
Showing posts from May 24, 2013

Hats (illustrations and snapshots)/ Šeširi (ilustracije i fotografije)

Baseball caps...don't know what it is about them but I love them. Do you like wearing hats? Anyway, the weather has been quite crazy like everywhere else it seems. Being rainy and cloudy, there really wasn't any reason to wear a summer hat, but hey why not do it for the fun of it? Rainy weather....Don't let it get you you and ...Have a wonderful weekend! Ne znam što je u tim šilericama ali ih obožavam, ...a vi? Volite li nositi ih?  Danas je bilo oblačno i kišno i zapravo nije postojao opravdani razlog za stavljanje slamnatog šešira na glavu, ali zašto da nas to spriječi?...Uglavnom, vrijeme je ovdje u Splitu kao i svudje čini se posve ludo....ali nedajte se smesti i uživajte u vikendu!