coffee on paper /kava na papiru Somewhere I've read about this technique of painting with coffee and I've decided to give it a try. So, if you're wondering what it might look like this would be about it. Supposedly people who do this sort of painting use all kinds of coffee (including cappuccino) but I did it with Turkish coffee (and besides wouldn't the milk that is in cappucino have a bad smell after a while?) Negdje sam čitala o tehnici slikanja kavom pa sam odlučila pokušati, ako vas zanima kako izgleda, to bi bilo otprilike to.... Čula sam da ljudi koriste svakakve vrste kave za ovo (uključujući cappuccino), ali ja sam to izvela sa turskom kavom ( pa zar ne bi kava sa mlijekom imala neugodan miris nakon nekog vremena)?