Sketches of the day / Skice dane
I never underestimate sketches and doodlers. Sometimes they have a life of their own. They capture what I'm feeling at that moment. Sometimes they turn into paintings. Most often, they're tiny oasis of peace, composed of seconds but powerful enough to stop the time for on heartbeat and remind me ...Remind me of how hungry my hands are...burning to create, to wonder across that piece of paper free and inhabited. Nikad ne podcjenjujem skice i škrabotine. Ponekad one imaju vlastiti život. Hvataju ono što osjećam toga trenutka. Ponekad se pretvore u slike. Najčešće su pak, male oaze mira, sačinjene od sekunda, ali dovoljno snažne da zaustave vrijeme na trenutak i podsjete me koliko su zapravo moje ruke gladne stvaranja, žudne slobodnog lutanja po tom komadu papira.