
Showing posts from February 5, 2014

DIY necklace / Ogrlica koju sam napravila

I have made this necklace using satin cord, thread, old Christmas cookies, acrylic paint and nail polish. This photograph is the only occasion I have worn it for because I had given it away as a present just few days I after I had completed it. That happens pretty much with all the jewelry I make, I give it away as soon as I make it. Over the years I have left only a few pieces for myself but that only makes them more special.  From all the things I make, the canvases are the only things I have hard time parting from. Ovu sam ogrlicu napravila koristeći satensku traku, konac, stare božične kolače, akrilne boje i lak za nokte. Ova fotografija je jedina prilika za koju sam je nosila jer sam je poklonila par dana nakon što sam je napravila. To se događa gotovo svom nakitu kojeg izradim, poklonim ga čim ga napravim. Tijekom godina ostavila sam za sebe samo par komada, ali zato su mi posebni. Od svega što izrađujem, slike na platnu su jedino od čega se  nerado rastajem. 

Fashion illustrations / Modne ilustracije

skirts and wide trousers (coffee and pencil) inspired by Asia (pencil and marker pen) black is the new black ( acrylic paints) another day, another midi ( pencil and acrylic paints) Next post is going to be either a post about beanies or a new DIY necklace (I haven't decided yet). There will be a few photography posts by the end of the week. After that, I have no plans. There are many different things I like to post about. If you have any suggestions, I'd like to hear them. If you have a favourite type of posts, let me know which one it is. Sljedeći post će biti ili post o beanie kapicama ili o novoj ogrlici (još nisam odlučila). Biti će i par postova sa fotografijama do kraja tjedna. Nakon toga, nemam više planiranih postova, sviđa mi se objavljivati svašta nešto. Ako imate kakve prijedloge, slobodno ih iznesite. Ako vam se neka vrsta postova posebno sviđa, recite o kojima se radi.