Fashion illustrations of the day / Modne ilustracije dana
Today I'm sharing two fashion illustrations with you. Both of them are depicting what has been on my mind lately. They are a proof that I have been thinking about Autumn and Winter fashion, despite the warm temperatures that we had enjoyed so far. How do you like these illustrated designs of mine? Danas vam pokazujem dvije modne ilustracije. Obje prikazuju ono što mi se mota po glavi. One su i dokaz da sam razmišljala o jesenjoj i zimskoj modi, unatoč toplim temperaturama u kojima smo uživali do sada. Kako vam se sviđaju ove moje oslikane kreacije? Coloured coats(orange and mustard)/ Kaputi u boji (narančasti i boje senfa) watercolour/vodene boje my fashion illustration/ moja modna ilustracija