Rome (part three) / Rim (treći dio)
Here it is my final post about the eternal city and it covers my activities last Thursday. If you're interested in the time of day, you can see it on the photographs. The day started with the tour of the catacombs (inside it is not allowed to photograph but the outside is really lovely as well, especially those sheep behind my back) .....If you want to see what happened next...take a look. Evo mog posljednjeg posta o Rimu i možete vidjeti fotografije obilaska grada prošlog četvrtka, a ima i vrijeme ako vas zanima. Obilazak je počeo sa katakombama (u kojima se ne smije slikati, ali okolica je jako lijepa također, pogotovo ove ovčice iza mene), a što smo još vidjeli...Pogledajte na fotografijama.