokumentirati vlastiti život, ljude i situacije koji nam nešto znače jer su fotoaparati na razne načine postali dostupni svima. No to je već zadiranje u jednu sasvim drugu tematiku :)
ReplyDeleteDivan portret, užitak mi je pratiti kako se razvijaš, kad sam danas vidjela onaj akvarel (ispravi me ako sam krivo zapamtila) na instagramu, ostala sam paf - samo nastavi, ideš u sjajnom smjeru! <3
Svakako se slažem da je pozitivno što su fotografi dostupni svima. Istina je da ih neki zbog toga uzimaju zdravo za gotovo ili koriste na krive načine, ali to se može reći za puno toga.
DeleteNa instagramu je zadnja objava akril....Zaokrenula sam malo medij, dugo sam samo s akvarelom radila, sada sam se malo uhvatila akrila za promjenu.
I do get what you mean :)
ReplyDeleteLet me just say that this specific illustration, the girl's look, really is deep!
thank you dear<3
DeleteI know that I probably said before that I found a huge growth on your painting Ivana. xx
ReplyDeleteCoco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin
thank you dear Marisa:)
DeleteSuch a nice post!
thank you
DeleteDear Ivana, as usually I agree absolutely to your thoughts! Communication is essential and we definitely need to look in the eyes of your counterpart ... not in our phones. And I think you are right: those artist most really have loved the women they illustrated! Today I love your painting of today, as usual. Have a happy weekend.
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
thanks Rena. Eye to eye contact is so important.
DeleteLove the unique accessory, Ivana! Very pretty, dear! xoxo
ReplyDeletethank you <3
Deletewow it's always a pleasure to read your post. Am 100% agree with what you say, there should be more soul communicating with each other rather than virtual communication, we are missing these emotions that someone can give. I love the part where you talked about vulnerability, it is something that is very important to me , i even asked this question in my interview i posted today. I really love the way you think.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all these amazing things.
Have a nice weekend, stay bless.
thank you dear....Virtual communication can sometimes be very limiting. Vulnerability is important, it is impossible to be open without being at least a bit vulnerable.
DeleteOH forgot to tell you that your drawing is so beautiful,and yes the eyes are the windows of our soul.
ReplyDeletethank you, thank you:)
DeleteI agree with you, dear Ivana, selfies are OK, but they are not deep and don't convey a real message. People now, on internet, are always bank directors, owners of mansions, with wish lists all the time, and that is not the real world, is it? To convey an image that is so shallow! I also agree than only when we are vulnerable we may show ourselves and above all, we learn a lot. I loved your painting, the eyes really show a deep expression. And yes, in the past paintings were so much better than a picture for a magazine - I mean, a magazine has cool pictures, but normally to sell something through a joyful image, but paintings, I guess, showed more sensitive approaches. Loved your post, as usual, dear Ivana, and I hope you have a very beautiful weekend! Hugs!
Thank you for your lovely comment. We do learn a lot when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable.
DeleteWow so beautiful!
thank you dear!
DeleteIt was interesting to read your take on selfies because I feel like I've been inundated with them from people recently on social media and that has really caused me to retreat even more. I think they're fine for the most part but i have to have that there is really no depth and therefore cannot really be used as a form of communication, I guess unless you're a self absorbed narcissist. I do find people who used their self images in 365 day art projects to be quite interesting though but then that is art and they are trying to convey a deeper meaning rather than just showing off.
ReplyDeleteBeautifl & well-done! :)
ReplyDeleteNati xx
DeleteBeautiful, Ivana! You're right on track to what you're trying to achieve with your paintings, they speak to me!
ReplyDeleteVery nice picture!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
thank you Anya!!!
DeleteSo lovely! Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteXx Caroline
bellissimo questo ritratto :)
ReplyDeletenuovo post <<< Iniziativa Actionaid per le donne >>>
buona serata, un abbraccio
Beautiful painting:) Happy weekend!:)
śliczny rysunek. :)
Very beautiful and inspirational painting, Ivana. I love your works))
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the weekend!
ReplyDeleteWe live in a very narcissistic society today, Ivana...it's sad but it's the truth. Selfies are everywhere and the length that some people go for the perfect selfie is crazy. Honestly the whole selfie trend is shallow...it conveys no other message other than 'look at me'.
ReplyDeleteI do agree:).
DeleteCondivido pienemante Ivana e ti dirò, io odio i delfie!
ReplyDeleteSai quanto ami le tue illustrazioni, questa donna ha degli occhi bellissimi!
Kisses, Paola.
DeleteLooks lovely :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend Ivana!
DeleteVery beautiful.
Questo ritratto è molto espressivo e sembra davvero che stia guardando chi lo osserva! Complimenti Ivana! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY
DeleteOvo je zahtevna tema koju si ti odlično obradila. Mnogi od nas se bore sa nezadoljstvom koje osećaju zbog svog izgleda, čak i zbog svog ponašanja. Ja sam imala ovakve probleme tokom čitavog odrastanja, a nestali su u kasnim dvadesetim. Nekako se poklopilo to sazrevanje i odrastanje sa "pronalaženjem " onog pravog, ako tako možemo uopšte da nazovemo tu osobu koja se pojavi onda kad shvatimo i prihvatimo sebe kakvi jesmo.
ReplyDeleteKathy's delight / Instagram
i ja se sa godinama sve ugodnije osjećam u svojoj koži.
DeleteI am glad to hear you are going to take up classes now, I see the potential in you, Ivana, and also a great passion. You have to learn to handle watercolor properly or you will end up in frustration sooner or later. I don't know if YouTube is a good source, tho. The future will tell. Ivana the first and most important ones in watercolor are graded washes and variegated washes. You need to start with it and practice it over and over again. I know it sounds boring, and frankly, it is, hahaha, but it is most important, otherwise you won't understand watercolor at all. If I can be of any help, feel free to email me privately.
latest look: Walking The Dog
thanks dear. I watch YouTube mostly to learn about fashion illustrating, I take classes to learn how to use different mediums. Right now, I'm more focused on acrylic paints, but I plan to practice more with watercolours when I get the chance.
DeleteYour paintings have life Ivana! I can see it when I look at them. You always do a great job.
thank you:)
DeleteGo for it Ivana! I'd be happy to see more paintings of you in the future! <3
Deletei think it is the first time that i see a girl on your paintings with red hair. this is a very interesting chance. i also like the way you set this rose on your paintings. i saw this before, but i still love it to see!