That is the saddest thing ...Najtužnije je....
" That is the saddest thing when you lose someone you love- that person keeps changing. And later you wonder. Is it the same person I lost? Maybe you lost more, maybe less, there are thousand things that come from imagination and you don't know which is which, which was true, which is false". Amy Tan, The Kitchen God's Wife " Kad izgubiš nekoga koga ljubiš, najtužnije je baš to što se ta osoba stalno mijenja. Kasnije se zato pitaš: je li to ista ona osoba koju sam izgubila? Možda si izgubila više, možda manje, deset je tisuća stvari koje ti naviru iz pamćenja ili mašte- a ti ne znaš što je što, što je istinito, a što lažno." Amy Tan, Žena boga kuhinje