
Showing posts from April 25, 2013

pletenice (frizura post)/braids (hair style post)

I've realized that I braid my hair...a lot. In fact, it is almost always braided. There is the practical side to it, I have heavy, thick and straight hair so it is a really convenient hair style for me. However, I also love the aesthetic aspect of it. What do you think about this trend? Do you braid your hair? Shvatila sam da pletem pletenice...često. U stvari skoro mi je uvijek kosa u pletenicama. Da, to ima i svoju praktičnu stranu, imam gustu, tešku i ravnu kosu tako da su pletenice idealno rješenje za moju kosu. No, sviđa mi se i kako izgledaju. Što vi mislite o ovom trendu? Pletete li svoju kosu?