Details from my home/ Detalji iz moga doma
ingrediants : a package of mushrooms (500 grams I think), spices of your choice, 2 eggs and a cup of cheese. Preparation : I put the musrooms in a preheated oven(set on 150) for about 5 minutes and then I add low fat cheese and eggs (mixed together)...then I put it back in the stove for about 15 minutes and that is that. sastojci : jedno pakiranje gljiva ( 5oo grama mislim), dva jaja i šalica svježeg sira s malim udjelom masti. Priprema: stavim gljive u zagrijanu pećnicu (150C) na nekih pet minuta, a zatim dodam pomiješani sir i jaja...i onda sve ponovo stavim nekih petnaest minuta u pećnicu. If only everything would be as simple as preparing this dish. Kada bi barem sve bilo jednostavno kao pripremanje ovog jela. Buona domenica<3