
Showing posts from March 29, 2013

Hand painted Easter Eggs/ Ručno oslikana Uskršna jaja

Malo je rano za pituravanje (pardon bojanje) jaja, ali sutra putujem tako da sam se danas malo zabavila sa time. Još sam neke stvari izrađivala, ukrašavala i tako to...Što vam se čini? Nije zabavno ako ne uprljaš ruke:) Sretni blagadni! It's a bit early to be decorating the Easter eggs but I'm travelling tomorrow so today was the day to do it. Anyway, I always enjoy doing things like this so it was fun. What do you think? Happy holidays to you:)

no one is perfect/nitko nije savršen

Taking my photo while I'm blowing my nose is somebody's idea of fun (guess who it could be?)...and you know what? Considering how stressful the holidays can be( at least for those of us who try to make everyone happy) it may be a good thing to make fun of ourselves a little bit...After all, this is a pretty realistic photo since I really am blowing my nose all the time (damn that cold). So, here it is to the imperfection! Here it is to chipped nails and messy hair...and a perfect day I had last Sunday regardless of it all. This was taken while the boat (that took us to that little island you can see in the background) was arriving.