Denim and leather says.... Sunčan dan uz Neretvu
I woke up in Mostar today and the day was so sunny I had to go for a walk and take photos of Neretva (the river in the background). So I finally have found my perfect denim shirt...In my closet, the left over from my bro's adolescent years before he grow up to be NBA player kind of tall. What does the combination of denim and leather says to you? To me one thing: rock! Rock in the sense of that positive chaotic energy and carelessness I associate with this kind of music. Probudih se danas u Mostaru, a dan sunčan i krasan da ne može biti krasniji i naravno morala sam slikati Neretvu. Konačno sam pronašla košulju od jeansa, u svom ormaru, ostatak od vremena kad mi brat nije bio visok skoro dva metra pa je mogu preuzeti bez problema. Što vama kaže kombinacija jeansa i kože? Meni jednu star: Rock! U smislu te pozitivne kaotične energije i bezbrižnosti koju povezujem sa tom vrstom glazbe.